MasterChef – Qld food mystery box

This episode’s mystery box challenge has contestants creating dishes using Queensland’s finest ingredients.

I am picturing a lot of tropical fruit and seafood, maybe some beef.Surely someone will do the fried bananas rolled in cornflakes dish from MKR.



  1. Tonight’s MasterChef stars Tessa, who is in her home town. She’s using ingredients from Queensland, where she is from. Tessa is from Brisbane. Queensland. Where she was born.

    • Tessa is from Queensland? Really? That was obviously too subtle for me and I must have missed that 78 references to her hometown.

  2. I saw pork belly as I flicked from another channel. Top of Talking TV’s Poll for most tiresome MC dish.

    Watching Landline today , didn’t realise how pigs are slaughtered. Horror. I could become a flexitarian, the hippest lifestyle diet yet

  3. Waleed and Joe escape the edit again. Wish the fire team’s dishes had been tasted. Love pho.

    • I thought the fire team’s food looked great. And I love Vietnamese so probably would have ordered it too!

  4. Ok, Tati’s an idiot – the carry-on with the fireworks.
    She and Sandeep were useless – and since when is chilli con carne a USA disss (sic)?

    How were Larissa and Mother Hubbard supposed to know that the ovens were dodgy? Or were they expected to have expert knowledge of food trucks – seeing the Chinese team had no clue until told to use the deep fryers..
    The production team should go into elimination for incompetence.

    • Chili con carne is supposed to have originated in Texas and Mexico. However, Sandeep and Tati had no idea how to make a decent chili con carne. They should have made burgers.
      None of these teams have food truck experience. Wonder if anyone went over safety rules with them. Too bad about Larissa and Steph although wouldn’t mind if Steph is eliminated but not this way. Just seems unfair because I think their food looked good and they had a very long line.

      • Yes I felt really bad for them. All that work & all for nothing.

  5. What a painful episode, and not least because Abbey has taken over Leah’s role of “Dramatic and Unnecessary Gesticulations”. I am up to HERE (indicates sick-making level on neck) with Abbey’s narration.
    I really really dislike her and I do realise that she can actually cook, but candidly, I don’t CARE. I want Her Smugness carted off now.
    Also, as a small point, I see sweet chilli sauce more as a Thai condiment – yet Her Smugness confidently came out with sweet chilli for their sauce. The (low end!) Chinese places that I frequent have soy and oyster kind of sauce, sometimes a plum type one. The chilli I see at Chinese is a way hotter teensy little blob and not a beautiful bowl of sweet chilli!
    So cranky that their deep fried pork (Judge’s Favourite thing ever) and Derek’s spring rolls got them the win.

    • Derek was wrapping the spring rolls, frying the spring rolls and pork. Abbey not doing much.

      Just checking the recipe. The spring roll have vermicelli, which is a Vietnamese spring roll not chinese. Boo. Also didn’t make their own chilli sauce.

      With the American team, isn’t chilli corn carne a mexican dish?

  6. So basically we are doing “Asian Inspired” cuisine.
    Mind you, this was raved over by the very judges who suggested sunflower seeds on the British Baked spud, so standards are pretty low. Pretty sure that sunflower seeds have not ever featured on a traditional British menu!

    • George made the comment that the British team should have put sunflower seeds on the baked potato. WHAT???YUCK. I laughed at that comment. If someone had served me a baked potato with sunflower seeds I would return it. So if that team had added sunflower seeds then they wouldn’t have wound up going into elimination?? hahaha

      • They could have done some fancy sauce to “elevate” the spud -eg some truffle to impress the judges. I thought they would do scotch eggs or fish n chips but maybe they did not have fryers

    • He is getting a very positive edit Juz. I didn’t think he was all that great really, so probably a clear winner on my ability to pick ’em criteria!

  7. Ooh – the next mystery box will be fun to watch: It is the dreaded Everything Box, where contestants must use every one of the eight ingredients. They will have to be extra creative if they want to win a place in the next immunity challenge.
    So we can stop our whingeing about people only using one ingredient.

    • A personal favourite as it does force them to pay attention.

      Mind you, we have already had star anise ice cream this season. And IMO that is just a few short steps away from pork belly pannacotta with salted caramel fennel frond ice cream and crackling soil so I am not entirely optimistic.

    • Thank you, Maz. I did pretty well, although like the contestants I would have been thinking: “Is it a trick? Can I just say ham?” Also, being in SA now for a decade I would have to say fritz instead of devon.

  8. Wish there had been a vegan food truck. I don’t think most of them would have fared well with that.

  9. I cannot like this comment enough. How come I can only give it ONE like?
    I am vomiting in my mouth just THINKING of oyster mayonnaise. I would rather watch George eat. That’s how bad I think it sounds.

  10. I found it odd that the fire team were more concerned about their food being able to be served, than they were about the fire. Then George had to explain to them that fire extinguisher foam would have ruined the food, and the annoying one whined about how hard they’d worked. The whole truck could have gone up, ruining more than their stupid dish..

    At least they had enough sense to get out of the kitchen.

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