For the past month it’s been nothing but cricket and tennis on TV (I’ve been making the most of Stan’s 30-day free trial) but now it’s time for the annual bombardment of premieres of shows old and new.
Channel 10 is attempting to get ahead of the pack by launching the second season of I’m a Celebrity … Get Me Out of Here! – a whole 24 hours ahead of the other channels. It premieres Sunday, January 31 at the family-friendly timeslot of 6.30pm (check your local guide).
There’s meant to be an after-show on Eleven, hosted by Bachelor reject Heather Maltman and jungle reject Joel Creasey, but it’s not showing up as yet on Sunday TV guides.
The following night the other channels join the party.
Nine kicks off with Australia’s Got Talent and a new panel of judges: Kelly Osbourne (daughter of Ozzy and fashion commentator), Eddie Perfect (beloved by Offspring and Play School viewers) and Sophie Monk (remember when she was an unknown on one of Australia’s first reality shows, Popstars?). Hughesy is hosting.
The Farmer Wants a Wife, also on Nine, starts the same night at 8.45pm.
I suspect Channel 7 is where most of us will land on the Monday night for the return of My Kitchen Rules (with the first part of much-promoted Molly telemovie looking likely to air on February 7).
Backtracking a little here, but if you have time the previous Monday night (January 25) turn to the ABC for the Australian of the Year Special. Four finalists have been selected for each state and territory in the categories Australian of the Year, Senior Australian of the Year, Young Australian of the Year and Australia’s Local Hero.
If you’ve missed it no doubt you can catch up on iView or read more about the nominees at
Other shows due in February are Nine’s scripted comedy Here Come the Habibs! and the Australian episodes of If You are the One on SBS2. Wanted, the TV series Rebecca Gibney developed and in which she stars, starts in February on Seven. Over in Pay TV land, the excellent Selling Houses Australia returns February 3 on the Lifestyle channel.
Here’s a link to a Channel 7 ad for the MKR premiere and a few other shows that start the same day:
So, what will you be watching?
UPDATE: The Celeb after show is now appearing in the TV guides. It’s called Get Me Out of here now, runs 9.30-10.30pm this Sunday (check your local guide) on Eleven and is rated M for “Adult Themes or medical procedures, Coarse language”.

I’m here!!! Thank you Juz for setting up this site.
Hooray! The return of our fav shows and a place to talk about them – life is pretty good!
Yep, nearly time to say lovely things about a new set of contestants who can’t cook.
Hello, Liberty and Jayblossom! Thanks for dropping by. I’m ridiculously excited it’s working.
Not liking the format as MKR is still going down the path of nasty contestants. But I will still watch.
I remember last year thinking how horrific Ash was on MKR, but by the time a few others showed their true colours she was delightful in comparison.
It seems to be working well Juz – so glad you set it up.
As for MKR I hate that I’m being manipulated in to disliking Jessica before the show starts but they are portraying her as very unappealing.
Tanks Juz!!! <3
MKR is like an accident. You cannot take your eyes off. 🙂 But with every season since season 3 (the first I saw), I stopped watching after some time. It got boring and I think I will lose interest pretty quickly…
Welcome aboard, Zhee!
Yeah, thank you so much Juz. I would not have been able to do such a good job.
Woolif is working on my gravatar but even he is stumped. He has added the pic but reckons it is not clear what to do next. Nothing is happening.
Oh. There I am. In the sea.
I was wondering who everyone thinks are the celebs on IAC?
I am going for Matt Hayden as cricketer. Wayne Carey as AFL player. laine Bleachley for sports woman. Jimeoin , the comedian. Still working on the others.
Well that wasn’t meant to happen. i will have to swat the butterfly.
Ha ha all happening. Attention seeking??? Well it worked. ????????????????
I can’t even begin to guess the Celebs, but I suspect it will include a few we don’t know, then a few myeh types who we do know. But then during the show we will find the gems we loved such as Cameron and Freddie.
I read Shane Warne and Laurina are in.
I think they would both be funny, Littlepetal.
More name:
Akmal Saleh and Fiona O’Loughlin, Australian Idol runner-up Anthony Callea, surfer Layne Beachley, Studio 10 panellist Denise Drysdale and former Funniest Home Videos host Toni Pearen will be part of the cast this year. Bad Boy Brendan Fevola and Anthony Minichello also rumoured to be in
Shane Warne has categorically denied it 3 times I believe. I think he would be too wimpy. I am thinking the silver logie one is Mellissa George. Tina Arena also there I think.
Btw Juz how do we edit?
Thanks for the new site Juz!
I’m looking forward to I’m a Celeb. Hanging to see who the celebs are. Apparently Rhonda Burchmore outed herself as going on her Instagram.
Welcome, Erin! Everyone, a few people are having trouble joining us (as posted on RR). I’m just at work so can’t delve into it right now but do any of you have light to shed on why they may be having trouble with registration?
Hi Juz. I re-registered and seem to be in now! The problem for me was the password, and changing it. But all is good now and really looking forward to the next few months RR, it’s going to be fun – longing to see that awful woman on MKR for a start!
Sara – welcome! Excellent news.
Sara, if you were having the same problem you may be able to help Gabby, who emailed me this: I am having trouble registering, do we have to go through WordPress? I think I have registered with them years ago but my password won’t work and when I fill out to get a new one I don’t receive their email.
Think I was lucky after so many attempts.I cut ànd pasted the password given to me and then found my way around my profile and changed it. No way you,d remember the one you are sent☺ Has Dave found us?
That’s what worked for me too, sort of. It didn’t like my password and kept prompting me to use one that started with my email address. Finally I gave in and did that. Then voila!
And no, no need to go via WordPress
Hi Juz, thank you for the new site, I think I figured this out, The email was in my junk mail . I can’t wait for I’m a Celebrity, its fun thinking of who is going in. Don’t think it will be Denise Drysdale as she is doing Studio 10 and promised that it wasn’t her. I’m hoping for Anthony Callea, and maybe Bindi Irwin as has been rumoured.
Hi Pandy, I hope Bindi isn’t on IAC. She would put me off watching the show until she left. Anthony Callea would be ok.
Crikey, am I the only one who loves the Urwins? Oh well, it will have to just be my guilty secret. ????
Hi Pandy – you get a rose and can stay in the mansion another night … I mean, you’re approved to comment…
Can you please explain how to edit a post that has been posted and then you find a boo boo, thanks Juz?
Just noticed that there is no time displayed for when the post went up, just the date. Am I correct that the most recent post is at the bottom of the page?
Also, it used to be handy for the posts to be numbered, so that when you referred to a previous post you could just put “…@12”.
I know it has been a big deal getting this up and running, so I’m not expecting instant changes – just highlighting the things that were useful in case there is a chance to tweak the site sometime in the future.
Answered my first question just by posting! It’s at the bottom.
Fijane, I guess the fact that we can reply at the comment spot itself reduces the need for numbers for referral. Maybe?
I’m working on some widgets to enable editing (giving you a few minutes’ grace, a la RR page – should be working now but will only make new comments editable) and the numbering thing. I agree – numbers will make responding to others much easier. Keep the feedback coming, please!
I said it on another threat but, yeah Juz. Love the edit feature.
My goodness you are amazing. ????????????????????
It has been so long since I have participated in RR, I have forgotten how much fun it is. It’s good to be back!
Hi Sandii, me too, this is great thanks to Juz. Looking forward to a top year of shared television shows.
I will need to work out how to put a pic up. Not a big flapping butterfly like All Happening, the big showoff xx
Ha ha. Sandii.
I am still trying to get rid of the flapping butterfly but glad you finally mad it.
I can delete it if you really want, but it doesn’t bother me to leave it.
I need to work that out too Sandii! Could we have a “like” button please Juz, like they do on facebook? Very good work so far!
Trusty sidekick says he’s working on it. Sigh … I’d better buy him another choc mousse cake as a thank you present – it’s the only currency he recognises.
Pandy I went for a google on an avatar page and saved what I liked to desktop then headed to that edit my profile. From there I followed gravatars instructions. I think normal pics are too big a file without some editing. Hope this helps.
Pandy, we used an existing photo (from my gallery) and also follwed the instructions on gravitar. It might want you to use their suggested password…or part thereof. Woolif might have reduced the photo.
What will you choose? Andy Pandy? Star Trek? I figure you can have a photo of yourself as long as it is hard to recognize.
I was wondering if we could have a notify by email option (but only when you are ready) for when someone replies to your comment. I don’t want to accidentaly snub someone just because I didn’t scroll back and notice a reply.
Yes, I think that would be handy – will investigate. Am also thinking of creating a troubleshooting page with screen grabs of how to register, how to do an avatar etc. And I guess I’d better do a post for MKR chat in anticipation.
Juz, don’t burn out or wear yourself out. If it gets too much, and you need a rest, let us know. I hope you find it fun. And we better all send your hubby a chocolate mousse.
The shows I am most anticipating are Big Brother if they have it, I’m a Celebrity, Celeb Apprentice, Farmer Wants, When Love comes to Town (if they have it), & the US Bachelor/Bachette.
I will also continue my love of Judge Judy, and continue watching B&B and the rather unprofessional Dr Phil.
I will eagerly await the next series of Orphan Black, Real Humans ( please Danish gods, let there be more), and any other really good sbs series.
I hope some of the old gang find us, like CB, Dr T, Georgie, Joseph Skyrim, BakerBoy, Lola, Lizzie etc. I miss CB’s funny comments and pics.
Juz, talkingtv really did have a great launch. If this is how well you started, just imagine how great it will be once the shows start. Will you get some advertising now? That would be cool. TV shows might wnt to advertize with you.
Then you can earn some cash for your efforts!
Thanks, heaps, Daisy. It’s been a big learning curve but enjoyable. May look at ads in the future but I would have to notify my real job, I think, so am on the fence. Or I could build it up and sell to Zuckerberg lol… Monday is a big day for us: MKR starts AND my boy has his first day of kindy (which is what they call the year before “big school” here). I agree; would be good to have a few of the blokes especially come over. I posted at the end of each active thread on RR but as you know many of the threads had been disabled. I’m going to set up a basic Facebook page pointing to the site and Sidekick says I should embrace Twitter, as people tweeting about MKR may come for a look-see.
Juz my youngest, my son, starts Kindy Tuesday. Next week is exciting!
So are you going to recap MKR each ep or just have a thread for us to chat?
OMG, Juz. You are thinking big. Zuckerberg better watch his back.
Yeah, I was wondering how distracted you might be at work today. Tell hubby we all love him. ????????????
Bella and Juz, on the babies off to school : ???????????????? Crying mums.
Hi Guys!!
I found my way over to the dark side…
Great to be here! Thanks Juz for setting this up. Looks like RR is going a bit haywire at the moment-with masses of old comments disappearing/only allowing 30 per open post, which change daily. Bit of a bugger.
Too lazy to set up a pic at this point so a white outline it shall be.
No-I am not ready for the onslaught just yet!! Been enjoying the quiet for a bit, and the absence of fake RTV personas on MKR etc shoved down our throats daily. Also, thanks to Dave, once I had a peek on the new channel- 9Life, I’ve been occupying myself with that a lot. I particularly like Flip or Flop with Christina and Tarek. And some of the OTT personalities on Million Dollar Listing NY (Fredrick for one). Yes, I know, what did I just say about the absence of fake RTV personas. Well, being NY I actually believe them.
Might have a peek at IACGMOOH. Not sure I can stomach anymore MKR, although looks as if they have found some *interesting* characters (see it’s working already). I think I’m a bit Farmer wants a farmhand-ed out. Esp. when they start recycling characters from other shows. I love GBBO but don’t have foxtel. Boooo!!!!
Welcome, Calorie Loader! I’ve been watching a bit of House Hunters International on 9Life. A recent one was about Wagga Wagga, where my partner is from.
Hi there Calorieeee girl. Glad you hauled yourself over to the dark side.
Speaking of which, I have been watching The Returned, although it is sometimes confusing this season (who’s who). I eagerly await the return of Orphan Black to see what more surprises the girls and now their ‘brothers’ have for us, and what new characters the producers have to offer.
Thanks Juz! You’re doing a great job btw. I think I saw one of those-it was an occupational therapist looking for accommodation in Italy. I have been very intrigued by the tiny house movement. First they did building, now hunting. I actually think it’s a really good idea, esp. for those on the move, those wanting to downsize, and those who are finding it very difficult to break into property market in these times. Some are ridiculously small but there are plenty of cabin type options, and the scope to build up with two or three levels.
Thanks Daisy, great to be here!! I still have not yet seen any of the new TR due to the first two I missed-gotta catch-up first. I too look forward to OB with the brothers 😛
P.S. Daisy and Pandy, I love your profile pics!! Daisy having fun in the sun, and the owl with glasses is awesome.
That’s ’cause I love water, CL.
Hi CL!
George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces and another show, GC’s Small Spaces are good shows but we watch them on Fotel. Not sure if they are anywhere else! Some really imaginative reinvention of vehicles/boats/cabins into homes!
Hi Eliza,
Thanks for the recommendations. I will definitely keep an eye out. These shows demonstrating what great imagination and skill can materialise in using a small/unusual space are of great interest. Guess the old woman who lived in a shoe was ahead of her time.
Maybe one day it will grace FTA TV. There looks to be lots of great stuff on foxtel BUT I refuse to get it because I work my recorder like an Auschwitz pow, and I’m tighter than spanx on a BL contestant. Eventually a lot of things come to FTA TV so I shall wait it out. Unless of course it’s something like Breaking Bad and I just go ahead and purchase the box set.
Daisy, I guess this one is mostly for you.. Not sure anyone else over here now watches X Factor? I was at the shops today and walked past 2/3 of Brothers 3, twice. The middle one was missing but Tarzan and….. M.. something (the blonde one) were there. They must have just done a performance. I had to point them out to my mum, who I was with. She doesn’t notice people. They were quite short in person, with back sides that more than rivaled mine. I saw them again when we walked past a cafe. The young blonde one gave me the eye.. had to look like I wasn’t looking at them! He either knew I knew who they were or thought I was checking him out… :S
Well firstly, young Eliza, when one of the Brothers Three gives you the eye, that is not an opportunity you pass up. Would it have been to much to ask for you to have thought of a quick pick up line. You do actually have etchings at your place, right?
Secondly, when you say their bums rivalled yours…and we haven’t seen your bum…..we are still left non the wiser….yet now somewhat intrigued. ????
If I saw B3, I would definitely say hello. And I would tell them how cute they are and how much I voted for them to win.
Haha.. I feel old enough to be their mother. Ok, way off.. but they were only like 18-20 odd, right? It may just have been that I noticed them, did a double take, and with a huge laughing smile exclaimed quietly to my mum.. “hahahahaahahaa it’s Brothers 3”. I am not a pick up artist.. Way too shy! I am clueless to it all.
If I had told them how cute they were, I think they would have got the wrong idea 😉 They have very feminine bodies.. so larger bottom halves and very bottom heavy. Different to most guys.
Ih Eliza, at 61 years I still would have hit on them, but only in a nanna way, not a cougar way. I would have pinched their adorable cheeks ( not bum cheeks) and ruffled Tarzan’s curly hair. Then I would have invited them obver for a hootenany, figuring if you don’t ask, you don’t get.
If you ever visit Eliza, I will teach you how to go up to hot guys. I haven’t been shy since I was … I have never been shy.
Oh oh. Poor Brooke. Alone for Christmas. Boo boo. Maybe if their kids weren’t at ‘boarding school’ 365 days of the year.
Do you want a B&B thread, Daisy? It’s easy to do.