I’m a Celebrity general chat

It starts this Sunday at 6.30pm, so get ready to discuss here.

Is Rhonda Burchmore one of the celebs? She’s been in the New York blizzard for the past few days, according to social media.


Is Warnie going in? He keeps denying it but the reports are coming thick and fast. Plus he could do with the cash for his charity. Hopefully on Sunday night we can say “yeah, yeah” – he’s in.

Thinking of growing my hair long again like this ? Thoughts ? #advancedhair.

A photo posted by Shane Warne (@shanewarne23) on



  1. I don’t really mind who goes in. There is still sure to be some fun.
    Who I might like to see: Amanda Keller, Larry Emder (no chance of either).

    Who I do not want to see: Ben Norris, or the Ginger Cockroach. Well maybe I would like to see them ….under a load of spiders and toger poo.

  2. Amanda Keller would be awesome – she’d just suck it up and get on with it – none of this refusing to eat bugs.

  3. Brian Mannix wiki page has been showing him as contestant for the past 3 weeks. Mis-direction, I’m sure. Singer likely Anthony Callea. Hollywood star has me thinking. People speculating on one of the Hemsworth bros. They wouldn’t have the budget!

  4. The first time I watched the ad and it showed a singer, I totally thought the short legs and shoes belonged to Anthony Callea!

  5. I have been watching the BBL so have been totally inundated with ads for this, like ch7 do for MKR during the tennis, making me hate these shows with a passion..

    The cricket commentators have been making their speculations and they reckon Warnie will go in. How horrible! Freddie Flintoff grew on me after initially wishing he’d go back to the jungle and go away.. how mean.

    Agree no budget for the Hemsworths! How about Miley and Liam..

    • Freddy was my favourite Eliza! I don’t think Warnie would go in there.
      I love the surprise of opening night when you have no idea who’s going in.
      My hope is that it’s a little more natural this year and a little less set-like. But that’s not really IAC’s style.

      • Yes, Freddie was so funny and adorable. And yes, it will be exciting to see who they get.

        • Yes, I changed my opinion of him vastly. He had a bromance with Mark Waugh and it was adorable! Love a good bromance!

    • Not Miley. Forget spiders and snakes. A torture would be just to have to listen to her voice. They would be begging to leave Miley and the camp to be covered in elephant poo.

  6. I heard somewhere there was an international food blogger….I am calling it ! Matt Preston

  7. Lots of people have Denise Drysdale and Toni Perrin as going into but they were both on studio 10 yesterday morning so unless it was pre tapped, I would assume they would all be in South Africa by now.
    Agree about Shane Warne, I reckon he might drop in for a challenge or something.
    I really hope the food blogger is not ‘resting bitch face’ from the bachelor!
    Ben Norris is on breakfast radio up North Queensland, unless he is taking a break at the moment?
    I did spend a bit of time yesterday looking for spoilers but now kinda thinking I might avoid them so I am surprised!

    • I was thinking the same thing about Denise Drysdale. Chris & Julia were on The Project tonight & said the celebrities were in lock down, so not sure how long they’ve been there.

      Last year there were rumours about Warnie too & one of the shows had a joke with him where he sat at a table & they served him bugs or something & he ran screaming & swearing from the room. But according to the rumours this year he has it in his contract not to eat spiders as he has arachnophobia. That doesn’t seem fair, didn’t one of them last year have a fear of heights & still went up on that bridge for a challenge?

  8. I just saw an ad for the project and they have a British comedian who tends to misbehave. Was that a hint? His name is Jimmy Carr.

    • Oh yeah, wasn’t there a clue about a comedian who has called Aus home? I haven’t been paying much attention but I did think of Arj Barker? Btw, I won’t even watch the show but love the guessing game!

      • Last year’s show was good, but they had some gems; namely Freddie Flintoff, Cameron Daddo and Marcia, Marcia, Marcia. And funnily Julie Goodwyn was OK too.

        • Yes, actually sad I missed Freddie now. My hate turned to love. I think I just missed it a lot. Wasn’t used to switching to ch10 at the time it was on and just forgot!

    • Hi AH, Jimmy Carr is way too famous in the UK and hosts several panel shows so it won’t be him.

  9. Hello everyone! Long time no read. I leave home (for a cruise) the day this starts… so I’m taping it to binge watch when we get home in 3 weeks time. I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t had time to guess who might be going in. I do like the idea of Matt Preston though. He would be the “Merv” of this season. I would like to get to know him better than we do from Masterchef. He was on something recently (can’t remember what) and he was quite funny. We’ll see I guess.

    • Hi Carol Without the E – glad you made at aboard. Hello and bon voyage! Where are you going?

      • We go to Sydney on Sunday… meet up with some UK friends we met on our honeymoon… and then we are all off to New Zealand. We are going on Celebrity Solstice… and we have a balcony cabin on the hump – right in the middle of the X. So exciting!!

        • Cooeee, Carol. Have fun. It’s nice to get a peek at your smiling face.
          I am glad you are going super deluxe. Enjoy. And send us some picks from NZ. Preferrably one of you nude in a geyser. ????

          • Hi and welcome Carol WTE, my parents went on a Cruise from Syd to NZ last year! Have fun!

          • Hi Carol! My grandparents have done an NZ cruise from Syd too last year or so. They enjoyed it. I love NZ.. hopefully you get a nice day for Milford Sound. When I visited we had the worst storm they had had in the area for 20 years.. literally had to hold onto the rails if you dared go outside so as to not get blown away! Made for some beautiful waterfalls, though. Trust it was the only rainy day I was over there!

            Brilliant cabin! Oh if you can go on day trips.. the roads around Queenstown are SUPERB!!!!!!!!!

  10. Read on News.com.au that Shane is going in, is being paid 2 million, and one condition is that he doesn’t have to go near a spider!

    • I saw that too Sara. If it’s true I hope they bury him with spiders for a challenge. Too much money, too much tan, better be entertaining….

    • Seeing his charity is sailing in murkier waters each day I wouldn’t be surprised Warne might want the money.

      I read somewhere that no matter where one is in the world, there’s a spider within eight feet. I saw a rather large African tarantula just last night on tv.

      • I just read your comment, BDD and next thing I look up and there is a white tail crawling across the cornice on the opposite side of the room..

    • So maybe I called it? If so, should I get my bets in now? Who with? Bet 360.. Sportsbet.. TAB.. William Hill……. 😉 😛 We’ll see how I go with Arj too and I might be onto a winner!

    You may already know this but they unveiled the ‘international comedian’ who will be going in today on radio. Is it Jimeoin? Is it Michael Mcintyre? Stephen.K.Amos? Get out! It’s not Bill Bailey surely……………………………..
    It’s Will Anderson.

    To be fair he took the piss out of himself and said if you’re half decent most comedians get to NZ and that’s enough to be called international.

    • Phew.. lucky I didn’t place my bets! (on a side note, I have never placed a bet)

      Oh my gosh if it was Bill Bailey, I would have watched fo shizzle..

      • I heard overseas ‘international’ funny man! who now makes Australia his home – I’m not up on these funny people as quite honestly I don’t find them all that funny – sorry 🙂

    • He’s booked to start his Adelaide Fringe festival shows on Feb 29, so how will that work? Unless he’s presumed he’ll be an early boot.

    • OK, so I will have to google Will Anderson. I am thinking I should know who he is. The name rings a bell. ????

      Juz, I ???????????? that we can use emos here.

    • Thanks Juz, Oh yeah I do often watch Gruen. He’s OK. A bit ‘myeh’. Why couldn’t it have been …say…Lee Mack (except that he mumbles and I miss half his jokes). Or Ruby Wax, Jennifer Saunders, one of the Little Britains. You can tell I ???????????? Brit comedy.

      • I haven’t really been a fan of his in general-esp. wasn’t keen on the Glass House, but he was down to earth and funny on the radio and might be a good fit. I like his tweet 😛

        Lee Mack for sure Daisy. I think Shane (stripped of botox, filler, makeup box) and Rhonda will be very interesting. Can’t wait!!
        Not sure if I can take the claw for another season though-she’s at it already in the ads.

        • You and me both then on “the claw”, Caloreeee. I figured you meant JM.
          Honestly, I think Julia really seems a nice person and I am sure she would be fun to go out with, but I just don’t like her TV humour. And the cougar act is kind of weak, imo. I cringe at her, like someone fringing at dad jokes or Hey Dad ( which has even more reason for cringing now), or “who’s the comedienne” on the midwife.

  12. Wonder how Rhonda will look without all her makeup etc – she looked so different after the work she had done – and Warnie with no fake tan or hair product – oh goodness, can’t wait! Two more sleeps

  13. A TV star – this 90″s star, household name was also a chart topper.
    Craig McLaughlin came to mind.
    And AFL superstar with headlines on & off the field – Wayne Carey.

    • Well that makes me think of other possibilities: Jason Donovan or Natalie Imbruglia. Or even Natalie Braisingthwaite. She would drive everyone in the camp nuts with her screaming.

    • The AFL star could be Brendan Fevola. I’d LOVE Lee Mack as the comedian! I heard that they’re putting in a bit more opinionated/opposite type of people in this year. I hope so. I like to be entertained! Not that I didn’t enjoy the last series!

  14. Maybe the 90s star chart topper is Melissa Tkautz – remember the show E Street and her song Read My Lips? I reckon the international comedian is Akmal. I looked at the websites of Ross Noble, Wil Anderson, Arj Barker and a few others and they all have tours in February. Akmal, however, has nothing til April.

    • It said in the paper this morning that it is Will Anderson Juz. Who knows it also said Denise Drysedale but she was still on Studio 10 this morning. I thought they would all be in lockdown in SA by now.

    • Actually, I think Erin@7 could be right with Toni Pearen. I didn’t know she already hosted a show for Channel 10, and she did act and sing in the 90s.

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