How skinny is Pete? Does Manu have enough sauce? This is the place to chat about MKR disasters (remember the bought curry paste?) and triumphs. The new season starts Monday, February 1 on Seven.
So, who is the new judge? There’s a bit of chatter it may be Rachel Khoo. If you watch the new SBS food channel you’ll see her Kitchen Notebook shows.
Here’s the promo (love the dress):
And here’s a link to her website with some photos of her. What do you think?
And here are the team blurbs as per the official MKR website (here’s the link What, only one SA team this year? Are Adelaide cooks holding out for MasterChef?
QLD: Best mates Alex and Gareth are almost each other’s shadows. From Mackay, they live together on the Sunshine Coast and both work in fly in/fly out mining jobs. And these 25-year-olds have both been saving in the hope of chasing a food dream in the near future.
QLD: Hailing from Brisbane, sales/marketing manager Cheryl and student Matt are used to people misinterpreting their relationship. Mum-of-one Cheryl, 50, has been happily dating 26 year-old Matt for the past 18 months and says he won her over with his chicken Caesar salad.
QLD: For Nelly, 25, it was love at first sight when she met her new boss JP, 30. Luckily, after leaving the job love blossomed along with a healthy appreciation of nutritional food. Now “tea obsessed” Nelly wants to wow the MKR dining table with her tea-infused menu along with some help from her beau, who just happens to be the son of a French chef.
VIC: Facebook is to thank for Jessica and Marcos following their food dream and applying for MKR. Childhood friends, they lost touch after Jessica, 30, moved. But these old Sydney school friends reconnected online and discovered their shared love of healthy eating after Marcos, 29, also migrated to Melbourne. Now they’re ready to rattle the competition with their raw and nutritious menus.
VIC: Siblings Mitch, 21, and Laura, 19, may be the youngest cooks in the competition, but you won’t find many teens dishing up offal quite like these pair. Avid fans of nose-to-tail cooking, they are inspired by the great produce surrounding their rural Mornington Peninsular home. Both students, they are yet to decide where their future lies but the lure of the kitchen is hard to resist at times.
VIC: Siblings Tasia, 26, and Gracia, 24, can fight like the best of sisters, but they say it only fuels their passion in the kitchen. After growing up in Indonesia, India and Australia, these homely cooks have very big international influences on their cooking style. Just don’t tell anyone they fear they can’t cook rice without a rice cooker!
VIC: Newlyweds Gianni, 27, and Zana, 24, don’t do things by halves. About to open their own law firm in Melbourne, these high achievers have the MKR title in their sight. And they aim to win it while educating viewers on traditional Montenegrin food.
SA: Mum-of-two Rosie, 37, and best friend Paige, 34, love nothing more than a gossip in the kitchen. There they are happy to experiment with creating flavourful healthy food and with a wine in hand they can “solve the world’s problems”. The next step in their future is a wedding event company for Rosie, and a providore for Paige.
WA: After meeting each other two years ago, Nev and Kell found they shared a passion for food. Nev, 48, a control room attendant, thinks it’s the “duck’s nuts” to be on MKR. No need for prize money, he would’ve done it just for the apron says cleaner Kell, 44.
WA: Anna, 55, was destined to have one of her four sons grow up to be her sidekick in the kitchen and Jordan, 23, is happy to take up the role. Although her young apprentice has a few of his own ideas on making Anna’s traditional Maltese and Italian dishes a tad healthier.
NSW: Workmates Sarah, 26, and mum-of-four Monique, 33, bonded over their love of food in their stressful office. As police officers, work is serious and coming home to cook is a good relaxer for these two.
NSW: Luciano, 49, was one of the first people Martino, 48, met when he moved to Australia 11 years ago. After dancing the night away at Mardi Gras, they became instant friends and began throwing Italian dinner parties showcasing authentic dishes for their lucky friends. Now as they approach 50, they are ready for a big change and cooking just might be the answer.

My guess the guest judge is Rachael Khoo. She will only be in the 3rd group of contestants.
Oooh Littlepetal I always look forward to your inside goss and super snooping! You are the lady in the know when it comes to MKR & Masterchef!
Rachel Koo is doing a book signing in Melb on the 15th March so she is in the country.
I have a feeling it’s Donna Hay
I heard from this reliable source that it’s Nigella Lawson.
Glad you made it, BDD. We were beginning to worry you’d been washed away in the deluge on Fri.
Well howdy doody BDD!! We’ve been wondering about you! Glad to see you. The best thing is now you can be totally witty AND have supporting documentation by the way of photos etc. Happy Days!
Is that your doggy? He is cute!!!
Oh that’s right. Use the dog. I bet Iggy wins the most likes today. ????????????????
Glad to see you arrived…and made an entrance with Iggy, Dave. ????
Hmmm. The smiley face icon translates as a grimace.
I tried to give Iggy a like, but they don’t seem to be loading today.
So here it is. ????????????????
Try again, Daisy – just worked for me. Took a minute for my avatar pic to appear, though.
No NRL players over here for my little dog to be concerned about.
Hi Juz
Thanks for the website and the work.
Facebook detective logged the new judge as Rachel Khoo because the bracelet the ‘mystery judge’ is wearing has been spotted before in RK pics.
Thanks for joining us. Ah, how clever!
Nigella has just been in Sydney…..
although it doesn’t look like her body shape.
She’s contracted to 10 for MasterChef.
I wish I’d just been in Nigella….
Still your naughty self I see, Dave.
Good to see you here, mate.