1. Yes, Juz. It’s only 5.30pm here but I will be all over those cockies tonight. 😙😙😙😙

  2. I hope Matt doesn’t fall for April. Not once did she look him in the eye when she was sooking. I read somewhere she is a model and ex gf of Shane Van Gisbergens the race car driver. In the club with Tehan and company.
    Both girls should run and run fast from Lachlan. What a rude aggressive creep he is.
    Talking of creeps, Lance showed his insensitive creepy side again.

  3. Tonight I will do a photo recap of Farmer.
    And it’s the night they bring in “the big guns”….family.

  4. thinks his girls need a spruce up, and takes them to get the third degree by the local hairdresser.

    • These producers are doing a great job at painting him as the cold creep!!! He doesn’t attend to the girls when they need their hands warmed, sends them to the spa to pretty themselves up, tests their cooking skills and then HAS THEM SPIED ON!!! Don’t want to know the test the gel has to undertake on the 24 hour date!!! Still #TeamAdam.

  5. Hayley doesn’t want to get too attached. And she doesn’t want to use the word “sexy”.

  6. Jedd takes his girls to mini-golf. Hmmm.
    Kerry doesn’t want a friend and Samantha wants to get dirty and wet.
    Jedd says something weird about still having his skin on, then wins the game.

  7. Up in the north of WA is where all the sexual tension and sexual inuendo is happening. We are reminded of my favourite Amelia’s departure …..

  8. Such an unbalanced episode again! They need to work on their editing/not waste so much time/add in an extra 20 mins and make it a 90 min show per week 🙂 We still really have such a limited idea about any of the women.. I mean girls!

    I agree with all your points, AH.. came on to say the same things! I don’t think April is for real, I mean, they can’t even put her real job title on screen.. promo model. She just wants to raise her profile is my gut feeling. Matt easily falls for the emotional sob! He seems really genuine but I am not sure about the girls. It is hard to really believe people on RTV shows though as it is always revealed that most are there for some ulterior motive rather than to find luuurrrrvveee.

    The family/friends meet n greets were so ho-hum.. some didn’t even have any friends or family meet the girls..? We just got a Lachlan OVERLOAD! And yes, AH, they should both run for the hills. I couldn’t believe how quickly he got on the defensive and became SO rude and aggressive. Wowza! He was quite scary. They always made Clare out to be the argumentative one on Married at First Sight…

    I think that Megan (is it Megan?) on Team Julz has been watching too much Burning Love with her hose comment while cleaning the tractor.. innuendo much?? Haha!

    Jedd and his girls were having fun reenacting that Paris Hilton burger ad!! It was creepy how they had him sit back with this beer watching. He does seem like an only child.

    Agree, that whole scene with Lance was just awkies!! So set up, so silly and so insensitive!

    We didn’t get much from my fave tonight 🙁 BUT I think we learned why Adam isn’t into warming others’ hands, he is always warming his! Is it a nervous tick? He is always rubbing his hands together. I didn’t like the hair dresser set up… why does he have to test them/why are the producers making him test them.. he already got to test their cooking skillz!! We didn’t get much from the friends meet n greet other than that his bff’s outspoken wife prefers the more outspoken girl.. because she finds him “sexually attractive”. I wanted to find out what Adam’s nana thought!!!

  9. Julz days he only has to get on top of two girls now. They have to scrub his tractor.

    • I think the girl with the red hair and glasses might just be in it for the win. Could she be a “bunny boiler?”!!!!!

    • Aviator sunglasses and a fit body just won’t cut it Lachlan. You need to have a personality, a sense of humour, a smile, kindness and not be tied to Mummy so much.
      Make your own decisions.

  10. Nana Adam.. this explains A LOT!! (not really nana Adam and no offense intended)

  11. I wonder how much editing went into Married At First Sight. Geez Louise, didn’t Clare have a lucky escape.

  12. Lancie takes Suzie out on a date leaving Lisa feeling like the third wheel. Suzie is going to work her magic and Lancie is going to spoil his lady.

  13. It was all going so well, until the horses decided to do a Lorraine….and Karen, and leave.

  14. Matt takes April to the gym for a workout. Lachie and the girls get on with preparing for a party. The girls meet the mum and gran. No catfights. Just a bit of salad making and chit chat, on the same verandah where he got naked for the massage in the last episode.

    • Nanna is like Ollie the Olympic octopus and points a tenticled arm at “the blond one”.

  15. Then Jedd’s mum, Jill (Jedd and Jill…weird) grills Jedd’s girls in the kitchen, and gives them both the tick of approval.
    Now Julz and the girls have scrubbed up and headed to town…or “tyaown(Aussie twang) as our voice over girl says it. It’s a normal night at the boozer and Julz is still open.
    Adam looks worried. Consternation I would say is the look on his face. And now Adam’s girls discover that Sharnie, the hairdresser was a secret undercover agent.
    Damn! Busted!

    • Jess is another man that needs to cut those apron strings, and stop relying so much on Mum’s opinion. Maybe Mum has the final say on any woman he meets, and that is exactly why he is still single.
      The whole golf, and car washing thing was embarrassing to watch.

  16. Woh, Lance. A bit rough. Walking in holding Lisa’s hand. But Suzie pretended to not care.

  17. Out in the Pilbarra, April is ready to fight. She takes a leaf out of Gabi’s book and turns on the vulnerability. Hmmm. Good job April. Mighty fine work. 💝💝💝💝💝

    • Talk about crocodile tears.
      She mentioned something along the lines “only today did I realise” what she really meant was “well only today I saw you kissing Gabi, and that you have feelings for her, so I knew she couldn’t have you, and the longer I am on TV, the longer my prospects of someone seeing me and wanting me for “glamour” work”.

    • The photo reminds me a lot of a scene in Wolf Creek~ except Lachie’s not acting.

    • Well, well, didn’t Lachlan show his true colours? Run ladies, run.
      Maybe he wants the dark hair girl, but Grandma has spoken, and given her thumbs up to the blonde.
      Maybe Claire didn’t get it so wrong afterall.

      Is it me, or did Channel 9 make a BIG mistake with bringing Lachlan back? I see no personality whatsover in him. He never smiles, and I’m afraid he relies too much on his Grandma and mother for their opinion. Cut those apron strings, and make your own decisions.

      • Lachlan is as much cockhead as cockie. Just sayin’. I hope he doesn’t find a root or sell the farm.

  18. DAISY! haven’t watched or read a comment yet on FWAW but wanted to let u know that Meep contacted you on the RR site and left a message!

  19. FYI.
    An excerpt from Clare Tamas, Lachie’s wife on Married at First Sight, on Mamamia site.

    “I’ve seen a glimpse of the Lachlan I know all too well in the FWAW preview. The producers of MAFS never showed this. Lachlan won’t hesitate to start an argument and twist facts… all you can do is learn not to bite and walk away.

    But honestly? I was walking on eggshells and never knew when a landmine was going to go off. No wonder people thought I was unstable. I wasn’t, but it wasn’t a healthy, stable relationship at all.”

    Read more at http://www.mamamia.com.au/clare-on-lachlan-from-farmer-wants-a-wife/#C49YWT63bvwIWAUr.99

    • Thanks for that link Why. It really gives insight into that moron. I hope the girls get out unscathed and his farm doesn’t sell. Sure is an extreme sales campaign.

  20. It looks like FWAW editors/producers are cutting Julz and Lachlan out of the show a bit as though they can’t get enough interesting footage.
    Where are the catfights?

    • I felt like we saw so much of Lachlan last night.. he and his family were on a lot. Then his attack on poor Kelly.. I really hope that Belinda sees sense.

      Agree with your above comment, Why about bringing him back. I can never understand ch9’s reasoning.

    • He was kissing and cuddling with Belinda during the family visit, who was his Nana’s fave. Kelly either actually saw it or the producers tipped her off so she asked Lachlan to chat and she brought it up. She was just wanting to get a better idea of what his feelings were toward her and whether he liked Belinda. WELL! I mean, we didn’t see the whole convo, but Lachlan was still so rude and aggressive. He just got really defensive.. wouldn’t just say “yes, we kissed” and tried to dance around it. Then just declare basically that “well, seeing as you have questioned me about this, I do like Belinda then.. I like Belinda” and accused Kelly of poor behaviour and being out of line.

      • Lachie’s biggest problem seems to be that he’s not someone else. More cockroach in him than cockie.

  21. Thank goodness for a farmer who finally made up his mind and told the truth. Lachie raised himself in my opinion in this episode, whereas Matt dropped lower than Lance. Such sleazy behaviour leading both women way up the garden path. He needs to learn some self-control.

    Very dangerous, relying on mates’ opinions rather than your family.

    • I imagine that some farmers don’t have family nearby, or their family might not want to go on tv so producers will bring in the friends.
      But really, I don’t know people who ask either friends or family who they should marry.

  22. I thought Lachie’s reaction was a bit scary.

    As for Matt kissing the girls, it looked mutual. The girls looked like they well wanted zoom in for the pucker up. I think it wasn’t their first rodeo. After all, it is a dating show.

  23. Lachie was being extremely aggressive in my opinion. He is just a sleaze.
    I could see Matt seemed really stressed in the situation he was in. I wonder how much pressure producers put on the farmers and the girls to play a role? Adam, Jedd and Matty all come over as sweet hearts. There really isn’t any of the girls that I feel is real in this series. These shows have been spoiled by the grid girl/wanna be girls doing the rounds.

  24. Scary and aggressive were my initial reactions to Lachlan’s behaviour as well. He just turned it all on Kelly. His mum and nana should do all women a favour and keep him to themselves. He is a danger maybe not necessarily physically but definitely mentally.

    That’s my thought too, AH.. the producers develop “characters” out of them all. There aren’t many “real” people left on RTV these days. It is all a show and a shot for fame.. but my gut feels that Matt, Adam and Jedd at least seem as real as they can get. Agree, not sure about the girls either.. something rubs me the wrong way about most of them. It’s a shame as this show seemed to be the one that really had some successes!

  25. Oh no. Poor Jedd has no votes. I bet he would win on preferrences.
    Sending Grannie Clampett love for Jedd. And I could set Lancie up with my mum. She won’t mind a pat on the bottom.

    • Jedd has a vote now! Did you get Grannie on??

      Poor Adam.. still just on my vote. I would vote for Matt too but I could only pick one. I think Matt will end up the popular fave at the end of it all. He’s got the charisma and likability factor unlike the other one who desperately wants fame!

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