1. Callea and Warnie have a little tรชte ร  tรชte on who might win. They determine that neither Jobeth or Val will be in the last three and that Laurina has no chance. Although Anthony has a bit more insight on the voting public than Shane.

    Then Cllea does his trial.

  2. Anthony was trying to think of a word to describe the Chief. Clearly he doesn’t like “nice”.

    Yet he didn’t mind this. One of the scary critters in the tucker trial.

  3. Yay! A great reason to brag about not needing to titivate in the jungle. Jobeth gets smug. “I don’t want to glamourize”.

    • There was a scene that didn’t make the show but they showed it on I’m a celebrity now. JoBeth & Laurina & a couple of the guys were walking back to camp. Laurina left the mirror & JoBeth waits till she’s half way back & calls out to her. As Warnie pointed out it was unnecessary & bitchy. She could have just picked it up herself.

      • Yes. It’s the drooling over another opportunity to pounce that is horrible. It’s as though they love it when she fails as a person in any way so they can be morally superior again.

      • Thanks for that Carole. I am glad Warnie stuck for Laurina for a change.
        That’s what I said the other day, I’m sure JoBeth is still having shots at Laurina but channel 10 are preferring not to show them as much.

  4. And a good excuse for Callea. Of course I agree with you Anthony, but you’re still bitchy. Anthony goes, “Ha ha”.

    • Did you see the filthy looks he was giving her when she came walking through with her hair extension. If looks could kill, she would have been well dead.

      • I don’t think the hair extension was a big deal, it didn’t hurt anyone and gave Laurina something to do and something for us viewers to watch as all the others are boring. She can’t do anything right, Val can get away with a lot more rudeness than her but that’s okay because she’s old! The producers should have rigged the votes and kicked her out instead of Dean.

        • That’s what I think. You have to do something to pass the time. She’s not murdering babies. Of course I myself would prefer a pack of cards or a sketch book, but the Lurina also brought in one of the smartest luxuries. They have had so much use out of that couch, even as a floatie. I think the scissors that Anthony brought was also a smart choice. No one bagged out Courtney (that we saw) for bringing and wearing false eyelashes, and they were just as impractical.

  5. And yes, Laurina is giving them good reason. The jungle isn’t for beauty treatment. It’s for bitching about your fellow campers.

  6. The last man standing on this trial wins $10 000 for their charity. Val was first out then said, “Get stuffed”.

    • Val is just being a nasty bitch lately. They all make excuses for her because of her age. She knew the deal when she agreed to do the show. It reminds me of Dionne Warwick when she was on US Celebrity Apprentice, she was a similar age to Val & was a rude obnoxious bitch & they all tiptoed around her & made excuses for her because of her age. She was arguing with Marley Matlin & yelled at her interpreter that it was nothing to do with him. He spoke for her because she is deaf & cannot hear. That’s how ignorant she was. Being old is no excuse for being a rude bitch. They are all in the same boat. Even when they’re trying to help her she gets shitty with them & abuses them. I hope she goes next, put her out of her misery.

      • Who is even voting to save Val? I was amazed that she even had fans in the camp over Prisoner. Firstly because it was ages ago, and secondly because even back then she wasn’t someone you would think would have fans.

        BTW the dutch have cloned meat. I will let my clone daisy eat it. Otherwise pass. But no doubt if they marketted it they would find a way not to label it. If they clone an egg, that would leave Warne and Callea even more confused to how eggs are made.

        • She is one nasty old lady. Being elderly doesn’t give you an open ticket to treat others like shit. I think she feels like she is some Prima Donna or the likes because of Prisoner.

  7. And Val gets a forced upgrade from chef to vice captain because she was such a dragon that she could light the fire just by breathing on wood. Val thinks the other campers won’t like it. But the other campers heave a sigh of relief.

    Fitzy will be on IAC tomorrow…in disguise. I would have liked him as a celeb.

    • I have to warn you I loved Fryzee/ now Fitzy in the BB house so my fingers are crossed that he does well in the jungle.

  8. Ha ha. “We gotcha, Man”.
    I don’t know how the campers didn’t burst out laughing”.

    • That was hilarious, they got him good. I knew when they showed that footage in the previews of Warnie saying I’m a celebrity get me out of here that there was a catch.

    • And that’s the difference between Warnie & Tim Dormer, Tim would have eaten the spaghetti & fuck the rest of them. People give Warnie grief but he seems to be a decent generous bloke.

      • Another difference between them is that Tim doesn’t have a charity named after him being audited.

      • I was remembering Tim scoffing the tempting prize in the diary room. I thought it was funny. But it’s a bit different in the jungle where they are going hungry. Tim just likes to shock by being different and cheeky.

    • JoBeth must be getting worried, the last couple of weeks she has been in the three with the least number of votes. Food for thought for her.

  9. I really liked this little quiet achiever, Dean. What a really nice guy he is. He even had a kind word for old battleaxe Val.

    • Yeah was really disappointed to see Dean go, really hoped it would be Val or Anthony. Surely they’re going to have to start having double evictions or mid week evictions. There’s only 2 weeks left & too many people. They don’t seem to be doing like last year & bringing in intruders.

      • Yes he was nice and he was pleasant to everyone but he didn’t give much away about himself did he? I felt that he was very guarded in what he said but he definitely came across as a decent kind of guy.

  10. When the Chief ws trying to ‘promote’ Val to the no job at all job of deputy, I thought she was going to stand by her “No thankyou” and refuse to move up the ladder. The Chief sure used his kid gloves on her. When Anthony said, “The Chief never makes a decision”, I thought maybe he does, but he does it subtely and gently and you don’t notice.
    It was funny when Val was saying, “The others ill hate me for this”, when in fact they would be going, “Woo hoo! Thank goodness”.

    • Agree with everything you have just written.
      The Chief does make decisions but he doesn’t attack when he enforces them.
      Val did not have to worry about the campers not being happy with her having the job of chef being taken off her, they were counting on it.
      I think there would have been mutiny if she had stayed on as chef.

  11. Has there ever been a female captain in IAC? I think there should be, but then they should also have to empty the poo. I do detect a bit of boys club and would like to see Jobeth, Laurina and Havana be given a chance to be more than dish washers, cooks and wood collectors. I want a woman for next chief, otherwise it looks demeaning to women.

  12. So Dean’s gone. It feels the same as when that young good-looking whatshisname was eliminated last season. Nothing good to look at anymore but the camp just got infinitely more interesting.

  13. Whew! After weird 401 error pages and trying to set up an avatar, I think I’m all teched out. Used up all my minuscule knowledge of gadgets for the next 48 hours. Thanks for the help, Juz!

    daisy – saw your post on RR and responded. I don’t watch this show, but wanted to post to let you know I’m alive and still lurking around.

  14. Yay! Meep! You made it. Cooeee (does a little dance). I tried getting into Australia’s Got Talent but there are too many shows on atm. I will definitely join you on some shows though. It would be great if we could find Deano and Samsara too.
    What do you think of the new site. Amazing, hey? You might even do some Voice recaps???? I don’t think Juz watches the talent shows and you would be great recapper.

  15. daisy – Nope, not me in the avatar – I’m female, for one thing. It’s from Adventures in Babysitting, where the character Darryl does that funky thing on the window, and his friend calls him a “stray dog.”

    The new site will take a small bit of time to get used to, but I’m loving it already. Not so “busy, busy” as RR, but a bit difficult to find the thread by show. Juz is doing a great job, given that they sound about as tech-savvy as I am. If I had to create this site, I’d still be staring at the screen going “Er, where do I start.” ๐Ÿ˜‰

    btw – Are you trying to rope me into working?! And is Carole egging you on by “Liking” your post? I’d try to give you a stern gimlet-eye, but it makes me look constipated, so I’ll just have to leave it at this: >:(

    I don’t know about recapping. Don’t you think I’d be a bit too snarky for it? I could give it a shot, but I don’t know how I’d get it posted quickly enough before everyone commented the episode to pieces. Remember, I watch the shows about 1-2 days after you guys.

    And…did you see who the new coaches are for The Voice AU? Ricky Martin is gone, and now we’re stuck with……..

    Ronan Keating

    Yup, HIM. Not sure how I feel about switching out “Smooth Talker” Ricky with “Mr. Cranky Pants” Ronan. The rest of the panel is the same as last season – “Ms. Can’t Dance” Delta, “Ms. Constructive Insults” Jesse J, and “Half(-assed talent) For The Price Of Two (bozos)” Madden Twins. <~~See, the snark has already started.

    Juz – Since I'm relatively new here, how does this site work? Are you going to have all comments for the show under one continuously running thread, or are you going to separate it by episode?

    • Hi Meep, all recaps welcome, no matter how long after the air date. You can just email to the address on the contact page. And, yes, I haven’t watched talent shows since early Australian Idol days. Although I did do season 1 of The Voice Australia. For shows that are on a lot, like MKR and Celeb, I try to do a new thread every night. At the moment we don’t have the ability to notify people when their comment is replied to so I think it’s easier if they don’t have to scroll heaps. That said, sometimes I forget to start a new post, so we just continue with the old. Don’t forget to vote in our poll – as long as you don’t vote for Pete Evans like some naughty people on here.

  16. Yes, Meep, I knew you were a gel, but you might have been transgender like Maya.

    And we can see from your comment that you have the gift. ๐ŸŽSo you would be a great recapper.

  17. Hey Meep! I’m a big Adventures in Babysitting Fan! In Australia it wasn’t even called that, it was Called Night on The Town and I watched it loads of times in the 80’s, I’m 40 now! Welcome to Talking TV.

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