I’m only watching a few minutes live of Celeb tonight, so if anyone wants to do a little recap (Erin, if you have time?), feel free to email it to the email on the contact page.
The bit I saw consisted of Ant, Bonnie and JB trying to pronounce Bassingthwaite. Come on people, speaking English is not that difficult. Poor Nat Bass.

Juz, yes, i just emailed you tonights recap 🙂
Does anyone want to share out the weeknight episodes, i’m happy to do one or two but don’t really have the time to commit every night.
I would love to offer to help you Erin and Juz but sorry I would be hopeless.
Thanks to the both of you and anyone else who helps you out. It is really appreciated.
Same here, I would be hopeless too. Is Amanda on this site? She used to alternate with Rosie doing recaps. She was very good too.
Erin’s terrific recap is up: http://talkingtv.net/2016/02/im-a-celeb-sun-night-recap-eviction/
I was in touch with Amanda on an RR post and she said she’s been flat chat at work but hoped to come over. If we can’t get recaps every night I’ll just do a post for chat. Why do they put everything on at once!!
Thanks Juz. Yeah it goes from one extreme to another. Nothing on for weeks, then everything on at once. Lucky I have 2 recorders, they are both running hot right now.