Notable outfits of MKR 2016 … Let me know if I’ve missed any.

Teenage hooker outfit – what were the stylists thinking?

Altogether now: Look at me, I’m Miss Bitch-eeee.

I thought this was a dress at first, but it’s some kind of shorts/ sleeveless coat combo.

They’re back!

Your man bun looks nice, but when can we unbutton these shirts?

Flamingo boy!

Breakfast is served.

So pretty in their cashmere cardies.

Who wore it best?

I did.

Footy shorts and black high heels Jessica. You found a look to match the stupidity of your comments on MKR.
Now that’s what I call an “achiever”!
The wardrobe department of MKR are almost as creative as the editors, sometimes. Like I said earlier, the number of couples who compliment each other (with the man wearing blue and the woman wearing a shade of pink) are too numerous to count. Even the Italian guys this season … one is wearing blue, the other wore pink on his cooking night, and a purple shirt last night. I imagine tonight, they’ll be split in a similar way.
Jordan’s flamingo-themed safari suit is still something I remember (heh), but he admitted in another episode that the flamingo is his spirit animal (it really took me two episodes to realise he was gay?).
Pity they keep putting the miner boys into clothes that just don’t seem to fit them.
I like the flamingo. yes, those miners look they are about to Hulk out of their gear. The stylists are used to dressing skinny hipsters who don’t do weights.
Jessica seems to be wearing the same surgical support stockings my Nanna wore when had her veins done. She didn’t wear the dress thankfully.
Wonder if these people have any right of refusal at all with the clothes.
If the Nutella shot is anything to go by, we don’t think the stylist can be blamed for Jessica’s look.
Definitely a theme going on
What the heck is that? I HATE MKR but LOVE fashion so decided to take a peek and was assaulted by this sight.. ><
And that’s why I am no longer eating nutella.
Jess really is fond of the thigh-high stockings look, isn’t she?
Isn’t Nutella like super-unhealthy, though? I don’t get Jess. She’s just a very odd person.
Has anyone told her how much icing sugar is in that jar…
I knew someone that was on a ch7 RTV some time ago. She was told to go out and purchase certain items so that she dressed like her “character” on the show. Looks like they are still doing the same, yay if your wardrobe is already on point… I guess.
Show I was on… had to send X amount of items to the wardrobe department… lets just say they wouldn’t let me wear what I provided… instead of my small/medium sized shirts etc.. I got given X-large… prob to make me look bulky as to not detract from the “character” they wanted me to be..
Yes well going by the Nutella shot she definitely goes for the over the knee look.
That must be one of her own distinctive style features. Mores the pity.
Wasn’t she wearing black over the knee socks one night, or did I dream it?
That’s a worry if I have started dreaming about her, yuk.
Well at least some form of “nut” is eager to venture down there.