1. I see farmer Lachlan is in trouble for cutting down trees on his family property this time. He has that “I will do what I want to” attitude with the farm as well as women.

  2. Hey everyone. Happy Easter 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫

  3. Hey Daisy, Brooke will be on Neighbours tomorrow😦Liam such a bad actor but this storyline goes on a long time I gather. Peaceful Easter everyone.

  4. Happy ,safe break to everyone.

    I’ve been watching Sunrise. They’re pretending that the Cash Cow is really more generous than it is today.

    Ch 10 are the champions. Dr.Phil, Judge Judy, Bold And The Beautiful,Justine Schofield. That’ll take my mind of the genocide and bombings and how many people are at the Sydney Fish Market today. A fish industry boffin said more people are trying to cook fish at home because of shows like MKR and Ma$terchef. I guess we’ve seen amatas stuff the simplest fish dishes up so many times… people get supreme confidence to have a crack. A chimpanzee can achieve crispy skin.

  5. Happy Easter and stay safe.

    We are going to pick apples tomorrow and maybe bake an apple pie. I am sure it will be better than Nev and Kell’s Apple Pie.

    At the moment I am baking a modified black forest cake. It’s a Flourless Chocolate Cake with liqueur cherries inside on top of the cake covered wirh ganache. That will be my only chocolate fix for Easter

    • Littlepetal, I was just going to ask, what’s cooking and you beat me to it. When do we get to see a mouth watering photo? C’mon, you can tease us by making us wish we could have some. 🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰🍰

      • I am tempting you, Daisy!
        Here it is. Just for you. I put lots of cherry liqueur inside the cake!!!

        • Oh yummmmm, Littlepetal. I am i amagining it in my mouth right now and it tastes delicious. You are such a cake queen. πŸ‘‘πŸ‘Έ

        • Wow – that looks fab, LP! I love choc cherry stuff. I bought ingredients to make a Cherry Ripe chocolate bar recently, as my Dad is a coeliac and he misses Cherry Ripes dearly (they contain wheat glucose syrup). I just have to find the YouTube tutorial again that tells me the quantities.

  6. That sounds delicious Littlepetal!
    I’m at the in laws for lunch. I made choc cherry slice for dessert. We just had fish veggies and salad for lunch.

    • Chocolate cherry slice sounds delicious and I am sure it is delicious! Yum!

  7. You girls are good, Littlepetal and Bella. I was lazy and just had a lamb curry from the Farmers Mart.
    Our Farmers’ Mart does make food taste like the real deal. I guess it’s because they have all of the fresh ingredients.

  8. Anyone who watched/is watching Miss Marple this arvo and trying to place the pretty blond girl, it was the heroine from The Paradise….Joanna something.

  9. Happy Easter to any fellow insomniacs out there!
    Its a quiet one for me this year, just relaxing.

    • Pandy, I sleep like a log since quitting caffeine after about 11.00am. No tea, coffee or caffeinated drinks except in the morning.

      • Her brother makes great coffee. She may not be a George-type chef, plating up using tweezers, but she definitely suits more cafe-style cooking.

  10. Five grandkids sleeping over tonight, aged 12years to 3 years. Easter is going to be a double banger because the Easter Egg hunt is Monday morning this year. We are usually finding eggs in the garden weeks later.
    It’s overcast and raining here in the West. β˜”β˜”β˜”

    • I will have no problems with Easter eggs hunt! Itchy and Scratchy will make sure I have 2 Easter eggs !!! -0

  11. I am binge watching The Eagle – a crime odyssey from Denmark/Sweden. Someone here suggested it recently and it’s taken me days to find it. Really good show. Also trying to find ‘The Returned’ to watch as well.

  12. Silvia, look out for Heartless, from Denmark, Orphan Black, and the Intuders from Canada, and Real Humans, also from Denmark. They are all outstanding.

    • Is this it? Heartless
      An 18 certificate Twilight saga – a gloriously sexy, dark and edgy Danish supernatural thriller which is as unusual and seductive as its vampire protagonists

      • Yes, but don’t be put off by the Twilight comparison. I don’t usually go for vampire themed shows/movies, and they aren’t exactly vampires. The acting and all of the production is top notch.

    • Was just about to post that! Nothing surprisinging in there. It’s a wonder someone hasn’t had a serious accident on The Block with the sleep deprivation.
      LP, forget to ask: how was Andre’s?

      • I have to thank you and all the others lovely posters from Adelaide recommending me places to go for meals.

        I have a lovely meal at Andre’s. The gnocci was so soft and pillowy. Just delicious!
        Dinner at FermentAsian was superb. Service was a bit slow but then we were not in a hurry to go anywhere.

        We also went to 2 chocolatiers, Red Cacao in Adelaide Hills and Steven ter Horst in Adelaide. Bought some chocolates as well.

        I have fallen in love with Adelaide. I actually would love to live there. The fresh produce were so fresh. You are a lucky bunch.

        • Steven ter Horst does a lovely salted caramel tart. His tiny shop used to be near my house but then he got too popular and had to move. Glad Andre’s was great – I’m hoping to go back soon. I lived on the east coast for 35 years and never really thought about Adelaide as a tourist destination, but then I moved here and found the food to be fabulous and the beaches lovely and uncrowded. We’re lucky to have had a lot of influence from the Germans and Italians and there’s a lot of pride here in supporting local producers. It’s a hidden treasure. Glad you enjoyed it.

  13. Gad you have been having such a lovely time, Littlepetal. 😊😊😊

    • Oh my – food AND view look amazing. We had an Easter egg hunt in the dark this morning (it was 6:57am so not too bad, but before sunrise!) so it’s been chocolate and hot cross buns all day, supplemented by some leftover steamed pork buns I made yesterday when I was going through a dough phase (I made pizza, too).

  14. We had our Easter on Good Friday as the bro goes to his wife’s family today. We were super naughty this year and had a BBQ with meat. I have barramundi most Fridays usually anyway!

    My grandma made two desserts this year.. her famous chocolate cake and lemon meringue pie! YUM! Although I think I am slightly allergic to the condensed milk. It was lucky we got the two as my grandfather has had some health issues so grandma had been stressed but she was feeling better. There is still MORE left for more dessert tonight!

    Yesterday I went to some markets in Glebe but I prefer the markets in Melbourne!

    I haven’t had any chocolate!

    • Condensed milk yummmm. Barramundi yummm.

      Our Easter hunt and party is brunch tomorrow. Just breakfast on the barbie. Nothing flash.

  15. Look what ws found on today’s Easter egg hunt. It was still hiding from last Easter. Like a thousand yar egg.
    In case you are wondering, Little Samurai was tempted to eat it to see if it was still edible.

    • Axel would have eaten it. So would have Mom Heck.

      My grandkids checked the use by date. πŸ˜‘

      • Iggy would have found it but I wouldn’t let him eat it. He’s always finding six month old plus fries along footpaths etc. They don’t have to be thrice cooked.

  16. RIP Ronnie Corbett. You were a comedy great. Heaven will be a funnier place now. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    • I loved The Two Ronnies, and they were a favourite of my dads, along with Dad’s Army and Open All Hours.

    • Wonderful memories of sitting down Friday nights with Mum and Dad to watch The Two Ronnies. Always loved what I call the milk sketch. I can’t find it anywhere online but it involves Ronnie C trying to order a cup of tea from a roadside vendor (Ronnie B) and being constantly presented with two options to choose from, when finally they have drilled down to the type of milk, and the vendor finally says “Daisy or Buttercup”.

      While trying to find this sketch, I came across references to ” The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town”. By golly, I loved that, too.

  17. Ronnie Corbett has more recently been a guest on WouldI Lie. His humour was still quick, up-to-date, fresh and hilarious. He still had it to the end.

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