Gogglebox returns soon and there are two new families.
Only one family is not returning and it’s the one we saw the least of anyway, the one with the grown-up kids with long hair and beards.
Returns Thurs, April 7 at 8:30pm, Channel 10.

The first time I saw this I caught maybe the last 15 minutes, while waiting for whatever was on after it. I had thought the premise was moronic and was prepared to sit on my lounge, feeling superior while I picked the show to pieces. And I ended up laughing a lot and really enjoying it. It is a good no-brainer relaxing show which is sometimes downright hilarious. Never thought I would like this program, but I do.
I enjoy it, too. It’s a bit of fun and one of the few shows Mr Juz and I watch together .
A Judge Judy gem.
JJ: are you incapacitated?”
She was loopy, I wanted to reach in to the TV screen and slap her!
Love Gogglebox, the old couple crap me up.