I’m a Celeb – Sun, Mar 13 FINALE

I’m sure the lovely Daisy will provide us with excellent screengrabs later, once her time zone catches up, but in the meantime this contains **********SPOILERS ****** from tonight’s show.

Who would have thought this day would ever come … it’s our last night of JMo and Chris Brown’s jungle adventure. And the last night for two footballers and a reality TV contestant/businesswoman.
The finale show runs for two hours (6.30-8.30pm in most states).

Hard to believe we started with this (well, apart from latecomer Warnie).

Hard to believe we started with this (well, apart from latecomer Warnie).


And the second runner-up is announced and it’s ……………..

Darn it – I was hoping for a non-sportperson to win this year.
It’s down to Fev and The Chief. Our TTV poll had Laurina as the clear “want” to win, followed by Chieffy and some token votes for Fev.

And the winner is …

Meh …



  1. Is it just me, or is Julia Morris unfunny? Cant stand the voice.
    Be flicking backwards and forwards tonight!

    • Unfunny. She tries too hard. I love the British comedians. It just comes naturally to them.

    • Definitely not just you. She is not only unfunny but annoying with it – she’s the reason I read the recaps here rather an watching the show. The posters here are cleverer and funnier.

      • I like Julia Morris but not on this show. I just can’t stomach her false laugh and over exaggerated action.

        • I have said it before, Julia would make a good ‘Celebrity’ rather than a host. Here she is doing a tucker challenge.

  2. Facebook does not seem to be supporting Laurina, sadly.
    And there seems to be a huge ground swell for Fev, sadly.
    I’m surprised there is not more concern, given that Fev’s chosen charity is the mismanaged, and now defunct, Warnie charity. I wonder how they are going to spin the fallout from that.

    • That’s unfortunate as Fevola is probably the one I least want to win out of the three of them.. He’s been a bit of a prick at times.
      Warnie was on The Project the other night & said the money is still going to the people who need it. He got very fired up about it.

      • Me too Carole. I hope NEXT YEAR a gorl can win, or at least get a turn of being camp leader. It gets too boys clubby.

    • Heh heh heh.
      Although I shouldn’t laugh. The auditors have already said that they can’t account for the cash. If Warnie is collecting money based on his name, then he also has to accept responsibilty when it goes astray. He needs to stand up and deal with it. ( *whispers* ‘Like a man’)

  3. Way to go channel 10, S-T-R-E-T-C-H it out. One hour of TV squeezed into 2 hours including 40 minutes of ads and an hour of recaps. Two main betting agencies were split on winner. One saying Fev, the other Chief. Would prefer Chief but don’t really mind either one of them.

    • I did enjoy this segment. Laurina’s list of demands. The soap burnt her pee pee.

  4. Glad that rubbish is over. Can you believe there were 400 crew members in the jungle to produce the show. At least Shane Warne’s foundation now gets just $50,000, well done Brendan for that.

    • Yes, Sara. It was a boring anti climax. But the helicopter ride made Paul “exhorbitant”. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  5. i wonder if a quiet word was had before both Fev & Paul came out because that was the best PR exercise I’ve seen in a long time, cynic that I am.

  6. The way JM treated Laurina throughout this has been a disgrace. Does anyone remember what she was like when she started out 25 odd years ago? She doesn’t seem to. Or perhaps she does & doesn’t like the reflection Laurina mirrors for her. Young, inexperienced, opinionated, strong willed. Nothing wrong with that. But JM was loud, crass, used blokey humour & way too try hard.. Her schtick hasn’t changed much.
    No mention that Brendan needs to choose a different charity. Boys club anyone.
    I would never have thought I’d watch this show. I’ve experienced it. Don’t need to again.
    Thanks everyone loved reading your comments. 😎

    • When they showed the final montage of Laurina’s time in the jungle they humiliated her as usual by showing her all the bad bits of people bagging her, unlike the other two ‘s funny moments. She looked a little bit upset but took it graciously.
      Julia kept going on about Laurina changing as a person, but she stood her ground and said she was still the same person and it took the other celebs time to “get” her.
      . It was obvious that channel 10 had decided on yet another sportsperson as a winner. Last year Freddie and Merv, followed 3rd by Chrissie Swan ( a non sportsperson and a woman ) Exactly the same again this year, looks like a pattern to me. Laurina was leading the way on facebook voting until the last couple of days.
      Thank goodness Brendan shared the money with Paul, I bet that was all planned to make the Warne Foundation look better.

      • She was amazing the way she handled herself throughout unlike spoilt little school girls arrog🐜 and JB Taylor. Just vile.
        I thought the same as Pandy, defo setup for a sportsman to win, as last year.

        • I hope Laurina goes from strength to strength after this. For the girl no one liked, she did really well. She was very strong, and humble too in the way she listened to and took on board criticisms and modified her behaviour when people came and respectfully told her to tone it down.

    • Ha ha – short ‘n’ sweet as I was on MKR instead! With the number of rabid AFL fans Fev always had an advantage. I know Daisy will come up with come cracker screengrab captions to keep me in the loop.

  7. I would have preferred Chief to win, but it was nice of Fev to split the winnings.
    It was really sweet seeing the reunion with their families. I always get emotional at that.
    That challenge was ridiculous & just about impossible. I was hoping they’d give them stars anyway & they did. They deserved them for lasting that long out there.

  8. Now that Laurina is out, and I know the winner, I haven’t any interest in watching the rest of the jibber jabber. I am just glad Jobeth or 🐜 didn’t win. But I hope next year we don’t have three male sportsmen because they always form a testosterone club. I don’t care much who wins out of Fev and Chief.
    Thanks Dokktarr. You did well.

  9. Edit, “exhorbitant” or “exorbitant” depending on which spelling you prefer. I prefer the former.
    Anyhow, I expect the Chief wanted to say exuberant.

  10. Well, that was a surprise. I suppose Fev did show some really good character, especially in challenges such as the tank one with Anthony, but he also had some low moments. I’m not fond of these shows that are decided by popular vote, the result is always predicated by the demographic who chooses to spend money voting and who have the technology (just like the Logies ‘Most Popular’). Much prefer the competitions where the contestants win because of their skill such as TAR.
    I suppose the princess will now find another show, in a third attempt to win. Won’t be watching that, one dose is enough to ensure full immunisation.

    • Fev has been on just as many shows as Laurina. Why single her out? Oh ,yeh.

      It’s no surprise whatsoever to me that the boys’ club have a win.

      • Sorry, I haven’t seen Fev on anything else except the footy field. What other shows has he been on?
        I suppose I singled Laurina out because , unlike all the others, she hasn’t actually done anything to be considered a ‘celebrity’. She has a Kardashian type of fame – famous for being always in the media, not for any sortof achievement. So in order to maintain her brand, she will have to move onto another competition show.

        • Fev went on Dancing wt Stars in 2012 and credited it for turning his life around. Fev was a good player but often drinking and in trouble,gambling his fortune away. He’s swum in murky waters like his”mate” Shane Warne.

          Laurina’s celebrity is , in my opinion , derived solely from her part in The Bachelor ,which was a very successful season beyond Ten’s wildest imaginings, so much that “dirty street pie” has, for better or worse, worked it’s way into common vernacular. Hasn’t really achieved so much perhaps, but been talked about a lot on social media and I dare say more affordable than bigger names.

          • That explains it – never watched DWTS either. Actually there are a lot of competition shows that I have never watched – far more than I have.

            I can see why they wanted her on the show. As you say, she does get talked about, and cheaper than most celebs, who would charge a lot to put themselves up for this type of humiliation. Certainly she has generated a lot of discussion this season. I don’t see her having any trouble moving on to the next show.

        • I would not consider Jo Beth a celebrity. She was the pretty girl giving out prizes on a failing show a millennium ago. And then, nothing.
          And Dean? He was a contestant on a talent show. And then, nothing.
          The definition of celebrity is different these days. Now back in my day ……..

          • We’re not talking Betty Davis and Joan Crawford now are we Bob. 😜
            If we are….I’m hearing you.

          • I’m a bit younger than that. Annette Funicello (Mickey Mouse club days), Sally Field (Gidget days). Okay, maybe not so much.
            I’m in favour of RTV stars. As mentioned previously, Julie was one of the joys of the last series. So I am all for Laurina doing her darndest.

          • I suppose my definition is actually having done something that required some work. Jo Beth did have to turn up each week, learn lines, work through filming, work the media on behalf of the show. She has also had a reasonable career in live theate, and released her own music. Dean, I don’t know so much about. I had forgotten him when talking about “all the other” celebs.

            And, for this show, being a celebrity in the past (with no recent exposure) is a valid option. For example, nearly everyone remembered Val, and therefore were interested in seeing her, even though she has been quiet (on the career front that is, not necessarily verbally – LOL) for many years.

            Julie Goodwin was great, and she had developed a career beyond Masterchef – cookbooks, magazine column, her own cooking school etc.

          • Dean was in Neighbours a few years ago & has been in the US recently & been in a few US shows & movies. I’ve only seen him in Neighbours. He said he was in a few episodes of The Americans. We’re a bit behind here so it may not have aired here yet. I love that show & look forward to seeing him in it.

          • He was in Terra Nova as a love interest for one of the main characters. Series didn’t last long.

        • Welcome to the 2000s and the world of rtv, where you can be famous for being famous. IMO, anyone who can milk that cash cow, good luck to them, as long as they can do it without killing a baby or groping a 10 year old.

          • I guess that counts Pete Evans and his bone broth out then.

  11. You have to wonder whether those will be the next batch of shows – arggh!

  12. I never watched this show but would have preferred the Chief (LOVED the footy show back in the early 2000 when it was actually funny) to win or Laurina over Fevola. I am no AFL fan so I only think of him as the guy who leaked the naked photo of Lara Bingle!!

  13. Shane Warne is getting snakey when being asked about the problems with his charity.

    It’s obvious that aliens have taken the missing cash donations.

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