Surprisingly, Reno Rumble is on tonight. I was thinking of recording it and fastforwarding through to see the room reveals, but this video pretty much covers it.
I quite like the bathroom with the exposed brick.
Spectacular reveal after reveal! TOMORROW 8.00pm on @Channel9.
— Reno Rumble (@RenoRumble) 26 March 2016

The rooms were quite good.
What really impressed me was Ch 9’s ability to squeeze so many ads into the last 35~ 40 minutes. The scoring section with the two famous judges I’ve never heard of went on…and on and on. Not even $cotty’s awesome hand gestures can save the overblown ending.
BDD, you need to watch more late night reno shows to come across Justin and Colin. Seven Two used to have their show on really, really late. We do wonder why Channel Nine has gone down that route though.
Yes, Maz. My friend had heard of them via some UK Reno show. I had captions enabled.
That’s where I used to watch them, too – fixing up lots of drab 70s houses which had wallpaper in the bathroom!
We watched (fast-forwarded) through three out of the four episodes. Here is why Reno Rumble does not work:
1. Scotty is a crap host. The contestants are so young that they have grown up with Scotty on their screens. Don’t make their awkward fan moment any more uncomfortable and then slow-mo recap it just to ensure the viewers at home didn’t miss it.
2. Stunt casting. Really? Leanne and Dane were cast so you could play on the whole possible cougar thing.
3. Stop dressing people from regional Australia in flannel and akubras.
4.There is nothing more painful than a heritage house vandalised on TV. Don’t let the amateurs mess with ceiling roses.
5. Enough with the exposed brick.
6. Good Guys kitchen guy now works for Freedom Kitchens. (Just throwing that one in)
7. Do they think that watching moronic contestants fighting over space is edifying. If this is all about the ‘deserving’ home-owners then get an architect in to draw the floor plan up. It is better to have the bones of functional space than none at all.
8. Colin and Justin. Great judges but there needs to be an Australian judge as there are cultural differences between British (Scottish) design and Australian.
9. The contestants aren’t nice. Feel that it is a drawn out audition process for the Block (thanks to the Tinders).
Now the show is pushed back to a later time slot.
I don’t watch this but I do like Colin and Justin, their show was very enjoyable, they are good designers.
They usually go to someone’s house and give it a complete make over.
In one of their series they went to a poor area of Scotland where they came from, and tried to improve the houses and community centre there with a lot of opposition from the locals.
They were also on a season of I’m A Celebrity Get me Out Of Here.
I haven’t watched this show yet but I too am a big fan of Colun and Justin. I watched loads of episodes of them in How Not to Decorate. Love them. I also saw them on I’m a Celebrity.
I used to watch Colin and Justin’s shows on Foxtel too, but yes, for most of those without Foxtel (or watching late night home reno shows) they wouldn’t know who they are.
Agree with Maz’s list. Ch9 have just sucked all the fun and authenticity out of their reno shows.
Reno Rumble… It is just so bad this year!
I only watched the Reveal and just the part where they showed the homes. Not worth watching most of it, IMHO.
I recorded this tonight to check out the reveals. Jaysus, I couldn’t watch it even ffwd-ing more than usual. I just couldn’t take it. Plus I don’t think C&J are suited to this; it’s all sooooo sloooooow & contrived. I didn’t see the whole reveals, deleted before end. Bah