Great article in The Oz about the past week in ratings, with MKR’s Lauren and Carmine episode last night trumping the I’m a Celeb winner announcement by 600,000 people.
Celeb wasn’t even the second-most watched show. That gong goes to Doc Martin, the British import starring Martin Clunes (remember when he was one of the Men Behaving Badly and not a crusty village doctor?)
Here’s the link to the article – and it reminded me that Call the Midwife is back on, which is a terrific show.

My favourite Martin Clunes show was William and Mary – about the romance between the undertaker and the midwife. Great show.
Ratings are only part of the picture of life.
Last night , again Four Corners proved itself far and away the most valuable show on television.
It was very difficult viewing, every bit as much as last year’s greyhound expose. Mixed feelings about having watched it…but thanks ABC.
Very hard to watch if you like animals and see this kind of suffering. Evil on display.