Fans of The Bachie, or just reality TV in general, need to check out UnREAL. It’s an American black comedy/drama set around filming of a Bachelor-style show, called Everlastingg. The cast includes the great Constance Zimmer (Entourage, House of Cards) and Sheri Applebay, who I best remember from Roswell.
While it’s fictional it’s written by people who’ve worked on the Bachelor and I learnt a lot about how the show is made by watching. It’s one of IT Sidekick’s faves at the mo.
It’s showing on SBS2 and you can catch up online at SBS On Demand.

Sheri and Constance

Oh yeah, I have heard about this but haven’t got around to watching it. I know Constance from my fave nerd show, Agents of Shield 🙂
If you like this, I told everyone about a show called Burning Love back in the RR days. It is HILARIOUS, esp the first season. Ken Marino is the perfect dingbat bachelor. Then they do a bachette season and then a version of that spin-off where they are all in pairs. In Burning Love: Burning Down the house, they are all fiercely after the $900 prize.
It has a lot of innuendo but it is cleverly done (including, “will you accept my hose” and “will you hold my box”) and has a lot of celeb guest stars including Jeniffer Aniston in a bear suit. Ian Michael Black as the host is the best.. I wish he was the host of all Bach shows! Oh my gosh.. Ken Jeong as a character called “Ballerina” is gold!! Now I want to watch it again!
Sounds awesome. I love Ken Marino, since he was in both Veronica Mars and Party Down.
LOVE Veronica Mars. I re-watched it all on Foxtel when they had it on. That reminds me, I still haven’t watched the last 2 eps of Party Down!! Adam Scott is hilarious too in the first season.. I think he is a psychologist and a terrible one at that. Ryan Hansen plays “Blaze” the “bad boy” haha.