General weekend chat – Fri, May 27

So, who’s making an Icelandic cake this weekend?
SA is expecting a bucketing today and residents who live near creeks have been issued with sandbags by the SES. Hope all SA TTVers can stay dry.
I watched Kiss Bang Love so may do a recap tomorrow but Mr Juz and I are planning a rewatch of The Americans as we only saw half of season one.
What’s everyone else watching?



  1. It’s raining here so I am going to binge watch The Midwife (alternating with Wallender – with Tom Hiddleston – for light relief).
    I have seen most of Midwife before but missed the earlier episodes. I must admit I did sob a little last night (S1E2). There is something deeply satisfying about a quiet blubber.

    • Did you mean “Call The Midwife”? ( set in England in the fifties/ sixties? ) I love that show. I have my son and grandchildren here this weekend so it will be busy and noisy lol!
      Taking them to see “Alice Through the Looking Glass” tomorrow, see just how crazy Johnny Depp is! Weather is fine here as usual, send some of that rain our way.

      • Yes, that’s the one.
        I have been hooked on that era since reading One Pair of Hands (and whatever book came next). Love that sort of stuff.

  2. I plan to spend the day breathing. Iggy pi$$ed on my brand new tv/winter blanket….he lives up to his name.

  3. It’s very cold today. Because of you, Juz, I am making the Icelandic cake.

    I am also making some sticky rice dumplings as next week is Dragon Boat Festival.

  4. The sun came out today – so welcome after getting 25mm in one day yesterday.

  5. Phew, finally a week end to relax after I had been with my family for 2 weeks. Then got back home totally sick with Mononucleosis. Then I did a shitload of baking (after the doc allowed me to do it^^ “Just don’t lick the stuff or double dip when tasting!”)… I basically did portions for 100 people and we were sure it will last for 2 days. Spoiler alert: Nahhhh, it didn’t. It lasted for maybe 4 hours. The CS department devoured that stuff…

    And yes, the macarons look horrible but they tasted utterly delicious!

  6. Worked yesterday and now for some days off.
    Tossing up between making a carrot cake or an apple tea cake. Think I will do both. You can never have too much cake is my motto.
    Cold day in Melbourne -Winter is here!

    Hi Zhee, Daisy, Bob, BDD, Juz , Littlepetal and all my fellow posters – hope you are all enjoying a nice weekend.

    • Better day today, Lola. I have made the Icelandic Cake. Need to mature before I can eat!

  7. Hi Lola. I would go the carrot cake so save me a piece. I hate the cold. โ„โ„โ„

    The weather is beautiful here in WA this weekend. ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒž

    I’m making sausage rolls today by request from birthday girl 9.

    Zhee, you HAVE been busy. That’s a lot of cakes/biscuits.

    BTW Lola, I am on a self-imposed sugarless diet but cyber cake is allowed. ๐Ÿ˜†

  8. Anyone else thinking Dr Philip is losing it. “Right well you didn’t grovel to me so no Pony Ranch for you!”. He is being spiteful to anyone who won’t bow and admit his awesomeness. His sidekick had to step in last week and now Destinee dared stand up to him.

    Are we going to see an on air Dr Phil meltdown?
    Should Dr Phil book himself into Horizons?
    Is Dr Phil suffering from autism and Robyn’s cardigan bling is setting him off?
    Is Dr Phil really the “least judgemental person he knows”?

    • I am off Dr Phil. I think he is running out of normal people to help and it’s time he retired. The show is becoming like the Jerry Springer Show.

      • I can’t help watching this train wreck, Bob. He seems to have lost the plot; swallowed alive by his inflated ego.

  9. Thank you, Lola. I had a good weekend. Took a break from binge watching tv to see The Hunt for the Wilderpeople. Such a nice, laugh out loud movie.
    I have a preference for Apple tea cake. My grandmother used to make it and I have such fond memories.

  10. Daisy, yup. Seriously busy. But my former manager even paid me to do all the baking. Still wasn’t enough though. It didn’t all look as good as I wanted it to look, but with the amount I did, it was impossible, especially considering the fact that I also am working full time from 9 to 6.^^
    It was 12 different desserts plus 1 special cupcake with an Overwatch cookie on top. The heroes of that game have their heritage and I did 12 desserts matching their home countries. So I had Anzac biscuits for example for the Australian characters. Or for the German it was tiny Schwarzwรคlder bites. ๐Ÿ™‚ The British character got mini cake pops with chocolate and mint…
    It was really a shitload of work doing 12 different styles.

    We also saw Warcraft last Monday. If you want to see an action movie in a fantasy setting, enjoy. Visually it’s done really well. And the director is Duncan Jones, the son of the wonderful late David Bowie. Plus it has a cameo of Glenn Close (still have no clue why she did that^^).

    • Thanks. I forgot to recd tonight’s. How old will they be on the new season? They might be getting past it.

    • Yeah!
      The promo I saw had Sue with a new bob haircut. I suppose she is just starting college now.

  11. The clip I saw on facebook, Brick graduates junior high, although in real life he is 18 ( he was doing an interview with his tv mom ), and yes, Sue has a new hairdo and becomes beautiful. The new season has just finished in USA, and after their Summer break they are doing season 8 which is good news as they will be around for a while yet for us.

    • I thought these were older episodes – definitely before the wedding dress disaster.

      • Yes. I haven’t seen many of the old ones. I am a fairly recent Middle convert.
        I love the smart mouth dad because he stays cool. I love Frankie because she is resourcesful. I love Axyl because I can remember how embarrassing parents are when you are a teen. I love Sue because she reads life with rose-coloured glasses, I love Brick because he too is resouceful. I love Brad because he is so colourful and dramatic. I love Darren because he is so simple minded. I love the Donahues because while they are so perfect, they are generous and kind. I love Brick’s needy psychologist who uses his job to feel better about himself.
        But I hate Brooke Shield’s family. But then I am supposed to.

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