Kiss Bang Love to start

With Seven Year Switch coming to an end it’s time for Seven’s new dating show: Kiss Bang Love.
This is the one where a blindfolded person kisses 12 strangers in order to find true love.
They then pick their top five, whom they meet sans blindfold and, if the mood strikes, pash more before picking two people for 24-hour long dates.
That final two is then reduced to one for a romantic holiday.
Preview at Yahoo7
It’s on Seven tomorrow (Tues, May 24) at 8.45pm.



  1. This show is really scraping the bottom of the barrel for reality TV.
    Bet you they did herpes simplex virus tests on all the contestants.
    Best way to get glandular fever – kissing 12 strangers!
    Pucker (puke) up

  2. Yeah, actually, it all looks a bit gross. I didn’t even bother with this one.

  3. I did watch this. It was awkward but endearing. I am saying that I will not watch it again, but don’t be surprised if you find me tuning in again.

  4. I just discovered that Shana Mooyman from Kiss Bang Love, is a Bunbury local.

    I haven’t watched KBL, but I will see if I can get you some goss.

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