Bloody love @VueBennett with a pony. 🐴 #MasterChefAU #casualshannon
— Jessie Spiby (@jessie_spiby) 3 May 2016
Here’s one for you Shannon fans – note the tweet is from South Australian Jessie Spiby from last year’s MasterChef.
Tonight’s Mystery Box was chosen by last year’s winner, Billie McKay. An interview with her here Billie Tenplay
I won’t be recapping tonight – contributions welcome. Chat away.

Zoe thinks she is in a hair commercial (judging by the swish in opening credits).
Is Patene a sponsor?
Last night was a bit ho-hum. I have better hopes for tonight.
I’m glad the bs of final 24 is over. For me its a waste of 3 episodes. I much preferred the top 50 and watching all the hopeless wannabes.
And we’re already on a ‘journey’. Let the drinking games begin.
Trent is an alcoholic’s dream:
food dream
open a restaurant
Plus Theresa:
I think I am in trouble.
He must be out. There are no cliches left for tomorrow.
Indeed- he greedily gobbled up his entire season’s share of cliches in one night.
Let’s list the sponsors:
1. Kelloggs
2. Global Knives
Sick of the sight of that bloody annoying ford woman too.
Me too!
Needy is adorable. I hope she stays. Is it too early to have a favourite?
I love how you spell ‘needy’. I hope Juz and BDD not getting calls from needy
Nidhi! Nidhi ! Nidhi!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Adelaide brings it yet again.
In ten words or less…
If she does well, I expect that Nidhi will have a post-MC media career.
I’m not feeling the love. She’s OK but a small dose would do me.
Early favourite for me is Mimi.
Another ravioli!!
😵 More ravioli…
Just what i was thinking. Im sick of all the pasta😀 And isnt Billie beautiful!
Absolutely Sara. I’ll have to rewatch SBS’s Inside Heston’s World, because I didn’t see her there I’m sure.
Heston ‘s world was filmed when his Fat Duck was relaunched. I think Billie was working in the prep room and not in the main kitchen
Haha I was just about to post SNAP and snap you beat me too it. 😂
My forecast is we won’t see all 24 dishes (as usual) 😢
Needy says she is not a delicate cook. It looks okay to me.
I think ravioli man is gone. Otherwise too much time for a bad dish. What a shame. He looks like good lelevision.
Ashley. And then an ad break. Definitely gone. Oh well. I’m starting to think about ravioli about the same as I am thinking about pannacotta.
Not while he runs his fingers through his hair he doesn’t.
Well his pasta looked a bit dry, maybe trying to oil it up a bit 😉
Ban list:
Ice cream
I think rendered duck breast (Other than in mystery box) should also be banned.
Pork Belly
Poached Pears
Crispy skin.
Stuffed zucchini flowers
Pureed vegetables
Foam anything (looks like spit)
Heh, we aren’t leaving much.
any combination of those three
Any claim that an element is difficult that uses a machine doing all the work eg icecream, sous vide etc
Gary is being an arsehole to Miles.
You have to wonder why.
What? Gary, being an arsehole? Say it isn’t so! 😉
“Ar$ehole” is Gary’s default setting.
When Billie said the it was the best looking dish she’d seen all day, was she talking about the food or the cook?
The guy with the feminine shirt on looks like he was about to burst into tears after Matt’s critique . Toughen up buddy.
Needy has a nice smile, I hope she doesn’t become annoying.
Jimmy loves Jimmy’s cooking (aka Seinfeld )
Fennel Oil ice-cream – I must have an underdeveloped palate.
Oh that sounds revolting. I’m old fashioned, ice cream is meant to be sweet.
Jimmy has made some nasty comment on Twitter. I don’t think he is a very nice person
What did he say???
From Jimmy:
If Jordan makes it through its cos George reckons he has a chance to have a crack at her #MasterChefAustralia
Well he just sealed his fate with the viewers. 😈
Wrong on so many levels.
Jordan? Whose Jordan? Not on my list.
The girl who got lots of airtime in the 2 audition night
Another one from Jimmy
Gay Asian… Annoying Indian… Dejavu from our season #masterchefAu
He has to say he is the fourth best cook in Masterchef 2010
He was the one who made such a big deal about opening his own Indian restaurant. We’re still waiting, Jimmy…
I agree, LP. Seems full of himself.
Totally agree, dont like Jimmy
His 15 minutes is long gone. Probably jealous there’s now another “jimmy” for people to get him confused with. Stick to your curries!
I’m confused….
😕 which Jimmy???
Indian Jimmy Seervai from 2010
LP said something about season 2010 in her other post.
OK it was him that posted both tweets not this Jimmy, sorry I mistook it for this year’s Jimmy.
Thanks Liberty I missed the 1st reference to 2010 by LP and that’s where I got confused.
Wow – Jimmy is one nasty piece of work. Maybe his curries are based on his patented “bunny boiler” recipe because he clearly doesn’t deal with rejection well.
Only 15 dishes shown.
Gary really doesn’t like Miles. Does he feel threatened by a man who could survive in the bush?
I’m with you Liberty, fennel ice cream is a travesty!
Some who used the Beetroot also looked like they murdered their dishes.
I love Needy
Even Marco love Needy!!
Channel surfed and found “This is spinal tap” on.
We got home just as the credits were rolling. Mr Juz has never seen it. Travesty.
Never seen it, either.
But I’ve been in a band.
Let me guess: a ska band?
Take it to the bank that the sibling won’t be aliminated tonight. She’s in trouble in the promo.
The tall beard will probably be gone.
I’m thinking it will be short blond guy. He didn’t get much air time last night so my guess is lots of air time tonight (and cliches) as he muddles his way out.
Anyone except me look at the final 24 and wonder who most of them are? I know three or four of them by face and/or by name. The rest of them might have popped out from the mystery box, as much as I can differentiate among them.
Liquified beetroot anything looks like blood. Blech.
An autopsy on a plate is what that liquid beetroot “creates”. Needed a judge brave enough to say it.
Hi Dave, good to be back with the rest of you gice critiquing our favourite cooking show. The sibling and the crier will stay, the beards gone.
With the rest of the amatas yelling from the gantry.
Ah Masterchef, we have missed you.
Is it just me or is the background Muzak louder and more annoying this year?
The muzak was plenty loud last year and I’d wager that it’s the very same stuff. Computer generated library music. You get the Jaws effect, the Chariots Of Fire stuff and the sob story dirges. A kitchin full of kitsch tones. Speaking of kitsch, B&B has started. I’m orf like a bucket of marron.
New thread is up