Tonight it’s Pierced Nose Chloe (sans tie dyed shirt) versus Ranger Miles and Brother Jimmy in a Pressure Test allegedly set by Nigella.
The Queen of home cooking sets tonight's Pressure Test. #MasterChefAU
— #MasterChefAU (@masterchefau) 23 May 2016
Note how Nigella looks even younger when she’s not wearing her clingy plum dress. You can tell by her complexion she hasn’t spent much time in the Southern Hemisphere.
If you are a Nigella fan make sure you have a look around the web for her Who Do You Think You Are? episode. Her Mum was the heiress to the Lyons Coffee House fortune. Or you can just read the synopsis here BBC write-up.
Miles and Chloe did quite well last time they were in the bottom three, so perhaps Jimmy will get in a tizz tonight and go?
I was going to do a recap but had to start fast forwarding when we got the sob stories. And then Cloche 3 was lifted to show ABPC. So I’m out, but a few thoughts:
There is no way ABPC would set in the fridge for an hour. They must allow for another three hours of production time for them to really set.
Theresa needs to shut the hell up.
Watching Jimmy flap is excruciating.
Watching Nigella quote Latin at Jimmy to stop him flapping is excruciating.
I was happy to see Miles using a mandolin with the safety on. Phew.
No, Miles, your burnt soz does NOT have to go on the plate.
Even I can tell from looking at the outside of Jimmy’s lamb it’s going to be raw.
Intense Matt barely made the edit last night but he’s had a few talking heads tonight. He’s in it for the long haul.
It’s funny seeing Nigella freaking out as she realises contestants may not get elements on the plate.
OMG, Chloe – ABPC is more important than soz! Just get it on the plate already.
Nigella’s shirt looks like a black saying PJ top.
So, Jimmy is obviously going home so time to skip through the judging.
I Googled the ABPC recipe and it says minimum four hours in the fridge needed.
Urgh – all that unrendered fat on Jimmy’s lamb.
Matt’s pondering about the dessert possibly saving Jimmy is ridiculous – please just give the viewers some credit and tell it like it is.

So we can get Theresa crying and worrying that Jimmy will be eliminated.
Theresa should not be there when Jimmy is cooking. Vice versa.
BDD, you will like tonight episode. They are doing Nigella panna cotta!!!!. It got to have the wobble!!!!!!
Task could have been two identical panna cotta
(o) (o)
Nooooooooooo!!! Pannacotta!!!!
This should be called the “Come Dine With Me” Pressure Test. The menu seems to be inspired by the show.
Miles is gone. He is using his intuition.
On second thoughts…Jimmy is flustered and running around like a headless chook.
So is Jimmy who can’t follow recipe!!!!
I think I am over Miles family separation sob story
. . . and that earring in Chloe’s nose is off putting.
I wish she would take it out.
I hate to be pedantic but earrings go in ears and noserings go in noses. Either way the thing should go.
Miles man handling and squeezing the juice and life out of the crab meat was gross to watch.
Jimmy’s raw lamb – yuk.
Gee. The lamb is raw
Jimmy minus crab dish surely has to go but this is master chef so he’s probably safe.
Oh he made it in 60secs so he’s definitely safe. Looks like Miles is in trouble.
You know it must be really raw if even the judges think so, knowing how they like their lamb raw.
George yells out to stop reading the recipe and go with their intuition. Make up your mind!
And when they don’t go by the recipe they fuck up.
Make them cook a classic without recipes. Or like the Bake Off , recipe with a few steps missing.
I think they will do what ever they can to get rid of Miles. They make it obvious at every comment that they don’t like him.
And if Jimmy goes, there go the photo opps.
Gary looked disappointed when Nigella said she liked Gary’s main.
Hopefully Nigella can save Miles
Stop the sniffling.
We feel that we should be slow applauding Chloe’s faux humility performance.
Jimmy is a Sustainabilty Specialist. What? I am clearly out of touch.
Nigella’s face when she had to taste Jimmy’s food. lol See ya Jimmy.
Theresa will be next as she won’t survive the house without her brother.
Another gratuitous pajama challenge.
Gary says this is the hardest decision they have ever had to make, they are so disappointed, etc etc.
How many other ways can they tell Miles and Chloe that they are sorry it wasn’t one of them? Labouring the point much?
It was pretty bad form compounded by the congregation gathered to farewell Jimmy. We don’t recall any other contestant been so privileged.
All three of them could have been eliminated and I wouldn’t be sad.
MC is over reaching on quality cooks this year.
Anyone watching Seven Year Switch? The psychologists try and justify their involvement.
I’m taping it. I started a thread if you want to comment – or give a rundown of what each couple is up to.
Channel Seven proudly supporting domestic abuse.
Lamb , bam , thank you mam.
Inedible. Bye , Jimmy.
It was so obvious who was going to be eliminated. The judges’ indecisiveness was ludicrous. Attempts to create suspense were hilarious.
Does it take Nigella only an hour to prepare all 3 of those dishes? I think she should be removed as a g-u-e-s-t chef for having the contestants make ABPC. It’s time for ban-a-cotta NOT panna cotta
At the start when Miles was making his sauce & said he didn’t measure his ingredients I knew he would be in trouble. But thanks to Jimmy’s raw lamb he was safe. I knew when he didn’t check it it wouldn’t be cooked.
Chloe seemed in control & didn’t seem to make any mistakes so I knew she was safe.
What the hell did Miles put in his panna cotta to make it ‘sandy’
So tonight they’re going to barge in on them in the middle of the night because Nigella wants a midnight snack. I know what I’d be telling her.
Presuming it was undissolved sugar?
Thank god one of these 3 went out… I was hoping grandpa (although jimmy could be one himself being in his 50s) or hippy girl.
Hippy was upping her dob story… Poor girl was bullied… I suspect she was really not bullied but called a bull due to the nose ring confusing people.
Old man hasn’t much time left either… And one of the siblings had to go as it was getting excruciating having the facade go on much longer.
I love Nigella but getting harder to watch this season and not even Nigella can save it.
I agree, MC is getting harder to watch this year. Will give tonight’s episode a miss. Don’t need to see these cooks in their pj’s trying to cook up a storm for Nigella’s midnight snack!
I like Nigella but she is hard to watch in this. She seems uncomfortable around the judges and contestants.
What’s wrong with giving them adequate time to cook the dish and pick the best out of a good lot instead of the worst out of a crap lot?
All that panic and licking and squeezing and sweat around food is just not pleasant to watch.
MC are not aiming for perfection. They are aiming for a muzak filled panic hour.
I agree.
So Jimmy is now going to work in Reynold Dessert Bar.
Not sure why he is focusing on desserts. I thought his strength is in savoury.
Well Maz, Miles at least spoke the language of love (which comes from the heart, just like the very best assemblage of foodstuffs): “hero”, “sing” and “sensuous”. Yep, he uttered them all in quick succession in his successful attempt to ingratiate himself with the producers and the judges and to hold the theme of Nigella week to his bosom, like a park ranger fanning the flames of a controlled burn.
I thought Miles was the token old codger, but there’s the invisible airline pilot too.
Plus he’s only 47, younger than Jimmy; though he looks at least 10 years older. His backstory’s getting a little tiresome … the kids, working together blah blah.
I think they’re drip-feeding some backstories to avoid overkill. eg Cecilia & The Kids haven’t been heard of for a while. Though Chloe has revealed sensational news to the world .. that she was bullied. Clearly, tattoos and piercings are helping her sense of self-worth.
A little surprised Jimmy got the boot (deserved for that lamb) – he was a better cook than his flaky sister.
Just shows that the ability to follow a recipe accurately is your best asset to avoid elimination. Chloe seems less comfortable when she has to fly blind, but she nails the recipe-based challenges. Jimmy would obviously have been gone as soon as he hit a pressure test.
FFS – 1 hour to cook all that??
Crap challenge,we turned off to watch something else.
Even recap is crap, and fully on juz side as to why – see above