It’s getting down to the nitty gritty on Survivor Kaoh Rong. While we wait for the new episode, check out Jason’t Ponderosa video.
Recap to come tomorrow, guys – got a boy here who will not sleep.
Ok, I’m going to start at the end here, by saying you need to watch these two Ponderosa videos about Joe, because they give us much more insight into a man who did not get much air time in the game.
There’s this one, where he mentions he tried to get on season one of Survivor, and that he went on to eventually meet that season’s cranky old guy, Rudy Bosch, who encouraged him to try out for Kaoh Rong.
And then here’s his Ponderosa arrival video, where we see him in relaxed mode (but thankfully not his medical problem being relieved) and chatting a bit about his life in the real world, which we never got while he was in the game.
Why couldn’t we see more of this Joe in the actual show – this Joe I would have been barracking for as an underdog.

The ads said “last two weeks” – does that mean that the finale is Thursday next week?
Yes, I think tonight is the penultimate show.
(Dontcha like my showing off with the smarty pants big girl word? Hope I spelt it right.)
And I thought it was the antepenultimate episode! Boy was I wrong!
Oh my goodness – yes! TV guide for next Thurs says two hour finale, then reunion show. That was quick!
They’re screening the finale at 10am, Reunion at 12 midday next Thursday – and then in the evening 8.30 as usual with the Reunion following, I think.
You have to feel sorry for Joe. He finally wins a challenge – let me repeat that – JOE WINS A CHALLENGE! – but has to be medevaced out. Poor bugger. And they didn’t show him saying he was fine after a day or two either, so I hope he was/is. I guess we’ll find out next week at the reunion.
Felt so sorry for him as he was trying not to show how much he was hurting. Aubry is jinxing all her buddies. But has Joe not watched the show – those who gorge always get sick. I like that the four people left are equally matched in their ability to win immunity.
Yes, and while he’s there suffering, Jeff kept him there for about a hundred years talking, instead of whisking him off for actual treatment and pain relief!
But to pig out on all that meat was crazy.
Yes Rosie I noticed that too – a hundred questions from Jiffy while Joe sat there with bladder pain.
Jiffy did a nice tribute to Joe in the end but Sheesh! He took his own sweet time to get there.
Good season – I’m still liking Aubry.
Tai’s mental health seems to be fraying quicker than that rag he thinks is his underwear.
Cydney looks like she just walked out of a gym session. That girl is fierce.
Michelle’s whining affected way of talking bothers me. So I vote her out next.
I know I felt really bad for him too. The only consolation is that it’s unlikely he would have won. But good on him for making it this far.
It was another good episode. I like that there is no one left they I really dislike. I hope Aubrey wins or Cydney. I think both played well against difficult odds. I like Michelle too.
Yeah same here. Think it’s the first time I haven’t minded who wins out of the final 4.
If Aubry gets herself to the final three she will be the best player I have seen yet. If Tai sticks with her, then they had better practise their fire-making, cause I can’t see Cyd not trying her hardest to eliminate Aubry.
Uncle Joe’s interview on his time and exit. Part 1
Thanks for the links, gice. 🙂
I read on EW today Joe was worried they’d send him to a Cambodian hospital for a catheter. I don’t blame him! He’s lucky Dr Joe seems to know his stuff.