House Rules – Sun, June 26

With only 24 hours to secure a spot in the grand final, last minute dramas are coming thick and fast as our teams give it their all for a special charity.
So, the final two will be the twins and …?



  1. The promo this week tickled my funny bone. The sideways eye roll Claire gives Hagan as he trots out the tired old “doing it for the kids” is just priceless.

    Don’t particularly like the cut off timber linen cupboard doors – they look a little unfinished. But that tropical leaf wall paper ?!?!? WTF ?!?!?!?!?

    • I don’t like them either. Maybe a dark stain might have improved them. Why couldn’t they have just shaved the edge to stop the doors hitting the jamb?

      Fil and Joe are making so many mistakes IMO. Those doors, the horrible leaf wallpaper, and leaving the shower open so that the loo gets wet every time.

      • Fil and Joe seem to have no idea what the hell they’re doing. I wouldn’t trust them to renovate a cubby house. But Fil gets what Fil wants!

  2. I can’t believe I have watched the whole series and now in the last week channel 7 decides to play up in my area, on the t.v. and online. It’s mostly to do with the sound, so can’t here a damn thing, really peed off.
    I’m looking forward to your comments.

      • Thanks Julie. I was able to watch with the subtitles. I couldn’t see a lot but could make out the conversation.
        This morning channel 7 seems to be behaving itself so hope it continues until after HR tonight.
        Was that horrid green leaf wallpaper chosen by Fil? What with that and her bright yellow room and I happened to notice her writing something on a wall, was that correct? I hope those few things are enough to take them out.
        Fijane, I didn’t realise the shower had no screen and wet the loo, bad move, I would absolutely hate that.
        From what I could make out the boys had good colours.

  3. That wall paper is horrid so the judges will probably love it. Go figure. Can you imagine brushing against the linen cupboard doors and getting gravel rash. No way in such a thoroughfare. I love the boys and the way they have digs at themselves. Just lovely guys. It was ‘You are my sunshine’, Gabby, some touchy feely bull. Please eliminate F&J. They are so false.

  4. “FIl and Joe, we’re all sorry to see you go tonight.”

    Are we though? I mean, really?

  5. The right two couples are left, I wish they could all win as I like all 4 people left, and they all deserve it.

  6. F&J would have been easier to beat as far as audience votes. There will be the sympathy vote for C&H with 2 kids and a dog and depression. All the requirements to go on a cooking show. Come on the boys. They are such lovely young fellas.

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