Season 33 of Survivor (tagged Millennials V Gen X) premieres in the US Wednesday, September 21 at 8pm. It goes for 90 minutes. Hopefully Nine will continue to fast track it so we get it here on Thursday night.
More info at Inside Survivor
There’s also a good story on the site About Australian Survivor, which is now being filmed in Samoa. No air date as yet.
Whose side are you on? It's Millennials vs. Gen X on the next season of #Survivor, coming to CBS this fall!
— SURVIVOR (@survivorcbs) 19 May 2016

Thanks, Juz. Let’s hope it’s better than 32 (IMO, of course). The one I’m REALLY looking forward to is 34. That one sounds far more interesting. Although you never do know.
Any Survivor is better than no Survivor. It’s great now that Nine have it on at a decent hour, close to the US airtime. I am guessing Ten’s new version will overlap in airing, maybe starting mid-late October? Bring it on!
Well that guess was off by a couple of months.
Lol. Yes Sept 21
In the US. Hope we get the fast track again.
Still searching online TV guides, but no hint of Go! showing this new season. It’s usually advertised as coming soon. Nada, zip.
All I can say is Millennials vs Gen X better show here. Right now it’s not looking too good, and I am not happy. I am not to fond of Australian Survivor at the moment
Snuffles I heard it will screen on 9 a week AFTER the US. I’m hoping I’m wrong.