General chat for The Block.
Who else would LOVE @KarlieAndWill's Bathroom in their home? ๐ ๐ #9TheBlock
— The Block (@TheBlock) 29 August 2016

General chat for The Block.
Who else would LOVE @KarlieAndWill's Bathroom in their home? ๐ ๐ #9TheBlock
— The Block (@TheBlock) 29 August 2016
Nibbler aka Bill the Steam Shovel on steroids.
Nibbler could be challenging $cotty for top dog on the site. He’s got more personality.
The Nibber will be getting its own show after this.
Oh what? No Safety Cam. He has been shafted for McCafe.
We know have a Safety Award *sorry* a McCafe Cleanliness Award. The winner gets a trade from Scotty’s Black book. The boys win a free plumber though they did not have the cleanest apartment. In other words, it is equivalent to a Kinder-gardener’s participation certificate.
The BB won’t be finishing a room again this week. Now have structural issues.
I just tuned in for two minutes and say the two women having a lots of conversations in which the brunette was a total ditherer.
She is intensely annoying and we have only just ticked over to the second week (and she got a night away from the Block). Imagine the horror of mid block with her!!!
I thought old Dan (not too many years older than me!) was a bit of eye candy, pretty hot. His attitude and behaviour towards the boys was appalling. All I see now is a big self righteous bully.
And Keith’s just as bad the way he went off about the young tradie ‘arguing’ with him.
We just see a lot of frustration rather than bullying. There seems to be a number of issues with their apartment that rather than the engineers/architect stepping in and neutralising the situation are reveling in the drama created by the contestants duking it out.
I don’t know Maz. Yes, frustration I agree regarding the wall issue. Complete BS to put responsibility onto contestants for that.
The way he was pointing at the boys and giving them a deadline was not frustration. Complete bully in my book. He may be older & have more experience, no reasons for pushing people around to suit his ends. Plus it’s a comp, what does he want!
Please, just don’t. You are not doing this for your kids!!!
Watching Julia:
Again, no-one knows what Art Deco is and none of the contestants are endeavouring to remedy that situation. FFS-since when is an acid washed brick wall art deco. Two teams are doing that. Grrrrrr.
The boys’ attitude is wearing thin. They are lazy.
Julia keeps crying.
Keith apologised for his behaviour!!
I think I’m ffwding more than usual.
Are Keith and foreboy more irritating than evah? Isn’t exposed brick industrial and not art deco?
I generally like at least one team but, at this point, I don’t like any of them and like PollyB I am fast forwarding more than usual. Too much faux drama and we have just started and too much Keith/Dan.
Quick recap of tonight’s filler episode:
1. Will and Karlie have a white board. The look for their apartment is industrial-scandi-art deco. (Ebony trotted out that line last year and was caned but we guess if you are a size six and photogenic everything you say is genius.) They spent $50k on their ensuite bathroom.
2. Chris and Kim still struggling with the art deco design brief. Builder offers a suggestion about the skirting. Ignored. Shelley offers an opinion about the lamps and it is “Yes, Shelley, Right away Shelley.” Bathroom spend was $44k.
3. Bendy (well their builders) use a blowtorch to strip the architraves. Take a trip to Chemist Warehouse to buy Nivea products. Spent $45k on the bathroom. Told by Shelley to spend at least $2.5K on linen. (Why???No-one is going to use it. Oh-forgot the Pillow Talk sponsorship deal). They have “only” spent $700.
4.Dan and Carleen are caned by Shelley for the Grafico wallpaper. Not enough texture. Spent $49k on bathroom.
5. Any guess what Julia did this episode???? Arghhh. Today it was about widening the doorway and picking the feature wall colour. To Teal or not to Teal. Evan the paint mixer did not expect to be playing counsellor. She has serious mental health issues.
No surprises that the girls’ spent $65k on the bathroom. Argue that they will get $15k off. Not happening says $cotty, pouring cold water on that delusion.
Special shout-out to Sealy Mattresses. How much did that ‘comedy’ segment cost you?
Ta for the update, Maz.
Oh yeh,Ebs. I forgot, as I always do, about last season contestants. She did ‘trot out’ the indi-scandi-art deco line for it to be poo-pooed, and here we are!!
Bloody hell, is it so difficult to do ‘luxe’ apartment and accentuate with art deco – I’d be using original skirts/archs and doors in the hallway area, skirt copies in the bedrooms and then opening up into modern/contemporary kitchen/living and using light fittings/furnishings/plants to give the deco feel. A bit of wallpaper in a bedroom or two, awesome terrace – bingo-bango, sold! ๐
Here we go, Carleen calls Shayna a bogan. Mmmm, not the first contestant to label her that.
So this episode will be edited to portray Carleen and Dan as villains (replete with an image of them behind prison bars and the words guilty stamped over it). Their first offence is that staple storyline of power tool noise during the night…oh no..the council will shut us down. Really? Ch9 vs a little council? Hahhaahahaha!
Is Wantirna worse than “Nowhere’?
When the entire cast, crew and hosts are bogans, who cares? Water off a duck’s back.
Which one a youse bogans called this bogan a bogan?
It’s relativity bogan.
Julia is having a breakdown over the teal feature wall. FFS.
Again, how the hell did they get on the Block???
Let’s start with the room that got slammed.
The first thing the judges noticed about the room was the wallpaper. It is too overwhelming (well Shelley did warn them about the wall paper and we will admit it looked cheap) but then the hate spews forth. It is a mess and a mish mash. The throw is 1950s nanna, a chenille, pom pom explosion. The pillow escaped from Dr Suess.
Did they read Darren Palmer’s Book??? demands Scotty. “The first chapter is all about Art Deco”.
No, replies Carleen testily. She researched Art Deco from other sources
The judges continue with , This couple knows nothing. If they can’t style then no styling is better and stop shopping from the $2 shop (and using generic 4 Inch by 15cm frame model).
In conclusion, it is not worth keeping.
Look at it …..if you can. It’s like twenty bad Sydney Opera Houses stuck together. How to turn a bedroom into a badroom. That’s about as romantic as a fart in a bucket. Where’s the tv.,ey?
These idiots deserve to be on the block alright….the chopping bock.
It is bad but the judges really are not constructive in their criticism. It is not helpful when they say “it’s a nanna throw” or the wardrobe is “so suburbia”. It should (particularly in the early weeks) be this doesn’t not work because ….(insert reason) and the judges should not assume a team should know something because of their occupation or age.
The judges shouldn’t know anything about the contestants as it seems to factor in as to how they view the rooms. They shouldn’t know Julia is a stylist or how old Will and Karlie are.
The judges were pretty mean to Ebony last season but she and her brother seem to handle things well on camera. This season the bone seems to be with the Baby Boomers. Of course you would get your back up if they are that vile from the get go.
The other problem with this season, the term Art Deco gets thrown around but there seems to be no edification of what it actually is to extent we don’t think the judges know what it is or what they are looking for.
BTW Titanic is not art deco. It sunk in 1912. Art Deco is 1920s and 1930s.
Totally agree, they need to give constructive criticism… also I’m never sure if what we see of the judges comments is exactly what the contestants hear from $cotty…
I’ve always said judging should be blind, and (thou i don’t know how it would work) but somehow make it so each week the room is a clean slate.. so they don’t know that this bedroom belongs to the couple that had the winning bathroom last week, because i think they judge based on those per-conceived ideas also. And all discussion as to whether the room does infact belong to the winning couple of last week should be banned!
I have done my fair share of house hunting lately (albeit about a quarter of the budget of The Block apartments), i might be only one person, but I am far more concerned about the location, workman ship of the building, and other details, than whether this apartment has the same artwork, or side tables as the place i saw three weeks ago.
Like Karlie and Will, the feedback was bland and safe. It has a hint of Gatsby and the judges love the white washed brick wall. The only drawback Shaynna feels the carpet and wardrobes are soooooooooooooo 2000 but its seems In-Deco is a thing. With 9s all round, they are this week’s winner.
Shaynna loves the Boys’ full length mirror. They feel that the Boys are getting the Art Deco aesthetic with their jewellery box walk-in robe. (It is ugly).
Two major drawbacks, they did not finish the architraves off before staining (i.e. they were not sanded) and Neale hates the mottled glass as it is very “office”.
Not much thought has gone into planning for folks smashing their head on that left hand light fitting during intercourse.
I thought Keith and Dan were onto that.
Remember this teal? Looks suspiciously like Ebony’s art deco room from last season but we digress. The colour of the feature wall is praised as beautiful, fresh and gorgeous but ultimately the room is pretty but souless. Shaynna rants about this been Julia’s day job so she was expecting more. When the judges sees artwork that has featured on a previous season of the Block, it feels that this room has been styled from a stylists’ bag of props in preparation of a sale. Ummm, is that not the whole point of the Block???8.5,
Team Nova are pipped at the post for first place (9,8.5,9=26.5). It is the judges’ favourite colour palette. They are the only team to incorporate a cornice but is so underwhelming and generic. (It is as Team Nova reminds the audience all they can do in the timeframe). The exposed brick feels dirty and unfinished (and so not art deco but hey what would we know as we have not read Darren’s most un-subtlety plugged book).
Neale mentions the room being ‘so fleek’????? According to the interwebs the term ‘dates back to at least 2003, when its Urban Dictionary definition was created. It defines the term as “smooth, nice, sweet.” So why are we using 2013 terminology now?
Great summaries, Maz. Do you want a new thread for tomorrow to cover up til the next room reveal?
Hi Juz,
Nah, this thread is fine as I predict a week of endless plugs, undue interference of Team Nova so they are panicking minutes before tools down and the BBs getting increasingly bitter ๐ .In other words very little to write about.
There’ll be some rivetting recycled footage of The Nibbler and it’s awesome mojo, too.
Okey doke – I’ll set up a new one for each room reveal then.
I didn’t like any of the bedrooms.
Bland, done before and dull.
A root outdoors would be much better than in any of those hideous badrooms. You’d find more romance in a run down, badly lit car park.
Monday recap:
Plug for Stayz Accommodation.
The boys win the McCafe Award (again). $5k worth of electrical work. Chris is filthy as by all accounts he has the tidiest apartment not the boys (but they provide the comic relief (not!)).
Julia spends 5hours at Beaumont to choose the same tiles that she chose for the master ensuite. Leaves store sobbing convinced they are going to lose.
Jenna gives a masterclass on Art Deco. Art Deco is all about the Titanic (FFS Titanic is not Art Deco), Flappers and the Empire State Building. I have no words.
To conclude the session, the contestants are administered a multiple choice exam on the history of the Block and Art Deco. The winner receives $50k Gaggenau appliance upgrade.
The scores:
Boys: 26
Nova: 25
BB: 21
WK: 28
Julia is stoked because Gaggenau is the same brand that the Kardashians have.
I have noticed way too many endorsements this series. It’s really embarrassing as the contestants try to incorporate them into their everyday talk.
The Baby Boomers need to step back and be more objective about their room. I was surprised that the other contestants sort of liked it. Before the judges even commented I thought it was just a mish mash of things. They sometimes act as if they know more than the other teams because they are both older but I think they are just arrogant bogens.
Julia’s comment about the Kardashians….Maybe her and Sasha won the Gaggenau but that comment made me want to gag.
Thanks, Maz, for the synopses.
Being a good stylist and decorator is being able to accept criticism and to open your mind up to new possibilities.
1. Less is more
2. That wallpaper was hideous, no hiding from poor choices
3. Research a particular style (art deco) – if you are not familiar
4 Three coats of paint in 12 hours- I don’t think so
Brief Recap:
1.Grenville Pabst has finally arrived!! Finally, a team has consulted a real estate agent (BB) no doubt set up by Ch9 to take the heat of Shaynna. Also plugs for How Bazaar (no we don’t want the crap in the vault) and the Timber Doctor.
2. Nova want an inbuilt bath. Builder didn’t waterproof the hob. Conflict with Keith. Five hours later the builder still has not waterproofed said hob.
3. The boys are uber annoying. There is a point where the pranks are no longer funny. We have reached that point. (Yeah, real funny don’t give BB the $1000 you agreed upon).
4. Julia sends Sasha to choose tiles but doesn’t allow her to choose the tiles. Sasha has the patience of a saint. Sasha goes rouge and finally orders the tiles.
5. Julia is given a “safe space”. She has issues.
6. The chump jacket is back. Why?
7. Velvet Soap will be featured in the Boys’ bathroom.
Chump jackets should be like hard hats for all on this show.
Wednesday is walk around with Shelley and Scotty. With each and every couple receiving Scotty’s “personal” card to dob in the neighbours over power noise.
Nova: Miss their kids, cop to the noise complaint straightaway thereby robbing Ch9 of an episode storyline.
Boys: Andy goes on an alleged Tinder date. Shelley labels their wall tiles cheap and we have the reoccurring storyline of a tile shortage (no doubt Beaumonts will come to the rescue on Sunday).
Dan & Carleen: Shelley likes the bathroom. Glass the wrong size. Shades of public toilet.
Girls. Feature tiles cost $450 per square metre. Julia angrily tells Sasha, “I’m not talking to you, moll ” and storms out because she does not like placement of the mirror.
WK: So bland, Scotty tries to talk them into marrying on the Block ala Max and Karstan.
The geniuses doing the captions interpreted it as “mole”. Fail. Is it a team of gorlllas doing the captions or what?
I think we, the viewing public, should be shown exactly what the contestants are spending on everything for the room they are presently working on, as they spend.