Zumbo’s Just Desserts, which Seven flogged like a dead profiterole during the Olympics, is losing viewers as The Block continues to pull strong numbers.
Details here at link
I had planned to recap Zumbo but I found myself surfing the net for much of the premiere as everything just took so darn long and, yet again, some contestants seem to be on it because they wanted to be famous rather than having a passion for cooking.
RT @rkhooks Looking forward to the next episode of @justdessertsau ! Who are you supporting? #JustDessertsAU pic.twitter.com/NWVRWWBBkz
— #JustDessertsAU (@justdessertsau) 23 August 2016
I like Rachel Khoo but she’s absolutely wasted on this show and Zumbo seems a nice bloke but he doesn’t have the charisma for TV. The outgoing Anna Polyviou (who created the smash death star dessert on the latest MasterChef) would be a much better choice but perhaps she’s contracted to Ten..
I wish an Australian channel would pick up the new season of Great British Bake Off to show everyone how it’s done.
Just Desserts is on Seven tonight from 7.30pm-8.50pm (sooo long!!). The blurb says: Using chocolate, the remaining dessert makers must produce their most swoon-worthy creation. The two weakest will head straight to the Zumbo Test, where a truly monumental challenge awaits them.

Actually I didn’t even bother watching the show last night, but from the looks of it, neither did anybody else.
The show is getting it’s just desserts. I didn’t think the other channels could come up with something worse than The Bachelor…but Ch 7 , you’ve excelled yourselves. After nigh ruining the Olympics with promos for this bilge.
How can you go into a dessert competition, especially a Zumbo desserts comp and you never made choux pastry before? Obviously she was chosen to fail.
Well this household is enjoying Just Desserts. Miss almost 10, who watches no shows with me, is totally addicted! She loves the challenges, tries to guess the winners and losers. I’m enjoying her smiling while she watches it and we are enjoying the escape from dishes and homework for an hour.
I can only handle the Block on Sunday nights, and I tape The Bachelor and Survivor.
I dont mind seeing the desserts the contestants create. Not too difficult and doable at home.
I’m quite enjoying it. There’s been mixed reactions on twitter. Some people rave about it while others bag it out. That croquembouche tonight was ridiculous. And to expect them to carry it with no help was stupid. It must have weighed a ton. They should have given them a trolley. I honestly thought it was going to collapse.
I had Danish but not Apple. I watched Crimes of Passion and after this series and Real Humans I feel I can almost speak Danish. But they have really funny names like Puck, Tekel, Ege and Hörge. Funny they haven’t caught on outside of Denmark.
As for Zumbo; watching what I eat so not watching cakes on TV. Better to watch Katie hit the booze.
I quite liked C of P but it gets a real bagging on line. So I doubt we’ll see another series.
Its bit Miss Marpleish but with sex.
If you ignore the fact that there are more murders around Puck than in a Midsomer village, it’s quite funny. The sexual triangle of Puck, Christa and poor Eje is weird. I did guess Hörge, the maid early on, but only using the whose-the-least obvious formula.
Sorry cookers. We’ll get a room. 😙
It’s not terrible, but it is not terribly compelling either. It is very Masterchef-esque in format, and I’m a little tired of the judging procedure. And the adoration of Adriano is OTT – he is good at what he does, but there are others at the same level.
Like Izobel, I’m finding the kids are more fascinated than the adults.
I thought I liked it but find myself tuning in to anything else but this.
It seems to tick all the boxes except getting getting me to return.
I like it when the captions tell you that “Magical Music” is being heard …and you just know it sounds like $hit.
I’ll pass on Zumbo. If I read here that it has gotten better I will try again.
7th season of GBBO has begun and I will be watching that! First episode…cake week.
I voted that I was most excited about Zumbo’s show returning on the TT poll.
I thoroughly regret feeling like that. I’m in awe of those who wisely voted “Nothing” or “Something Else”
Soon it’ll be The Biggest Lo$er time.
I think there is no Biggest Loser this year
Thanks . Australia’s obviously over it’s “massive” obesity problem.
The Auvales must have broken Ten’s catering budget.
Shannan wasted getting cosmetic surgery , then. I heard that Commando and Michelle split up, too.
Sorry for chewing the fat on another show/topic.
I think they are still together, but booted from biggest loser😁
I must be a masochist but I watched another episode. Same old thing and not any better. The addition of the Zumbinos, at least for the birthday cake episode, was not an improvement. At least some of the cakes were nicely done and interesting.
Ha ha, I was wondering if I was the only one still watching it. There hasn’t been any comments here for a few days.
They all said that kids have no filter & will say what they think. Wow things are different these days. I was brought up to be polite. When I was a kid I would never have been rude to an adult & told them I didn’t like something they cooked for me. My mum would have slapped me. Kids today are brats with no manners.
Last night we finally got the floating dessert. In the promos I thought it was a cup of hot chocolate but it turned out to be Willy Wonka’s hat. People on Twitter are really dumb. These shows are obviously filmed in advance & we’ve been seeing the promo for last night’s show since the Olympics. People were saying how bad taste for ch 7 to show that episode the day Gene Wilder died. Like they planned it.
Michael was hilarious, he had chocolate everywhere. All over his bench. I pity the person who had to clean that.
I’ve been dipping in and out during the Survivor ads. I didn’t mind watching the making of the kids’ cakes, but I don’t like all the frippery and the judging process.
From the little I’ve seen, it seems to me that the blonde bobbed lady (Kate?) is quite witty rather than mean, as they portrayed her in the promos. Her comments, in context, are funny.
People are really fussing about Willy Wonka’s hat? I would see it as a tribute, not insensitive. Of course, it is just a happy coincidence for Ch 7.
Most likely Gene Wilder died while he was surfing the net and stumbled on some catch up of Zumbo’s Just Desserts. He saw the difference between Willy Wonka and Willy Wanka and succumbed. RIP.
I am still watching. I like to see what the contestants bake. At least they are coming up with desserts that could be baked at home.
I like Kate but not Daniel. Cant see him winning.
Oh yes, in the promos for next week Daniel shows himself to be a real arsehole when that girl is having a meltdown. Just downright mean.
Zumbo is like a zombie on Xanax on this show.
The episodes are getting worse as the show progresses.
Not all celebrity chefs should have their own show- the TV dust filled video libraries are full of them.
Loved Gene Wilder in the original Willy Wonka. The remake with Johnny Depp was an abomination – those orange Oompa Loompas, I still can’t forgive the director for that one.
Depp’s Michael Jackson get-up and voice for the part were just freaky.
I’ve never seen the Depp version, never interested me. I did love the original version though. Saw it a few times as a kid.
It was Johnny Depp in white make up. Again. In a Tim Burton movie. Again. It’s gotten repetitive over the last years. Johnny Depp playing an eccentric character in white make up in a Tim Burton movie.
I enjoyed Corpse Bride by Tim Burton, he did some nice movies, but over the span of the last 15 years he always did the same. Over-the-top characters in over-the-top settings.
PS: Still watching the show though and I only did it because I like the first half of it when the contestants do their own creations. I mean how pretty was that Under the Sea cake? :O Such a short time and it looked so good!
Zumbo really has no personality. His desserts showcased on the show are not doing anything for me. It’s just stuff thrown on stuff in order to appear totally extraordinary. That Gigi model-turned-pastry chef is annoying the f*ck out of me. THAT VOICE!!! She’s useless. Don’t know who thought there was a need for that. It would have been much better to have the judges walk by the contestants and giving them hints, tips, some support etc.
I know, she irritates the shit out of me too. Just yelling out the time & push push. She doesn’t offer advice or anything useful.
Netflix has been laughed at and lambasted for the quality of its programming, and programs like Just Desserts certainly lend credence to those criticisms. I thought American cooking competitions had attained the ultimate in idiocy, but then along comes Rachel Khoo (what can she do, actually?) and Adriano Zumbo to set a whole new standard. The outcomes seem to have been determined in advance, and the ridiculous contrived complexity of Zumbo’s desserts are exceeded only by the absurd bombast of his presentation of them. I can only say, if you haven’t seen this ludicrous slice of cow pie, don’t waste your short life on this pathetic program.
Well, it’s not great. The hosts are lukewarm. Zumbo is monotone and lacking in charisma. Rachel is cold and pompous. Gigi is a pointless character and is seriously annoying – her continued presence is an affront to the delicacy of my nature. Zumbo’s deserts are ridiculous and showboaty. I don’t know. I really wanted to like this show. Very disappointing.