What’s everyone watching? When in doubt I flick to the SBS Food channel, unless it’s the dreadful Mystery Diners or Chopped. They are promoting October as baking month on the channel, and there is footage of Great British Bake Off’s resident silver fox, Paul Hollywood, so I’m looking forward to seeing what that’s about.

I just watched no-longer-Batchie-Ritchie and Alex on The Project tonight. A bit hilarious, obviously pre-scripted and seriously awkward. Much fun had by almost all.
Notice how quickly (and awkwardly) he blasted past the question about not liking brunettes? I’d like to know the answer to that question myself, to be honest.
Even before the premier of The Bachelor, the guy that came second on The Bachelorette said Richie will puck a Blondie.
Also this morning Sam Frost got the cheek to question Richie on his choice on Alex and not Nikki, while Alex wsd on the show with him.
Ha ha, littlepetal. Did you mean to write pick, or was it an “f” you were after?
Ha ha ha daisy. Thats what happened when you type on the mobile. Too small for me to read. Anyway either has the same outcome.
Either that or you were raised in New Zealand.
I am *totally* gonna use the phrase, “Puck me” at some point tomorrow at work.
I work in a toy shop, so that could be problematic, but eh. I’m game.
When you start eating and the waiter asks, “How is the food?” and you are thinking “Better if I could eat in peace and quiet”. What do they think you are going to say?
So he did “puck a blondie”. Well puck me!
Peter Pepper pucked a pack of pickled pipers.
Now watching Muriel’s Wedding for the umpteenth time on Nine. Amazing to think Toni and Rachel are now such respected actresses in the US.
Did it remind you of Married at First Sight. Jess was like Muriel.
Yes, indeed.
Oh, it was the first Australian movie I saw. 🙂 Also love Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Have both on DVD here…
I am making a bowl this morning…to be part of a set with the two jugs, so there is a theme.
These shoes are from the vintage part of the shop. I wouldn’t wear them but I like them. Vintage designer and cheap too.
I would wear the ones on the left (my left) if I had elegant feet. Or maybe to hell with it all, I would wear them anyway. Life’s too short not to feel pretty at every opportunity.
Anyone saw Elle MacPherson on the Project?
I can’t pin point what is wrong with her face. To me it looks like another bee stung lips.
I saw her Littlepetal. It’s the face lifts. They have changed her face, accentuated lines around the cheek bones and pulled lines across her eyes Ã¥ la Dr Phil. She didn’t look bad for her age. I would hate to be in a profession where I had to beat the clock.
I don’t like her new look. Too bony on the face
Working on the bowl now.
If there weren’t already one million reasons to adore Mary Berry, here’s the next one:
I love Jamie Oliver but as a replacement for Mary? It has disaster written all over it.
OMG – Mary, Sue AND Mel going … sad news indeed. At 81 Mary needs to put her feet up but it sounds as though she will still do some BBC specials. It won’t be the same without her and the girls, though.
It eon’t. They are the charme of that show. Sure, likable contestants (Jane this year is so adorable or sweet Val. And mhmmm, Selasi is a really good looking guy *swooooon*).
I still suspect Channel 4 trying to get Rachel Khoo now as Mary Berry has left. They need someone nice to balance that awful Paul Hollywood. 😉
Not sure if anyone here is interested. Local pick-up only.
Painting tonight.
Great work Daisy. Love the blue bowl. I always wished I was artistic. Candle making is it for me.
Thanks, Liberty. I am going to start some beginners classes in Oct because I need some knowledge and skills.
Next project a coffee mug for hubby. I usually just start without knowing what I am going to make. I am still excited when I make something like a kid with show and tell.
For those who have foxtel, Great Australian Bake off is starting on the 11th of Oct on Lifestyle food and they say GBBO is coming soon as well.
Ta, AH. I just wish it was on free to air!
Oh, is this the second season? Last year’s version was quite nice to watch (even though I dislike Maggie Beer, but Matt Moran is great).
Juz, it’s not a nice way, but there are often websites like Project Free TV where you can find cooking and baking shows from all over the world. It’s basically the only possibility for me to watch Masterchef etc. France doesn’t show those shows at all, if they do, it’s a French version.