Pete and Manu head to NZ MKR

The Seven Network has announced it’s making the upcoming series of New Zealand MKR (which already had two local seasons) and is shipping Manu and Pete Evans over to replace the current judges.
I feel a bit sorry for any Kiwi chefs, having to put up with imported judges.
NZ must have really good bone broth to attract Pete.

For zees soot I giff you zero points. Pete's soot gets nine points.

For zees soot I giff you zero points. Pete’s soot gets nine points.

Here’s the media release from Seven, which includes some interesting ratings info:

The Seven Network – Australia’s most-watched broadcast television platform and a key business of Seven
West Media, one of Australia’s leading integrated media and content creation companies – today announced
the next step in its long-term strategy in the development and creation of market-leading content in
international markets.
Building on the international recognition of Seven’s created and produced My Kitchen Rules, the company
today confirmed that Television New Zealand has signed Seven to create and produce My Kitchen Rules
for the New Zealand market.
My Kitchen Rules will be produced for TVNZ by Seven Productions New Zealand. The New Zealand version
will be hosted by Manu Feildel and Pete Evans. My Kitchen Rules – created, developed and produced by
Seven Productions – dominates the Australian television landscape as the most-watched programme on
television over the past five years.
Today’s signing with TVNZ builds on Seven’s agreement to create and produce My Kitchen Rules for FOX
in the United States and Channel 4 in the United Kingdom, and joins Serbia, Russia, Denmark, Belgium,
Canada, Norway and Lithuania with “local” versions of the Seven format. In addition, the Australian version
of My Kitchen Rules is seen in more than 150 territories around the world.
Commenting, the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Seven West Media, Tim Worner, said:
“We are very excited with this latest development for My Kitchen Rules. We are also delighted about our
expanding presence in international markets. We are making significant progress with Seven Productions
along with our two joint venture businesses – 7 Wonder and 7 Beyond – and our strategic investment in Slim
Film + Television in securing significant commissions. There is an increasing international demand for our
ideas, and our owned and created content and concepts.”
Commenting, Therese Hegarty, Seven’s Director of Content Distribution and Rights said: “We are now creating
more content than at any time in our history. We are expanding our presence in international content production
with the formation of new international production companies. The success of these new businesses in garnering
key commissions over the past twelve months, and the expanding presence of Seven Productions underline a
key part of our strategy for today and in the future: the expansion of our leadership in the production of content.”
About My Kitchen Rules
 Now in its seventh season, My Kitchen Rules currently stands as 2016’s most watched programme
in total viewers and key demographics. This year, the original cooking competition format developed
by Seven, averaged 2.33 million viewers.
 This year’s My Kitchen Rules – Winner delivers a metropolitan and combined audience of
2.757 million. My Kitchen Rules – Winner dominates all audiences with a 63% share in total viewers,
a 72% share in 16-39s, a 68% share in 18-49s and a 67% share in 25-54s.
 This year’s My Kitchen Rules – Grand Final delivers a metropolitan and combined audience
of 2.576 million. My Kitchen Rules – Grand Final dominates all audiences with a 52% share
in total viewers, a 65% share in 16-39s, a 61% share in 18-49s and a 59% share in 25-54s.
 Across the entire 2016 series, 13.8 million Australians watched all or part of My Kitchen Rules
(9.2 million Australians in the major metropolitan markets). My Kitchen Rules is Australia’s
most-watched regular series for total viewers, 16-39s, 18-49s and 25-54s in 2016.
 For this current season’s final, My Kitchen Rules delivered 1.8 million minutes (live streaming and video
on demand) viewing, with 88,000 streams. Across the entire series, 105 million minutes of My Kitchen
Rules were viewed on live streaming and video on demand across a total of 4.8 million streams. My
Kitchen Rules dominated on social video. Across the entire series, My Kitchen Rules delivered in social
reach with a 56 million global social reach and 15.2 million social video views.
Source: Oztam Data, Seven Analytics, Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics



  1. Hopefully , Pete will offend some huge , deluded Maori aspirant and be snapped like a pretzel.

    Good luck understanding Manu, you Kiwis. Both these judges fudge the scores.

    Agree with Juz, a real kick in the guts for NZ chefs.

  2. Dear New Zealand, we’ve had enough of Pete Evans’ particular brand of insanity, so we’ve decided to export it. What we don’t want you to know is that, once he’s on the plane, we’re locking the borders. Love, Australia.

  3. I watch both MKR AU and NZ and I would prefer not to have a double dose of Manu & Pete. In fact a single dose is hard enough to handle.
    The NZ cooks better make sure to provide Manu with LOTS of soz.

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