What to watch New Year’s Eve

If you aren’t kicking up your heels or battling crowds for a view of fireworks on NYE, here’s a guide to channel surfing that night.

Charlie, Kitty Flanagan and Tom Gleeson catch everyone up on what you would know had you tuned in to Lateline more often instead of watching recordings of MKR.

WOULD I LIE TO YOU, ABC2, 8.14-8.44pm
Okay, it’s a repeat but I just love watching David Mitchel, Rob Brydon and Lee Mack spin yarns.

Another repeat but worth watching again for the music and to marvel at Freddie’s talent.

MAD MEN, SBS 10.25pm
Which episode is it? Who cares – just grab the chance to watch Don Draper and Pete Campbell stuff up their lives over and over, while impeccably dressed and drinking before noon.

HOUSE HUNTERS, 9Life, from 7.30pm-10.30pm
These shows are especially fun when the couple specifies they need a three-bedroom apartment in the city with a pool and the agent shows them a decrepit one-bedroom Soviet-era crack den. And because they are om TV, the people politely murmur things like “the kitchen could do with updating”.

CAN’T STOP THE MUSIC, 9, 12.03am
If you insist on staying up until midnight you might as well watch this full-on cheesefest, starring Steve Guttenberg (later known for such gems as Police Academy and Three Men and a Baby) and the Village People. The movie makes no sense whatsoever but you get to listen to hits such as YMCA and Milkshake AND watch the actors rollerskate a lot while wearing sweatbands. Don’t you miss the 80s? Or you could just watch the opening scene below and marvel at The Gutes’ enthusiasm.



  1. I’ll be watching the Big Bash, then going to ABC2. Queen , Rolling $tones. Yeah.

    Happy New Year.

  2. Happy New Year everyone. I might watch a Chase or two, Would I lie, then bed. Boring, aren’t I.

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