Reckon you could do a better job than Sam, Lee and Des at lasting the 501 days it takes to win Australian Survivor? Casting for season 2 (let’s forget those earlier dreadful attempts) closes February 10 at midnight.
If you want some clues on how to put together an audition tape, check out the superfan group on Facebook here. Many of season one’s contestants are members and have recorded podcasts detailing their experience. And, of course, Rob C from Survivor Amazon is the US Survivor guru. If you are a Survivor fan you should be listening to his podcasts and checking out his website Rob Has a Website. He just posted a fascinating interview with Adam, the Millennial who won the latest Survivor.
Or if being sleep deprived on a tropical island is not your speed, perhaps you’d fare better on The Chaser. Shame Andrew O’Keefe can’t be voted off.
Apply here.