Married at First Sight starts Sunday, January 30, so Nine has programmed it to go up against Seven’s MKR juggernaut. And with I’m A Celeb expected to air at the same time, it’s a crowded calendar for reality TV watching
The social experiment that puts love in the hands of science goes even bigger…#9Married | JANUARY 30
— MarriedAtFirstSight (@MarriedAU) 3 January 2017
This year we have twins “marrying” one bloke and a middle-aged fellow for some token diversity.

Typical Ch 9. All white trash is their idea of “diversity”.
Thanks for the link Maz.
Its no secret that all reality shows exagerate the ‘reality’, she really had her hopes too high to begin with and not to mention pretty high maintenance… .
Did i hear the promo say they will all live together under the same roof?!
I heard that, too. Obviously hoping for some naughty cross couple spa hookups.
Yes, and the ‘experts’ with a serious face will pontificate about the need to test the couples’ fidelity in a ‘controlled’ environment.
i always enjoyed just watching them in everyday life. It will hardly be a surprise if the couples don’t stay together if there are too many obstacles thrown in their way.
Good old channel 9, eh?
$till The One.
Not a lot of property between Clare’s ears for a self confessed know it all.
Thanks for the link, Maz.
They are all coming out of the woodwork now. Michael was awkward on-screen. Was he corpse like off?
That said, in the context of reality shows, the producers have done wrong by the contestants who genuinely want to find someone to pair them with random wannabe infomercial hosts.
FFS-stop describing people who are clearly uninhibited as “painfully shy”.
No surprises there. I would say the only shows which cast people who aren’t mad extroverts are GBBO and MasterChef.
Has anyone noticed in the ads for John (older, divorced) that his daughters are getting almost as much airtime as him – i’m begining to think they are wannabe tv stars as well!
Yes, perhaps hysterical daughter applied and brought Dad to the audition, whereupon producers pounced him.