MAFS will be a weekend fast forward job for me, with so much going on in TV land. Feel free to chat away and I will start a new thread if this one gets too long.
Michael’s checklist: The strangest thing Winona Ryder’s ever heard! #9Married | AUSTRALIA'S #PickiestMan MARRIES TONIGHT 7.30pm
— MarriedAtFirstSight (@MarriedAU) 31 January 2017

Hey Michael, you can mail order a ‘living doll’ to meet your specifications.
Michael is matched with Scarlett (aspiring author). Dots her eyes with hearts and can’t spell.
The experts think she is perfect for Michael as she can compromise and allow him to keep his routines.
Someone is trying to get the hashtag #PrayforScarlett happening.
Scarlett’s mum is not impressed.
Michael manages to read his vows as she has a good ‘rig’.
I can’t believe he has the cheek to want a woman with small ears, have you copped a look at the size of his. Maybe that’s why, so if they have children the small and the big ears will even out to a nice size ear.
#crackpot (I’ve never done a hashtag before, not sure if it’s right or not 🙁 )
Anthony is not wearing socks to his own wedding. He further puts his foot in it by asking Nadia if her mum is her nanna. Ouch.
The rings don’t fit, Nadia is not feeling it and Anthony is shut down when he goes in for the kiss.
Starting to think some of the brides and grooms have been cast due to the parents.
Ok, I did just watch a bit of Mum being batty. Has she been holding on to that eyeshadow since 1972?
It’s a toss up whether these ones were chosen for Michael or the the brides mother. They are both as bad as each other.
Definitely both! Bonus that they could combine them in the same episode.
Nuff said.
Michael can’t admit that he is a stripper.
I am recording MAFS, but haven’t had a chance to watch yet.
Thanks, Maz. I will read everything at the weekend once I’ve (hopefully) caught up.
I think this is being encored at 1.30 today. So much rubbish , so little time. Eventually, I’ll catch up. Thanks , Maz.
Simon who has Epilepsy is paired with Alene because she is a nurse! Stereotyping much.
Let’s pair the introvert(Andrew) with the extrovert (Vanessa). How are these people ‘experts’ in matching people?
Andrew’s mum reaction to his announcement to getting married is to talk about the (shop brought) lamingtons “Oh you’re getting married… Lamingtons are beautiful!.”
Alene’s bridemaid is psychic (through the medium of the producer?) and correctly guesses the groom’s name.
Vanessa states she does not want a shy partner. It’s her worse nightmare.
This season has been about the parents and the friends. Monday was Hamish, the overbearing Dad who just came of as crass, Scarlett’s Mum, the narcissist and now Alene’s friend Amanda, the bitchy (psychic) bridesmaid.
Alene’s wedding ring goes down the toilet.
Vanessa’s dad not a fan of Andrew as he is “too quiet”.
In my quick flick I really liked the quiet guy. And curly and Alene won’t find romance but she seems kind – not one of the crazies
I am just starting to watch ep 1 now. It does look like a therd are a lot of women/girls who want to get on telly.
I had to scoff when one of them said that she 100% trusted the experts. Pffft. She must never have watched the show. So what is there succuss rate so far? The show should give up the farce of the sexperts. We would still watch a bunch of strangers explore the assets and failings of a strange bedfellow.
Now I gotta go because there is a giy looking for a woman with little ears. Not too small I hope.
BTW, the squealing women sound like sows. Soooeee.
And this guy wants to keep it humble. But in a kind of obnoxious way.
The ‘sexperts’ are experts in nothing more than casting for a major tv network.
Wow, someone’s just having a cry because she was jokingly called Fiona. Oh dear. Who’s to say it wasn’t this one.
U have been trying to get to MAFS. I have been recording it and hopefully I can have a weekend marathon. 😊
I don’t like that tall girl. So far she seems mean with an over inflated opinion of herself.
John has nice eyes, a nice looking horse, some dental work would make a big difference. For John, not the horse.
Two encores tonight @7.30 I think.
Thanks, Dave. I have them recorded but I might have missed some, so I will check it.
The tall girl who thinks she is beautiful needs a mirror that shows if you are beautiful on the inside. She is so caught up with herself that she is just rude.
The reason why Debbie is single: She wanted someone from the Polynesian Islands….um this is Ch9 not SBS.
This is what Debbie wanted:
Some of these people think Mills and Boon romances are are autobiographies. I want a tall man or I will never ever be able to wear heels again….wah!
Thought your son may have been more important than shoes.
Hahaha, you can see Debbie’s skin crawl in the photos…
Andrew thought he was auditioning for Australian Idol…
So Lauren ran…
I am not going to criticise Lauren for doing a runner.
It’s not very adult but it has always worked for me.