1. Woolif and I just finished 6 seasons of Breaking Bad. Bloody fantastic. I think he got it off Netflix. We are tossing up what to watch next. I noticed The Wire rates well. We also had mentions of the US version of Shameless, and Peeky Blinders. Not sure what next. We still haven’t seen Game of Thrones and that rates highly too.
    Unless you favour cute, warm and fuzzy, you will love Breaking Bad.

  2. I’m sure I saw a preview for the next season of the Bachelor, this week, advertising Matty J as the star. On the one hand, yay, we get to spend more time with Matty J, but on the other hand, look what happened when they gave Richie his own series.

    • I am sure Matty J will be better than Richie. Matty J is the most delicious looking guy out of the 5 Bachelors.

      What I dont like is that I havent forgot how he wants to please his sis and the girl must have her sis approval.

    • My fear is that he will become another Richie.
      My hope is that he is intelligent and articulate so that shouldn’t happen.
      My worry is that the girls will all be “Kiera”.

      • The formular id generally to have only one villain and one semi villain.

        • Sometimes producers get carried away. When one villian like Keira create alot of SM comments, they start to put in more villians. Just like MKR.

        • I just want to squeeze him and pinch his cheeks and make him things to eat. But if I was 18 again, it would be a very different cheek pinching. ๐Ÿ˜™

  3. Daisy, Breaking Bad is my favourite series of all series!

    I’m watching Entourage. It’s no Breaking Bad but the eps are short and it’s entertaining enough for me.
    Looking forward to the next seasons of Place to Call Home, Game of Thrones, Bates Motel and Stranger Things.

    • There is a Breaking Bad spin off with some BB characters. It’s called Get Saul.
      I need something now to fill the void left by BB but it left giant shoes to fill.

  4. I loved Stranger Things. Not sure if G of T is my thing. Not if it’s fantasy.
    Son just told me to check out a vomedy series called Nighty Night so that’s my next one. If anyone can get Saxonville, that is really funny as is Help, set in a psych office. Alan Partridge I think. Very clever.

    • Stranger Things was very good. Looking forward to another season. Also looking forward to the return of G of T and Outlander.
      Watched a BBC show: “Prime Suspect 1973″….a reboot of a series that starred Helen Mirren several years ago.

  5. Matty J has been chosen for the next Bachelor. I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t find him particularly sexy, would have preferred Jake.
    I also found Richie particularly boring and unsexy too.
    Did like Tim, the first bachelor though, purely from an astethic outlook.

    Daisy, there was a good comedy show, two series only on a welfare family in England. Based on two real life comedian sisters. Can’t remember the title, maybe other posters can help me with the name of the show.

    • I actually prefer the fireman Cam. He is not trying to have the model poses and looks.

      • Luckily we don’t all have the same taste …or you all would want Woolif.

    • Thanks, Lola. I will wait and see. For anyone looking for drama. Real Humans, Danish Version. Heartbreak, Danish. Stranger Things. The Intruders (Canadian).
      Love Child.

      • I just dpopped into season 3 of Broachchurch just for a sec and stayed for the whole episode. Some shows can catch you like that. And Newton’s Law is a bit of fun. Not like the lovely, dark Scandinavian stuff but both helped along by being well acted.
        And I know Matty is not sexy in that full on way, but I think he will be more interesting than Cam. Well, I hope anyway.

          • Agree. He comes across more natural and not too much acting. Make a good catch for some lucky girl

        • Also enjoyed Broadchurch and Newtons Law is ok.
          I am missing my Scandi shows as I think I have raided the coffers. Looking forward to a new batch of next series to some in particular.

      • Unforgotten…..UK. Excellent. Did a 2 season marathon. I couldn’t stop watching.

        • Smythe have just checked Unforgotten out and I have seen it and yes it is another excellent British drama series. Great actors and storyline.
          It’s getting bad when I cannot remember by name the shows I have seen. ๐Ÿ™

          • Gabby are you in Aus? I tried to search Unforgotten on Netflix and came up with nothing. Annoying as hell.

      • Thanks for the list Daisy, always looking for new recommendations, especially Danish.

        • I love that we can pass on tv shows to each other. I have got some good recommendations from the rtv ttv crews.

        • I tried Broadchurch last night and didn’t mind it. I think we will go back to season 1 and watch that. I also have been enjoying those real crime docos but unfortunately some, such a Crime Uncovered, are clashing with my regular shows.

  6. Anyone watch Dr Phil today. Cheek of that dil, instead of being grateful, making demands and using the grandchild as a pawn. She thought she was too good.

    • Thanks Maz. Might as well since the cooks on MKR are appalling.

      Every year is better than the year before. By now they must all be top chefs!

      • They are the best cooks evah and this will be the best season of MC evah.

        BTW, I am watching MC Canada and they started with 24 and on the first day dropped them down to 12. They are now down to 11. Only one episode per week. They keep saying how these are the best home cooks in Canada….LOL.

    • Yeh, Jowl$y. So, ” It’s one of our core values โ€“ to nurture successes rather than to shout at them.”

      ( Shouting)~ “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?” “Where’s my quail ?”

      No MPW this year? No mention of him with the other usual suspects.

  7. Just a little info for anyone this might help.
    A few months ago I suddenly developed a neuralgia pain in my left jaw. I have been getting it checked out and trialling various meds with very little, if any relief.
    But….when I am doing pottery, bam….zero pain. Nada.
    So I tried knitting too. Same deal. It’s not even just the distraction because I check to see if it hurts and it doesn’t at all. Fascinating hey? It might work for others out there.
    I am supposing the craft just relaxes my muscles.

    • That is excellent if you are able to find tasks that take your mind away from your pain. Who care how it works as long as it works. The brain works in mysterious way. Long may it continue.

  8. Here is the knitting. It’s just random. I might give it to my daughter if she wants to do that post wrapping thing.

  9. Had a little retail fun at Spotlight. Am getting into cup cakes with the gkids, so there is cake decorating stuff, wool and some bits & bobs for the kids to make Easter decorations.Less chocolate more arty fun this year.

  10. Silvia, I am in Australia and Unforgotten is on Foxtel not Netflix, sorry ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
    I am a great lover of British and Euro crime and drama though ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Smythe the second series of Unforgotten, in case you haven’t come across it starts this Wednesday on BBC First at 7.30 pm.
    Some new shows and second series are starting up at long last, thank goodness.
    Also there is a second series of The Missing that started last week on BBC First.
    Daisy I hope you enjoy the first two series of Broadchurch.

  11. Gabby, we haven’t been able to get the first 2 series, but I can see that it isn’t like some series that are in serial form. I will just pick up from this season.

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