1. I am like a tiger. Grr…… Just started and we get to hear Josh with his nasty critiques

      • Must have been the piss~tachios he meant.

        I’m sorry, gice. Just call me Josh.

      • If he’d said it smelled like s#*t it would be because that’s what is constantly coming out of his mouth.

  2. My fear, now, is that the remaining 8 episodes are gonna be nothing more than channel 7 telling us what an arsehole Josh is. Seriously, channel 7, we get it. And this series just hasn’t been good enough to let you get away with this.

    • Ch 7 loves Josh so much thst I am afraid he will get to the finals and spoil the show for everyone.

      Even last year villians ( I forgot their names) were tame.

      • Josh in the finals, I shudder at the thought. It certainly put any thought that it’s a cooking show to rest.

  3. Was it Josh who said “I would have went for more cardamom”. FFS
    no wonder he modelled shoes with a face like that😂

  4. Also didn’t Josh said something like he is the only one who can tell when the fish is overcooked because he is the seafood king?

    I am hoping and praying that the kitchenhands will sabotage his dishes when it is his time to cook. Of course he is going to cook last

    • Josh told Amy she wouldn’t know if something had been cooked properly..

      No one is spared from the Broome ba$tard.

      • I cringed at that, as well. Even when he’s trying not to speak to anyone, he still manages to insult his wife.

        Not only do I hope the bastard gets kicked out of the competition, I kind of want him to get kicked out of the country. There’s just zero redeeming things about this man at all, at least, none that are visible on-camera.

    • Yes he did – what a tosspot!
      And as BDD pointed out he told Amy that she wouldn’t know. Those seemingly incidental verbal put downs must do a lot of harm to her self esteem.

  5. Since Ch 7 has stooped so low, they might as well have a series with all the villians in it. People like the Captain, Dr Evil, the Lavender man, Sophia, Kellie, Kate etc

  6. I’m up late and fast forwarding through it. Why are the Hashtaggers dressed in all flesh-coloured clothing. It’s weird.
    Onion bhaji? Yes, please!

  7. Pete’s beige suit is making his skin look even more orange. Must be the non-toxic sunscreen.
    Manu says the team with the lowest score will be “illuminated”.

    • Nothing like a well lit team!
      I read somewhere that Josh went to the producers and complained that David and Betty were scoring strategically. If that is true not only is he obnoxious but he’s a dobber as well. And we Aussies have a very low opinion of those who dob.

      • I read that too. But again that shows his intelligence (or zero intelligence). The producers have to know what scores were given by each team. They were filmed discussing about what scores to give or how strategic they want to be. No need to dob

  8. How much better would that duck have been on the bone, simmering away in the jalfreezi soz. I’m worried about dessert – any gulab jaman I’ve had has been terribly sweet.

  9. Channelling tommy lee jones in the Fugitive.
    “I. Don’t. Care.”
    They have ruined this show with their insistence on villains and “personalities”.
    Bring on Masterchef. Endless Parfait domes seem a small price to pay for actual cooking.

    I’m assuming the mother daughter
    /dead Poppi mediums – did well?

    • Josh will want to disappear like Dr.Richard Kimble at the end of this MKR season….he may even need a prosthetic arm or two. One of my very favourite movies.

      • Dr Richard Kimble is an innocent man wrongly convicted of murder.

        I have no idea if Josh is an innocent man wrongly charged with saying stupid things on tv. I have no idea if Villain Josh actually exists or is a creation of the edit.

        I did look up the crimes act. Saying stupid things on tv does
        not carry the criminal penalties advocated for Josh on social media.

  10. So there was only cardomom on the top layer of the ABPC? (Is panna cotta staging a comeback? Does this mean parfait is out? Time – and MasterChef – will tell.) I notice she used bought cardomom powder – didn’t even grind it fresh. Why didn’t they infuse pods in the cream, or did I miss that?

    • The first panna cotta that she unmould has a very dark layer on top.Then the others were very pale.

      • LP in the recipe online it calls for half a teaspoon of cardomom. For 8 serves!

        • Yeah, I saw that too. No wonder they complained they cant taste the cardamon.

  11. The scores:
    Court and Dunc 7
    The blokes whose names I don’t know 8
    Della and Tully 7
    Amy and Tyson 8
    Other Amy and He Who Shall Not be Named 8
    Midwives 8
    Hashtaggers 7
    All fair.

  12. Judges’ scores
    Pete entree 9 (trio) Manu 7 (lamb)
    Main Pete (jalfreezi duck) 7 Manu (fish curry he raved about) 10
    Dessert Pete (panna cotta) 5 Manu 8
    Total 98/130

  13. Tomorrow night: it’s the night the Tool says “Thanks, slut” to the Amy Who Is Not His Wife. Erk

    • What I get from that is….. they definitely don’t win – thank f**k! Perhaps they should sign up for Seven Year Switch next?

    • I think he’s in damage control and it doesn’t ring true. No one could “blackmail” me into calling someone a slut for no apparent reason.

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