I know some of you are watching Seven Year Switch, so here’s a thread. I’ve caught 5 mins here and there. Thank goodness for ads because the show itself is so horrifyingly mesmerising it’s hard to look away.
Even reading the recaps on News.com.au makes me squirm in a “so bad it’s good but am I a bad person for enjoying this” kind of way.
James Weir recap here.

We’re not bad persons for watching it, we’ve just made bad choices. Dr.Phil would say that.
There was ten minutes of truly riveting tv worth the ticket in the convo between Silverchair bouncer and Mr “it was just a joke” threesome abuser. Who seen that?
Ta for the thread. This show is less predictable than Ma$terchef.
Yep…haven’t watched a full ep yet. Been following it purely through the unavoidable ads… which have been spruiking the other halves coming face to face for weeks!!! How are networks getting away with these watered down shows, where they eek out as much air-time as they can from so little content!
I have watched intermittently. I got into it but have just been distracted by other things. I didn’t see any Silverchair. Most interesting; Kailyn and her foursome.
I’ve been watching this, I find the relationship dynamics interesting. Not sure why anyone would want to do this on TV though.
God help us, Sarge, is/was in dept of defence, is the biggest self centred pitiful victim I’ve ever seen. He has decided, to this point, that he does want to be with someone more like himself. He’s a Mr Fixit. He’s always trying to help Stacey-Louise (that name is just way tooo much) become a better person. S-L is 90% work and doesn’t enjoy extreme sports and other activities that he does. He doesn’t want to see S-L alone, he needs someone else with them whilst they split up, so that it is amicable. Fucking douche. I hope S-L gives him the flick.
I also hope the young yankee chick gives that vile hypocrite slimey mummies boy the flick too. ‘How about a threesome with your friend. Hehehe just joking….’ Another douche.
Sarge and Stacey. You only belong alone forever. No one deserves to put up with your human valium antics. So F Boring!!! Terrible watching you both. Good luck
rge and Stacey. You only belong alone forever. No one deserves to put up with your human valium antics. So F Boring!!! Terrible watching you both. Good luck