1. There is no way in the world the 2 teams on the GC can clean up the flooded yard and build decks, cubby house, tile pool, lay pavers, build an arbour, lay turf in 7 hours !! Guess those 2 minutes made the difference. Wonder what the real time frame is?

    • if you look carefully, all the clean up was done before the clock was restarted. Still too much, though, for 7 hours. It is the same jiggery-pokery that sees the teams credited with the idea of adding a deck, when it would have been decided weeks before the competition started.

  2. My favourite moment of comedy was Ella walking back onto the GC site and remarking, “the backyard looks like a cyclone hit it!”

    Um, Ella? Sweety? A cyclone *did* hit the building site, that’s why they shut down the place for a couple of days. Have there been so many recaps that even the contestants are getting bored and not paying attention?

    • ” Jeez, it’s blowin’ a gale here!”

      “We were literally blown away by the improvements”

      ” It hit me like a ton of bricks”

    • Cyclone Debbie actually hit Airlie Beach, almost 1000km north. GC got some strond winds and rain as the aftermath of Debbie but no cyclone.

  3. “Carrots and corns”….. I beg your pardon? Two heads aren’t better than one with these twins.

    Youse get corns on yer feet, dumbar$e. A garden reveal it is indeed.

    Give Aaron a cyclone fence he can be proud of.

  4. Just watching a few minutes of the Tassie garden reveal. Have they slashed the budget this year? Looks much more sparse and less luxe than previous years.

    • It did feel a little like that, but actually, I was glad. The houses got actual lawns with lots of green space (as opposed to piles of outdoor furniture that’s going to be ruined in the first spot of bad weather), so if a poor budget helped, then more power to them.

  5. if I had been a judge it would have been Aaron and Daniella’s zone that lagged way behind. i really disliked the home-built fire pit and clunky seats, the pink and blue wall and the metal wall on the deck. Unlike Wendy, I thought the best part was the curved fence – the bushes will give plenty of privacy when they grow. Nobody sat on the stools on the deck, presumably because they were too low and your face would be at the level of the timber bar.

    I loved the boys zone, especially the platform steps and the tree. Neither the judges nor S&E noticed that there were productive trees and bushes everywhere. Yes, the vegie garden needed to be bigger but the space is there to expand.

    The pool backyard looked great, but was slammed on practicality. Ella said they had planned it the other way around, but no explanation of why they changed. In general I liked it, especially the sitting area, but can understand the comments.

    The GC front yard should have been spectacular, as it was by far the smallest zone. The judges seemed conflicted and I could understand because it looked nice, but somehow it seemed to miss the mark. It is hard to define why, apart from the poor finishing. It was just meh.

  6. I liked the staggered steps of the Tassie house, but agree with the judges it looked funny when it went to ‘normal’ steps all of a sudden. And their vegie garden looked tiny!
    The fence that Aaron and Dee put up looked a bit cheap. I really didn’t like the painted brick wall.
    At the QLD house, they did a pretty good effort putting all that stuff in, in 7 hours.
    Again agreed with the judges about the over done timber for the entrance to the house… but the OTT was in the house rule. I did like the water feature and seating area.
    In the back yard, i really liked the pool tiles and deck etc, i really don’t know what else the could have done there… i liked the seating area out the back too but I would have preferred more comfy / couchy / lounging seating. Agree not sure why they blocked the view with the cubby house but hopefully they have placed it so it can be removed without too much fuss. I thought the judges might say they should have put more play equipment in than just the chin up bars thou, I know there is the cubby, but i thought they might have liked a slide or something.

  7. Kate gets the early moment of comedy this episode.

    “We learned so much from the last reno.”

    Would that lesson be, don’t renovate a garden in the middle of a cyclone? I mean, I suppose that’s an important life lesson to learn.

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