1. Sarah cooked off against the ammunity chef and she lost by a point.

    Many superlatives from the judges. Close but no cigar. Raining Nines and one Ten.

    Only watched during First Dates ads.

  2. Blueberries & camembert. Can’t say I’ve ever heard of that combination before.
    I knew Sarah would be the one going for immunity when she fried that chicken, as long as it was cooked. The judges love their fried chicken.

    • I have had crumbed, deep-fried Camembert with cranberry sauce. Very unhealthy but sooo delicious

  3. Thanks BDD – I couldn’t be bothered watching so thought I’d just see what happened!

    • You missed Gary and Jowl$y licking their fingers over Sarah’s prawn and broth creation.

      George took the fall for giving the ammunity chef the critical Ten. I may watch the encore tomorrow. Never were going to give Sarah a pin.

    • I feel the same way. I wish that they would restyle her hair. Uneven cut that looks unkempt and dirty with strands hanging everywhere. Maybe that’s the style she prefers but it just looks wrong.
      When she cut her finger she shook it over the food….wonder if there was some blood spray into that dish.

  4. The hair all over her face and dripping over the food – no thanks. Can’t stand to watch Sarah.
    Hope Ben or Diana wins. The rest are meh !

  5. We are really quiet on Masterchef this season. Hardly any chatter. How did they get it so wrong?
    Is it choosing dodgy people who can’t cook, forcing their favourites down our throats, rewarding the criers and the crawlers, not even pretending it’s an even playing field, trotting out tired and bored guest chefs, keeping the plainly disengaged judges… what COULD it be?

    Actually I was surprised how many things rolled off the tongue when I was thinking of reasons not to like!! And there’s bound to be more….

  6. There is some chat on Facebook about the chef “stealing” one of Sarah’s ideas. I will have to fast forward through it.

      • He did check out what she was doing and decided to use her method of char grilling the prawns rather than pan frying them. What he did was not necessarily ethical or professional but it wouldn’t have mattered how he cooked the prawns. Sarah was not going to get the pin. The blind tasting is a joke because the stooges usually know exactly whose dishes they are tasting.
        He did state that he wanted to char them before he checked out Sarah’s area but he wasn’t sure how he was going to do that so he decided to fry them and then when he saw how Sarah was charring them he went with that idea.

        AND why do they ask the contestants which dishes they cooked before they give their scores? They should just state how they scored dish one and then dish two and then the contestants can reveal which dishes they made.

        • The ammunity chef was just a prawn in $hine’s game.

          This copying business must have been where Sarah said “impersonation is the greatest kind of flattery”….yeah. Tell Elvis that, ma’am.

          Jowl$y called a dish “rock and roll”. Chefs are routinely described as ‘rock stars’.

        • Jowl$y~ “What’s the dish?”

          Amata~ “This one’s made from fake porcelain and I found it in the Ma$terchef pantry, you bloated boffin”

          Gary~ “What would happen if you went home tonight”

          Amata~ ” I’ll get three minutes on The Project tomorrow , then I’m gone forever.”

  7. Sarah states she is working cleaner but wipes her hands on her forehead and pushes her hair around and then touches the food.

  8. I bet it was a con job (apologies to the fruit and vegie merchant). My hunch is that the “stealing” of the char cooking method was staged to make it appear that Sarah had a win in the thinking department and that the professional was not without chinks in his armour. We don’t necessarily see the action in correct chronological sequence, and we certainly aren’t let into the secret of the lengthy span of time over which every element of the action takes place.

  9. I thought Matt was wearing a kilt for a moment, then saw they were tartan trousers.

    • None of the amatas could get on the front foot and serve him a Scotch fillet.

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