Thurs night MasterChef chat … Diana, Eloise, Sam and Callan must cook off against each other after picking from four pantries. Loser goes home. Tears galore in the ads but we didn’t see Sam cry, so reckon it’s him.
First pantry is herbs and spices but no-one jumps.
After 15 mins the second pantry is revealed to be fruit and veg. Eloise jumps and is making a basil ice cream sandwich with a beetroot caramel.
Sam umma and aarghs but finally follows and is also doing a basil ice cream with strawberries and a lemon granita.
Both Eloise and Sam are describing in detail how they make their ice cream anglaise (aka custard) so one of them must stuff up.
I am surprised Callan is waiting rather than jumping at dessert ingredients. The next pantry will probably be meat and the last seafood, although I’d love it if it was something whacky, like just a bowl of olives.
After ages he does jump, deciding on a coriander ice cream with a “fragrant syrup”and brik pastry. If Diana also decides to do a green ice cream I will die. I like that she’s holding her nerve and waiting. If she takes pantry three she will have 45 minutes to cook.
The third pantry is dairy, sweets, popcorn and nuts. Urgh, that sucks. Wait it out, Diana.
We are getting a lot of voiceover from Eloise about how rattled she is and she starts to cry. So she’s probably fine.
Diana is still waiting for the final pantry, and it’s … seafood AKA Diana heaven. She has 30 minutes to cook.
She grabs a gorgeous red emperor. Just don’t leave any bones in and wait for one of the herb ice cream people to bomb. It could be Sam – he’s not happy with his ice cream.
Why are they all doing ice cream when time is so tight?
Diana is making sambal for her fish and seems to be thriving under the pressure. Just don’t overcook your fish, Diana.
How many times do we have to hear Callan say he is deep frying curry leaves? Enough padding out! Time to hit fast forward …
Sam decides to turn his dud ice cream into a granita. Last night I picked him as the probably loser due to the fact he was the only one not shown crying in the promo.
George, just back off and give Diana and her fish some space. Go prep your court deposition instead.
Callan finally tastes his ingredients together and starts worrying they don’t marry. Oopsie. Take some elements off then!
This is the first time we’ve seen calm Diana get emotional. It’s a dish her mum cooks at home in Malaysia. The fish is cooked perfectly. The judges love the dish – yay. Given Diana did so well in yesterday’s challenge I’m so glad she made it.
Callan’s coriander ice cream with curry leaves has Gary pulling faces and George sniffing bits. It looks pretty but the ingredients don’t go together. He was too ambitious. The judges aren’t happy at the thought Callan could go.
Aw, isn’t Sam lovely? He says some
nice things about his competitors and speaks with passion. His dish is melty but the meringue is sticky. Matt says at least the flavours go together but Gary and George are not on board.
This is the second time Eloise has served an ice cream sanger (previously she did smoked chocolate). Gary is smiling. It’s a good ice cream.
It’s one of the boys: Sam, because Callan had better technique.
Everyone is crying, except Sam, who admirably keeps it together. I hope he gets a great pastrychef apprenticeship somewhere.
The update says he is doing work experience at Three Blue Ducks with MC previous winner Andy.
The crying ends when the contestants learn they are flying to Japan. And, yes, Tamara and Sarah get to fly business class because they won the shouty challenge.

Yes have a bad feeling about Sam.
Again we are having ice cream and more ice cream
And weirdly flavoured ice cream at that.
Not sure I will eat any of the ice cream
Sam’s is a horrible colour of green. Pea soup ice cream. Will the judges go for it? Say your prayers , Sam.
All the ice creams are green!!!
What is it, $t.Patrick’s Day on Ma$terchef?
Thanks for the green alert, half hour behind here.
Cant even cook a vegetarian dish!!!
Four cars required to bring the four amatas on Death Row to the alimination. They’re not The Beatles. Bad for the planet Ma$terchef.
Hasn’t Eloise done an ice cream sandwich before?
I already liked Diana but she won brownie points for proper English – Unlike the usual “I want it so bad.” Diana actually wants it badly.
Geez, Callan looks at those pantry choices as if he’s facing the electric chair. It’s just a game show.
That made me laugh BDD. I’ve been noticing lately how often they say they’re scared, I always wonder if there’s some weird, sadistic punishments happening that are not aired because fear seems a strange emotion on a cooking show.
$hut up Tamara, or I’ll watch Bulldogs v Eels.
Go Diana. Put a gap in them. Japan here we come.
Push! Hustle! Someone’s going home. Won’t the gantry fools die?
Wow. Nice looking CEMENT, Callan.
Brief recap up. Went as expected. Good on you, Diana!
Best thing out of that episode was the sambal recipe!
Sam did deserve to go, and Callan’s dish didn’t hit the mark either, but I got a little choked up when he was so upset about his ‘big brother’ leaving. Perhaps I’m getting soft.
Great that Diana got through, and I’m looking forward to the Land of the Rising Sun … except for the fact Tamara will be there. Kamikazes are at the ready.
Thanks Juz.
Not surprised no one picked the first pantry..
Second one was better. Coriander & basil ice cream. Why can’t they do a nice berry flavour? They are just yuk. Thank God Diana made something completely different. As soon as the judges started eating it I knew she was safe.
Poor Callan & Sam had a bad night. It was obviously going to be one of them. It turned out to be Sam.
Coriander ice cream sounds like a dare – “what’s the most disgusting thing you can make into icecream”?
They experiment with weirdo flavour combos to show how innovative and out there they are, always supremely confident they will come up with a Heston-like genius pairing. But it’s just a series of guesses foolishly rewarded by indulgent judges trying to conceal how poor the overall standard is.
No wonder they can’t have proper challenges like doing a restaurant service and getting proper public votes for most popular.
Was it last year they had a similar herb theme and someone did ravioli with a leaf pressed into the dough, then made their own ricotta from the staples to fill it. This was yet another challenge where the people who started earliest didn’t think things through properly.
The judges gave a flimsy excuse to save Callan. Now techniques and how it looks get you through even the taste is yakky.
At least Sam flavours did work together but still gonski.
I feel a little bit cheated for Sam that he was sent home, it seemed to me like he cooked more consistently better dishes than Callan throughout the comp. Surely he was sent packing because there was no way around the fact that he failed so spectacularly last night…? Hoping it’s Callan going next.
Eloises’ dish. looked. horrible. Obviously can’t speak for taste but if I ordered an ice cream sandwich in a restaurant and I got that I’d be disappointed. She can make ice cream. Cool. Wow. Exciting.
I’m excited for the Japanese cuisine over the next few eps, it always injects a bit of life back in the show when they do the overseas trips. I like it when the contestants are genuinely excited.
Eloise, Sam & Callan should have been eliminated for making ice cream. Can’t believe that is all they could come up with although Sam turned his ice cream into a very bad granita. Good for Diana for holding out and making something different. Wonder what she would have done if there wasn’t seafood in the final pantry.
MC AU is so stuck on only eliminating one contestant at a time. They should do what MC US does and eliminate more than one if the food is a failure.
I know techniques are important… but it’s not like Sam hasn’t already proven that he can make an ice cream.
Every other elimination has been judged on taste more than anything. Something that wasn’t presented well always won on taste.
I think Sam was robbed.
Hey, it was the same challenge as last year. You know what sounds like a GREAT idea? Making the same basil icecream that got that shy asian girl going out last season!
I don’t know. I’m at the point where I’m shouting “Shut the f*** up” whenever I hear Tamara talking. Or George. Or Gary. Or Eloise.
Hoping for a Ben / Diana finale, but probably we’ll have to deal with at least one of the both, Eloise or Tamara.
That was the lovely Karmen. She just opened a dessert bar in Perth. Hopefully Diana will get some great experience at a respected restaurant after the show. The way she acts on TV is a great job ad.
Can’t get away from her. Just been on the Qantas website and there’s a pic of the team checking in for flight to Japan. Who’s in the front of the pic? You’ve got it, she isðŸ˜
Callan’s flavours didn’t go together. It’s not the first time he has used weird combinations that have failed. Eloise, ignoring Heston’s advice of not putting too many things on the plate, has umpteen components to go with her stupid ice cream. Sam tried to turn his failed ice cream into a granita with ten minutes time left. Thank goodness for Diana, who had enough gumption to wait for the final table, and enough talent to put up a good dish. Otherwise, you’d think no one had learned anything the whole season. I’m tired of most of these bozos making the same mistakes over and over. But I wish it had been Eloise who was sobbing her way out the door, looking for the nearest bottle of whiskey.
Once, I would like to hear one of the eliminatees say “I’ll try to make a good dish, but I won’t be devastated if I go home today. George is mean, Gary is a lecher, and neither one judges fairly. While I like a couple of the other contestants, I don’t care if I never see the rest of them ever again.” Some honesty would be refreshing.
If Ottam was there we will see some vegetarian dishes. Or did they just have a lesson in making green ice cream
I absolutely don’t get why they are so fixated on icecream at all costs. Surely they could have done some kind of vegetarian dish instead of having to insert random red and green stuff into perfectly acceptable ice cream to make it completely vile. I wouldn’t even have objected to a vegetarian dumpling. Well I would have if Tamara had been involved, but that’s my personal cross to bear.
It’s your personal cloche to bear.
We’ll have food savvy parents braying at children~ “Just shut up and eat your fennel ice cream. Eat your greens. There are people starving overseas!”
Callan clearly doesn’t have a good palette which seems a serious detriment for someone wanting to pursue a career in food. He’s more focused on being ‘creative’ and his techniques than actually producing decent tasting food. Seems to me like he’s been weak throughout and many of his dishes have not looked appetizing at all. I think they both should have been eliminated. Both dishes looked vile. Callan’s sounded vile too, as he was describing it.
You are spot on, Shannon. I rather have some old fashioned chocolate ice cream that those vile green ice creams
EVERYONE would! You have to be seriously tired of life and completely jaded by years of Masterchef judging to think ‘oh, coriander in ice cream, that should be tasty’.
So funny. When Callan’s dish is so bad, the put the recipe on the website.
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