MasterChef -Tues – They’re back!

Tonight the eliminated contestants vie for a spot back in the MasterChef kitchen. Who’s your money on? Of course I’d like Samuel back but think it will be Jess or Tamara.



  1. The voiceover declares that ‘tonight is a second chance for Tamara….and the others.’

    They are not even pretending that this is an open competition.

    Jesse looks filthy as per usual so that means she didn’t get through.

  2. Tamara is concerned that Brian is cooking dumplings as well. Do we get Brian’s thoughts? Course, not.

  3. Far out. Is this the dumplings show. Karlie and Tamara made dumplings in the audition. Then we saw more dumplings with each epidode.

    • They are dumplings but because we are now adopting everything the Americans say, guys(!) we now have to refer to them as pot stickers.

      • I thought when the dumplings are fried on one sides are known as potstickers or gyoza

        • Goyza is how we know them as well (but they are still dumplings). The potstickers is the American term because they need literal meanings.

          • I agree they are all different forms of dumplngs. Dumplings is just a generic term. By using the different names, we will know what they are. Like wontons, siu mai or sui gow or siu long bao.

  4. Surprise week? More like Tamara week, no surprise there.
    Jess had not crossed my mind once she left but one look at her and I recalled how annoying she is.

  5. Gary’s squeee of delight – “oohhhh you’re cooking them like that” (pan fried) is enough for me. Can’t watch. Tamara rolls back the stone and is ALIVE again. Praise be to the dumpling.

  6. In our on going romance, Gary does not disappoint, ” I love them Tamara. I love them,” he recklessly declares. Remembering that this a G rated program Gary contains himself to scraping the plate (as opposed to licking it).

  7. Garyโ€™s squeee of delight โ€“ โ€œoohhhh youโ€™re cooking them like thatโ€ (pan fried) is enough for me

    Exactly. How on earth are you going to cook potstickers.

  8. No surprises, Jesse, Samuel, Brian, Tamara, Pete and Lee get through to round two.

  9. LittlePetal, you will be so pleased that ice-cream is going to feature this round.

    • Tonight I served my ice cream in a ramekin rather than a bowl. The different shape of the serving dish really gave it a different mouth feel. I’m sitting next to the fire so the combination of cold and hot lifted it to a whole new strata.

      • Jayblossom, you really elevated your ice cream tonight and heroed your dish.
        I guess you could say ‘it was you on a plate’

  10. Not a single surprise in the top and bottom 6.
    I thought Pete(I’m strugglin’ for ideas)’s Lamb looked too undercooked and there was definitely a big blob of unrendered fat on one of them.

    • yawn….. my birdies have their first egg of the season! Much more exciting than Tamara-gate

      • That is objectively exciting! And actually lifted my spirits after the farce we’ve just witnessed!

    • Jayblossom I’m watching them him eat his lamb right now. Definitely unrendered fat there.

  11. No surprise that there are no surprises. Another day at the office for $hine.

    • Yes BDD – I chastise myself for my naivete in expecting anything else.

      • There was always a spark of hope that someone else would return. Nah….there was never a spark of hope.

        • Sadly, I didn’t have a sliver of hope either. We have been manipulated by them too often. Gary’s broken hearted swain number culminating in the “cuddles” was a pretty clear giveaway that she’d be back quick smart.

  12. Jess face is so sour when the judges gave good critiques to Tamara dish

  13. Lee, Sam, Pete are chopped liver.

    Oh Brian, if only you were a petite blonde. “Complex” and “Sophisticated” is just not good enough if the judges can’t flirt with you.

  14. Um, can we just say that Tamara’s dish looked confused compared to Jess and Brian’s offerings.

  15. Disgusting is all i can say, Tamara put up a plate of rice crackers and wins.

  16. As much as Jess is a bit of a pain and loves being melodramatic, she was hard done by tonight, her dessert looked and tasted better than Tamara’s.

    Tamara would have had to set fire to the Masterfarce kitchen not to have been voted back on.

  17. Just was sneaking over to the Facebook page. Looks obvious that most commentators are not liking Tamara and calling out the judges (especially Gary) for their blatant favouritism. Amazing that the producers haven’t learned anything since the Georgia mess. Maybe there is a bit of hope that Tamara will only be in the finals and someone else wins (I kind of think Ben (?) might win. He is not very much shown and most winners are usually more in the background. Plus he looks like a Marvel superhero who can sell well especially with female fans^^).

    • Yes, there are not enough Shine lackeys on FB to counter the Tamara fatigue.

    • It is becoming all too obvious that they are addicted to the social media buzz when Gary/George choose their pretty young blonde favourite. It has become a staple ingredient of each season, otherwise how else can they whip up the necessary outrage? The more Tamara is coddled the more they rub their hands. And it was unthinkable to really let her be eliminated. Much better to lose a good cook who is not controversial.

  18. I had to switch over to Love Child so missed the announcement of the winner. I switched back during an ad break just as they showed the promo for tomorrow & surprise surprise there was Tamara.
    It was nice seeing some of the ones who left earlier that we had forgotten about.

    • I had to switch over because. . well, no reason other than not being able to face Tamara’s ascent to heaven.
      We ended up watching soccer! eek. . .and it was still less contrived than Masterchef.

  19. A revolving door for Tamara – I’m beyond disgusted. What’s the point of eliminating this mincing pain-in- the-rectum, when they knew they’d do an auto reinstate? I was so hoping for Brian to win – to put an end to this torture. Tamara makes Dani Venn look like an angel. Come back, Lego … all is forgiven ..

    Brian and Spook put up terrific, original desserts. Tamara received help from the judges and her dish looked like a bowl of cereal, but it stirred Gary’s groin.
    Now, she’ll probably get to go to Japan. Expect the rate of Hara-kiri to rise.

  20. Oh, for fucks sake. That was a farce, an absolute bloody farce. We didn’t even get 24 hours break from that smug, pompous little twit Tamara, before the judges swept her back in on waves of adulation.

    Fuck you, Masterchef. You have taken a watchable, interesting cooking competition and ruined it with obvious bias and overt favouritism. Pfffft.

  21. Just looked at the MC facebook page – everyone as disgusted as us and saying Bryan or Jess should have won. Total farce. Some called the programme Mastershit๐Ÿ˜‚.

    • Remember Dani from previous season. Very similar with the silly big smiles and giggles. I think she got to Top 5.

      Tamara is the same.

      • And Georgia? Another judge’s pet that the rest of us couldn’t stomach.

        • Not to forget Chloe!

          Also: what are we expecting? Tamara has a freaking insta-page for her DOG in a tutu!

  22. Why do they bother having any of them return when it’s already predetermined who will be reinstated. The way the stooges fawned over Tamara’s very colorless and unattractive looking dessert was sickening. The stooges even needed to help her out with it. Didn’t she make chili caramel sauce in both rounds? What a sham and what a shame!
    Both Jess’ and Bryan’s desserts looked better and probably tasted better, but the stooges would never be honest about that because the “pet” needed to return.
    The entire episode was predictable from beginning to end. They didn’t even show everyone’s dishes being tasted in the first round.
    Shame on MC for this BS, although nothing new about favoritism on Mastersh*t.

    • She wasn’t on the Project or Studio 10 like all other eliminated contestants have been. Big give away she would be back.

  23. Tamara also did a Szechuan Pork and Chive Dumplings as her audition dish.
    Quite similar to her dumplings/potstickers

    • um no – COMPLETELY different. Honestly, I don’t think you people understand the SKILL that Tamara has. She is an amazing and inventive cook with a huge repertoire and her untimely exit was a loss to us all. Thank heavens order has been restored and she has been returned to us at long last.

  24. I won’t be surprised if soon we’ll see Ma$terchef being investigated by Four Corners, such are the levels of culinary corruption and foodie favoritism on display.

    Ma$terchef fails on so many levels.

    To the amatas who thought they may have had a chance of fighting their way back into the alleged competition. Tough luck. Keep pushing, gice. Dreams. Simplicity. Flavour. Don’t ever let them see you sweat. Time is not your friend. Focus. C’mon, you can do it. Fight back like Tamara.

  25. I barely watched the program last night – I was switching between channels once I realised it was a show about the eliminated contestants. Which I don’t get at all – how can you have any faith in the integrity (or even the perception of integrity) of this show if they don’t abide by their own rules? So an elimination round that ends with a contestant being eliminated, inst really an elimination round because the eliminated contestant gets to come back? so why not call it a take-a-break-and-practice-a-couple-of-dishes-at-home-till-we-bring-you-back round?
    Also, these eliminated contestants had more air time last night than some of the contestants that are still on the show? I mean has Callan pissed someone off ? We barely get to see or hear him do anything over the last few episodes. Doesn’t he fit the Production’s body criteria or something?
    It’s a farce.

    • Dear Ch 10,

      How many $ per season are being squandered on Jowl$y, Gary and George?

  26. I had to register so I could vent about judge’s pet Tamara being helped and then brought back. Either of the other desserts looked better, don’t those stupid judges keep going on about eating with your eyes. Aren’t there enough blondes in the peanut gallery? I’m sad for the staff at Channel 10 if they lose their jobs and hope some other Channel picks up MC and boots the 3 idiot judges. Fuming over this. I don’t think I’ll watch again until Tamara is booted.

    • Hi Terese – you and everyone on Facebook! Should have been a blind tasting and it’s high time for some new judges. I’m happy for Matt to stay but the Gs can go and we need a female judge.

  27. Really hard to watch this now… nothing grabbing me… hoping Heston brings something to the table, but It’ll be rehashed Heston from other seasons…

    • Remember last season when he seemed sick or massively jetlagged throughout the filming? He didn’t even perk up when Georgie called him “H” all the time.

      • I am fine with Matt too. He doesn’t bother me. But George, because of the shit going on with his restaurants etc and Gary, I cannot stomach one of them.

  28. I think I will watch Inspector Lynley tonight, can’t bear to watch Tamara and the three piggies.

  29. So glad to have this place to vent about the favouritism. Unfortunately I have to remember that my outrage is music-to-the-ears of the producers. Exactly what they were hoping for.

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