Woo hoo – we have a date for season 2 (ok, technically season 4 but let’s not get all Star Wars I is really IV here).
Survivor launches Sunday, July 30, the same day as The Block.
So I won’t be watching those Room reveals live after all.
And this year we get a live finale and reunion, just like the US. Brilliant.

Let’s hope this is not a last hurrah for the show from the embattled Ten.

Woohoo! Yes, i think i’ll be watching Survivor ‘live’ and taping The Block too, more stuff to be able to ffwd in The Block.
Exactly – and you need to pay more attention in the first few eps of Survivor, whereas you can miss a month of The Block and still know what’s happening.
Yeah so excited they’re doing a live finale this year. They listened to us. That was such a let down last year, they were still wearing their tatty clothes they’d been wearing for 50 days. You’d think they would at least let them freshen up & put clean clothes on.
Last year’s contestants are spewing they never got one. I’m sure they will all be invited and hopefully will get to talk a little. The US rushes theirs but I am wondering if we will get a long one so Ten can use it towards its local content quota.
It feels like Survivor is coming at just the right time. Cooking show fatigue has set in, which makes me wonder how the MPW show will do.
I’m looking forward to seeing whether The Block will be any better now that we have decent houses. If the format of the show is the same, then I won’t be able to persist, but I do want to see those houses look great. I would love it if there was a team whose style was like Joanna Gains, sort of modern country, french provincial I think. I’m so over the ultra-modern sixties-revival ugly-chair style.
I haven’t bothered with the Block for years, so I’m just gonna stick with Survivor, and lord hoping, it’ll be a better series than last time. C’mon Survivors. Think of the viewing public!