MasterChef – Mon, July 10

The three least impressive contestants from the invention test cook off in a pressure test set by MasterChef alumni, Kylie Millar. Who has cooked their last dish in the kitchen? Ben, Diana or Eloise?
Ben is still my final three pick and the judges tend to be swayed by Eloise’s tendency to put caramel sauce on everything, so I fear it may be Diana. However, Diana is superb at keeping a cool head under pressure so perhaps it will be Eloise after all.

Kylie, one of the original “Dessert Queens”, was in season 4 – the one that Andy won. Yeah, that one. Kylie made top 6. She actually went on to work as a pastrychef in some top restaurants.
See if you can pick her out from this cast shot – and then name as many of them as you can. (I get eight.)

Kylie’s “Nest”:



  1. A big fat egg yolk sitting in the middle of my dessert? Yuk, no thanks! I’m hoping for an Eloise departure, but I fear for Diana, desserts are not her thing.

  2. Kylie is one of the finalists in the next Josephine Pignolet Young Chef of the year!! Only female chwf in the list. The first female winner was on the Immunity challenge with the French chef few weeks ago.

    She didnt get to where she is now without doing her apprenticeship at Darren Purchese. Not like some contestants that think they could be great without experience. Reynold is one of those rare exception but he came from a family that already doing desserts

      • Thanks for the picJuz- still couldn’t quite place her, but she’s gone off to train properly so I’m disposed to like her.
        Mind you, I thought the leaves with egg yolk looked foul.

  3. Eloise honeycomb and parsnip barks are overcooked. Ben didnt use the 2nd batch of honeycomb that he redo!!!! But the first batch will still taste good.

    • It’s like a joke, hey? Imagine saying “Tried a great dessert last night – resembled a pile of mouldy leaves, it had parsnips, honeycomb and marshmallow scrapings then once you’d raked them aside you saw an egg yolk that had been injected with stuff, sitting on top of panacotta”.
      Nothing about that screams delicious to me.

  4. Is this suppose to be a dessert or a savoury dish. The egg yolk is a salted yolk.

    I guessed is like the Chinese mooncake. A sweet cake but I like the salted yolk in it

  5. LOL, George said let’s get Eloise kicked off! I know he meant started with plating, but it might be a sign. She has just stuffed up her egg yolk.

  6. Ben is in trouble, his plating is bad. Hopefully it is more tasty than Eloise’s.

  7. Is up to the judges now. They can send Eloise or Ben home. For flavours, Ben got it. For presentation Eloise may be better

  8. Looking good for Ben. Flavour should always beat presentation (when it suits them). Ta Ta Eloise!

  9. Thank god for Kylie. Without guest judges, the 3 stooges will save Eloise

    • Kylie is wise, she knows how the Stooges operate. Although she would have benefited from being a blonde ponytail back in the day!

  10. Phew! There’s the picture of absolute pure relief!!! (No spoilers here)

  11. I checked in here hoping to see who was safe, I’m watching on delay so I’m still hoping for Ben. I don’t think I can watch if Eloise is safe.

    • That’s good news Terese and good to know watching MC hasn’t set back your recovery.

      • Didn’t watch! In bed but checking in here and on Ben’s IG to get the result. Watching George and Gary squirm and try to save Eloise would have made me feel worse 🤢

        • Yes, in the other thread I gave you my unqualified Doctor’s advice to avoid the show to prevent your condition worsening. Hope you feel better soon.

  12. It’s ok, gice – you can say it. I’m guessing from your reactions Eloise is gone? I’m not watching til later

  13. Wow, Kylie’s come a long way. She’s done really well for herself. Good for her.
    I was so worried for Ben for a while there. I don’t understand why didn’t he use the second batch of honeycomb that he did? I really felt for him when he finished his dish & it was so messy. Thank God Eloise had stuffed up a couple of elements & it was taste that mattered.
    It was obvious that Diana was safe, she didn’t seem to muck anything up.

    • When they finish cooking they have to have everything ready for plating up – all their bits put into containers to be assembled. He said something about forgetting to portion his second honeycomb.
      It was excruciating watching them plate up that dessert. Dragged on and I was only watching with half an eye.

      • Oh ok, I thought it looked like he’d put it in a container.

  14. Best results possible. Was concerned because they made a big deal about Eloise’s beautiful marshmallow and how colorful her plate was. At least this time taste won over chosen one.
    As for that desert, it looked absolutely disgusting. Didn’t matter how it was plated or presented. Didn’t remind me of a nest but a fallen teepee or a burnt out campfire with litter and defecation. Yuck!

    • Meant to write dessert, not desert, but then again that dessert looked like someone dumped some trash as well as relieved themselves in the desert.

  15. Kylie looked very different from how she looked in season 4. She’s filled out a bit.

    • She’s “grown” on her journey. What I cannot forget is how Kylie lost her composure completely when Jamie Oliver walked onto the Ma$terchef set. Worst case of chefmania I’ve seen.

  16. I can’t remember Kylie. The dessert looked most unappetising. Watched another channel but saw Eloise pontificating to the judges how cooking makes her so happy. Another one opening up a dessert bar. yawn!

    • I would love to know where all these “dessert bars” are! Talking to my niece the other day who lives near Melbourne city and knows it well she was saying the place is crying out for somewhere to go after a movie or show that isn’t a nightclub or bar. All these contestants talk big but we want to see some action.

      • Again the show producers want to make it that their eliminated contestants are all having a careers in food or doing something big.
        Yes, they ‘want’ to open a dessert bars/restaurants in future but not right after MC! Again they still need to actually work in a real restaurant to actually know how to run a business.

        • The contestants are moved on like culinary cattle to Ten’s afternoon cooking shows, between the funeral and life insurance blizzard of advertising. Making rubbish with Ben and Emma, Lynton, Laura et al..

    • My thought when I saw that was “Yep, there goes another one skipping any training/work experience and straight to bankruptcy …. oops I mean eatery.”

  17. I’m surprised ben got through with that awful mess. Hope they aren’t lining him up for the win.

    • I have a feeling they want him in the final two with either Sarah, Diana or God help me, Tamara.

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