MasterChef – Thurs, July 13

The three least impressive contestants from the service challenge must cook to stay in the competition and earn their place in finals week.
No Friday night masterclass this week.



  1. Missed last night but thanks to everyone commenting on last night’s thread I feel fully caught up.
    They’re hammering Sarah’s ‘dilemma’ in the ads during the project but BDD certainly put it in perspective. Should actually be an easy decision.

  2. As if people write letters today. They will just type it on the keyboard

    • Write? What is this thing you speak of?
      Would not images from instagram be more realistic.

    • It would have been too bad if they wrote something personal. I was worried Gary might get jealous when Tamara read her husband’s letter.

  3. If you can’t stand Tamara then don’t watch the beginning as she reads a letter from Tim. Vomit.

    • I noticed that… she almost pushed past like a bargain hunter on Boxing Day.

      • Like a passenger trying to get to a lifeboat on the Titanic.

        Tamara wants it real bad. The average person waits until they’re in a plane crash to get that desperate to be first.

    • So stupid and subjective – like you said once before they may as well say “cook anything”.

    • A pressure test would have been far more appropriate. The chosen one will still pull through 😈😱😵

  4. 60 mins to cook macarons. Must be magic to get it done.

    Eliza picked the wrong thing to cook. She could be the one in trouble

  5. I don’t mind if Karlie goes – she wants to be a food writer not a cook.

  6. Tamara “discovered” Tarragon.
    It is actually really unfair of the producers to have overexposed her to the point where I just want to pick on every little thing she says. I have this battle with myself that I should be kind because it is not her fault that the judges have shown such favouritism and has had so much airtime …….
    and then I remember all the times she has positioned herself front and centre.

    • Yes. But the package we are presented- not the person- is so supremely annoying that I am over the guilt of being mean.

  7. I have to wonder if they have been grooming Tamara for a Justine style cooking show. Two problems with that: 1. Justine was generally popular with the viewers and 2. CH 10 wasn’t bankrupt then.
    If there was that plan I would have to think the negative reaction to Tamara would give them pause. She is lacking fans on this blog and from what I’ve heard has few on FB either.

    • Tamara is no Justine. Justine has always been very likeable and never comes across as a know it all .I still try and catch her cooking program when I am at home and have cooked many of her recipes.
      I find Poh annoying as well, sorry. Enjoy watching Adam on SBS and find Emma, Andy and Ben boring to watch. Just my opinion.

  8. Again the judges unshamely lust on Tamara’s dish. She will be safe

      • The macarons looked flat and were clearly sans (chanelling my inner Tamara let me explain to you all that this a French word that means without) feet.
        My macarons have no herbs. They have bizarre things like jam and cream- the pink ones. And chocolate ganache – the chocolate ones. I’d never make it on Masterchef with this level of cooking and lack of invention.

  9. Tamara’s macarons looked really flat like they hadn’t risen at all ….. but that’s right it’s Tamara so the judges will probably praise her new style of making them.

      • When I made them you have to leave them out for 20? minutes to get their feet before going into the oven.

          • You’re probably right. Must be five years since I made them. Decided they were too fiddly and would buy them instead in the future!

    • I thought they looked flat and the filling looked not proportional. But tonight it’s obviously about taste not appearance. Which will change again next time she cooks and it will be appearance over taste. Sigh.

      • I totally agree but they started slobbering over their appearance immediately – I’m very disappointed that even Matt Preston seems to have been told that she is the chosen one and he better get on board the Tamara train.

        • I was still clinging to some respect for Matt, having long ago lost any admiration for the other two, but he is on a slippery slope.

          I am sure that the macarons were way bigger than she intended, having slopped down and spread /not aired properly. Hence the filling was way out of kilter in size.

          And pretending that it is okay and even laudable means Matt is complicit too. . .

    • I thought at one point when they showed them in the oven cooking they looked like they had spread out, but then when she got them out they were miraculously ‘perfect’.

      • Well clearly you are delusional Carole, because I saw perfectly even matched filling to macaron ratio – you could not have got a more PERFECT match. There was no gap. They were aligned to perfection. And they had lovely feet. And they were the best macarons I’ve ever had so there.
        (signed: Gary)

  10. They will get rid of Arum next, then try for Sarah and Diana. The final 3 will be Ben, Karlie and Tamara.

    I liked Eliza. Sorry to see her go. I think she is a better cook than Tamara.

  11. They’d decided before they tasted it that it was going to be dry. Poor Eliza was a goner the moment Sarah handed over her pin.

    • The silly judges can say what they like because we cant tell. If they want to send Tamara home, they can just say the flavours doesnt balance

  12. Amazing how many eliminations Tamara has been in where she has been able to cook what she likes.

    Eliza’s main problem was the judges found her uninteresting as a person.

  13. So on a totally different slant. Just putting it out there for all you “voice” fans, my eldest son was signed up today as part of the song writing crew for the next season. I am actually wondering how he’ll cope with that when the term “Delta” in our family means SKIP THE NEXT TRACK 😛I have NEVER watched the show and never want to but I guess I’ll have to next season. 😢

  14. Well what a surprise Tamara went through.
    I was worried for Karlie when she was having trouble with her oyster cream but she managed to get it right. I hoped when she was doing a gin & tonic that they would be able to taste it after that girl on Heston week did a Mai Tai or something & they couldn’t taste it.
    Am I awful for being glad when Tamara’s parfait didn’t set? Unfortunately she used the liquid nitrogen to set it. Aren’t macarons supposed to have a cream filling? They just looked weird with that lump of parfait in them.
    Obviously Sarah used her pin. Was there ever any doubt?
    Poor Eliza was a goner when her fish was a bit dry.

  15. This was her first time in elimination right? Cooking well until the pointy end of the comp can sometimes be a bad thing.

  16. Oh, horseshit. All the letters from home were written in the same hand. The partners must have been instructed to reference something that would invoke a food memory. What would have been cooked if one guy said he remembered best their first sexual encounter?

    And, judges, way to telegraph who was to be eliminated – the fish was a little dry. There was nothing wrong with Tamara’s flat macarons with a thick blob of frozen goat’s cheese goop in the centre? Are we never to be rid of that simpering, butt-licking, conceited little phoney?

    • Lies from home, via $hine’s editing suite. Tim probably sent Tamara a text dumping her weeks ago.

      Macarons that look like pink Wagon Wheels with a piece of next level tofu jammed in between. I bet Ten’s Ma$terchef website has melted down with recipe requests for that garbage.

  17. My first take on Macarons 5 years ago. Bake on a day when I got the worst news regarding my health. Not perfect but good flavours

      • Definitely next level Littlepetal. They look amazing. I also find them too fiddly to bake so buy them from a French bakery in Brunswick called La Chockette.

    • LP – where is the macerated basil/ chilli oil with cheese? They look delicious and non grainy and flat! I posted my macarons too!

      • He he. Not this lot but I have done basil, passionfruit, white chocolate filling.
        Hats off to anybody who try to make macarons. So hard to make them perfect.
        Macarons are too sweet for me. I dont make them anymore.

        • Some ground up black pudding shards would balance that sweetness and add some crunch.

    • Now those look like delicious macarons. I have no idea what the stooges where salivating over when it came to Tamara’s faux macarons.

    • LP – I want to make Aquafaba macarons one weekend as my son has a mild egg allergy. I’ve made AF meringues but not macs. Have you used AF at all?

  18. Another BS episode and elimination. They could cook whatever they wanted. Why not a difficult challenge? Why not a pressure test?
    In the tasting room over the top comments by the stooges: the best I’ve ever tasted in the tasting room or whatever Georgie said as per Karlie’s dish….could be on the menu of any of the best restaurants in the world. Oysters, oyster cream, granita…whatever.
    Stooges ooohing and aaaahing like these were actually the best tasting and most beautifully presented dishes ever. Granted I didn’t taste them but it just wasn’t believable. They fail as con men in my book. The writers need to give them better lines.
    Tamara’s macarons grainy when piped, flat, macaron and filling not balanced. Never been to France but I’ve gone to other pastry shops and would hope not to see those displayed in a pastry shop window.
    As soon as judges made comment that trout might be dry I knew Eliza was a goner. She was actually a goner as soon as Sarah returned the pin. If she had not used the pin she probably would have been eliminated.
    Masterfail, Masterfarce.

  19. Another BS episode and elimination. They could cook whatever they wanted. Why not a difficult challenge? Why not a pressure test?
    In the tasting room over the top comments by the stooges: the best I’ve ever tasted in the tasting room or whatever Georgie said as per Karlie’s dish….could be on the menu of any of the best restaurants in the world. Oysters, oyster cream, granita…whatever.
    Stooges ooohing and aaaahing like these were actually the best tasting and most beautifully presented dishes ever. Granted I didn’t taste them but it just wasn’t believable. They fail as con men in my book. The writers need to give them better lines.
    Tamara’s macarons grainy when piped, flat, macaron and filling not balanced. Never been to France but I’ve gone to pastry shops and would hope not to see those displayed in a pastry shop window.
    As soon as judges made comment that trout might be dry I knew Eliza was a goner. She was actually a goner as soon as Sarah returned the pin. If she had not used the pin she probably would have been eliminated.
    Masterfail, Masterfarce.

    • Eliza was a goner the second the pin was played! I did think Karlie’s dish looked interesting and inventive. But I fail to see why grainy flat macarons with no feet and different sized blob of goats cheese awkwardly hovering in the middle is a winner.

    • Don’t know why this got posted twice. I didn’t think I reposted, just edited and changed a word or two.

  20. The judges/producers need to read the Facebook & Twiter comments & take note for future seasons. Stop showing favouritism. We are not stupid & can see it & we don’t like it.

    • It would be as much fun for them as reading the ratings.

      George was still braying “this is a competition” last night and ” no one deserved to go home”. That Hellenic hobbit will say anything to save $hine.

      Had Tamara cooked that trout, the Stooges would have found a way to call it the greatest ever dish seen on Ma$terchef.

      Lumpy satay is not okay but grainy macaron mixture is the nectar of the Stooges.

  21. There needs to be a female judge and blind tastings. The show has jumped the shark this year.

    • They also need to have the guest diners vote for their favorite dishes. Why is it always the stooges who decide when there are others eating the food?

      • They used to years ago. They used to have boxes where they would put their votes in & they’d tell us who they voted for.

  22. From their instagram, there is no compliments on Tamara’s dishes. Even Eloise who is supposed to be bestie with Tamara didnt make any comments.

    The other 4 girls: Diana, Karlie, Sarah and Eliza are still replying and commenting on each other instagram.

    Tamara instagram is all about me

  23. I know, I’m always late to the party but WHAT THE HELL? I told my husband in the beginning: oh Eliza is such a goner, they’ll NEVER let Tamara or Karlie go. And probably they’ll say Tamara took them to France§ and of course they praised this abomination of Macarons with a runny sludge of something something parfait.I mean, Gary nearly came all over it. The Macarons were flat and looked out of whack, being double the width of the parfait. Come on Masterchef, this is getting ridiculous.
    Also stop with the “Cook what you want”-stuff, since it’s also “judge what you want”-stuff. And they already knew before they even tasted Eliza’s dish that it’s gonna be dry. What a bullshit. Not a huge fan of Eliza either, but she was the most consistent and to get booted against Tamara – who for her desastous marrin dish alone should have been going home – is really frustrating. I’m not even mad anymore, just disappointed and frustrated. 🙁

    Oh and girls? Your macarons looked absolutely delicious.

    • Have to agree, at least Eliza actually worked on her dish. Ages to pin bone fish etc. I don’t believe any window in Paris would display parfait filled macarons. Tamara spent most of her cooking time perfecting the “dreaming her way through Paris” story.

  24. I saw this comment on Facebook just now…

    “How can girl who has never been in a pressure test be eliminated her first time, n u have someone been in pressure test 8 times be saved. Whole thing is wrong !”

    It reminded me of how unfair high school is. You study for 6 years and get good results… but don’t do so good under pressure at the most important time and your abilities (in this case… stay or go) is judged on just one thing.

  25. Eliza has been very personable in the last few episodes and in an interview snippet I saw. Pity they barely put her in the edit at all this season. Karlie’s dish looked very cheffy. I only watched the last 5 mins of cooking and then the judging. Did Tamara mention at all her filling was obviously the wrong size as she was cooking? I know the judges did not.

    • No. Tamara didnt say anything about the parfait being the wrong size. Even with macarons ice ceam sandwich, they are the same size as the macarons.

      • Urgh. All they had to say was “these are the wrong size but they are so delicious it doesn’t matter”, but to have nothing in the edit is so suss

  26. Finale could be on Mon, 24July.

    There is something wrong with how the show is run. They should get rid of more contestants initially and let the better contestants improved and cooked more.
    Not eliminating one contestant almost every night in the Finals week

    • I think that’s up against a Ninja Warrior semifinal – they may decide to move it.

      • I dont think they can stop airing MC on Sun, 24 Jul or 25 Jul. The following week is the launch of The Block.

        Ch 10 is stuffed.

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