The judges reveal that each contestant will be in charge of either an entree, main or dessert to serve 50 hungry customers. The bottom three contestants will then be up for elimination.
So far, I got it right that Sarah will be cooking desserts. One step towards elimination
Promo showed Tamara in tears. But I dont think it will move the Iron Lady
She is certainly taking no prisoners.
Spruce! Hmmm, Pine O Clean ice cream?
Judges are not in the kitchen to help Tamara. She is in big trouble
Corriander ice cream is baaaacccck. Thanks Ben.
Oh no! And Ben of all people! May need to revise my final two prediction .., I’m only just starting to watch now as we were getting up to date on Doctor Who instead. Wiping away my tears now to fast forward through Mchef
Need to stop ice cream. More ice cream and ice cream
Sheep milk yoghurt ice cream. Gross.
I know it sounds revolting. All of her dessert sounded revolting. She said she didn’t want it to be sweet. It’s a fucking dessert, it’s supposed to be sweet. If I was in a restaurant & saw that concoction listed as a dessert no way would I order it. Or coriander ice cream. At least the rest of Ben’s dessert sounded nice.
In the end I think it will be dessert that get Sarah eliminated. Even if she gets to the finale, the ridiculous dish to recreate will be a dessert. If you do not have the gereral knowledge about pastry and baking, she will struggle.
Bugger me! I was just churning my icecream for dinner, as you do, and Ben and Sarah do the same!
George is comforting Tamara, “You are an amazing human being.” Geez….
I bet he tells all his underpaid staff that. Beware of Greeks bearing hollow compliments.
Tears are great if not desperate strategy.
Poor thing. Weird combination.
I think Diana and Ben will be safe. Easier combination to work with
Wish the iron lady would tell Sarah to get her damn hair out of the way
Tamara is like Eloise in Japan. Going to pieces under pressure. No help from the judges today.
No “next level” dumplings can help her now.
With such bad performance in the kitchen, Tamara should be in elimination
Karlie is also in big trouble
Fascinating to me that Ben, Diana and Sarah who aren’t teacher’s pets and get little help are working away pretty efficiently.
To be fair, Diana has an easier combination to work with.
Oh Ben…. not the pineapple.
He said the first batch. Hopefully the other batches are o.k.
Actually I think he will be safe
Yeah!!! So happy.
My pick for the elimination are Sarah, Karlie and Tamara. Sarah uses her pin will be replaced by Eliza.
Ben is safe.Conspiracy theory that he is the designated survivor?
Guess the patron who stated she never thought of corriander ice cream is not a MC viewer.
Poor Eliza. First elemination challenge could be her last cook
Sarah will be stupid not to play the pin.
Hmmmm. Sarah a bit hard done by with those choices. Ben had the easiest choices by far, IMO. A LOT of work preparing all those ducks and marin.
Sarah said her goal was to get a pin to make it to finals week. She earned it so she should use it. I thought she couldn’t use it next week? Is that not the case any more?
Diana and Ben have the easiest combination to work with.
Spot on prediction at 17 Littlepetal. But even if it’s not bloody ready, you’ve gotta get it out! Prediction PLUS tomorrow. YES ROX!
If Arum was in this service challenge, I think he will perform badly.
Arum just scraped into Top 24. He took the ladt spot. Now he is Top 6!!!!
Sarah: “How do you ask a friend to take a bullet for you?”
a) it’s not a friend
b) it’s not a bullet
You’re not in Mosul, amata~ merely the Ma$terchef Kitchin.
Its a competition, Sarah. The purpose of the immunity pin is to safe yourself.
Did they hand Clare an old MPW script?
Loved Ben’s fist pump when he won, and he immediately tried to rein it in yet as bursting out of his skin with joy
Wow – so much inspiration for next years best eva amatas audition dish
More bloody ice cream. But not nice yummy ice cream. Weird yukky ice cream.
So glad Ben was safe.
I’m worried for Karlie now. Sarah will use her pin, she’d be stupid not to. Tamara will be safe so it will be between her & Eliza.
Still happier Reading what happened here with excellent commentary – rather than actually watching it!
So disappointed that Ben is embracing the weirdo ice cream cult. But in his defence, he HAS seen weirdo ice cream flavours receive unwarranted and extreme praise. He might not have grasped that the praise was more related to the maker’s favoured status with judges.
Might actually watch tonight in case karma delivers a crushing blow to Tamara. I feel mean sniping at her, but the way in which she is presented to the viewers is hard to cop without sniping.
I wish Claire would have told Ben and Sarah that ice cream would not be served during this service. Let’s see what else these best eva amatas can come up with besides ice cream. I thought that Diana’s dish should have been praised more than Ben’s since Ben did another @$@#$@# ice cream. I like him but he’s jumped onto the ice cream bandwagon and that’s very sad. Diana’s dish looked beautiful. Ben’s dish…yawn.
If Sarah doesn’t use the pin then she is foolish.
Once again, too much onscreen time for Tamara. Maybe the next cook will be her last. Karlie very much lacking confidence in the kitchen.
The unfair thing about this service challenge is that some of the ingredients had longer preparation time and were easier to work with than others such as the desserts.
the icecream fad is like the parfait fad a couple of years ago – I always thought it’s because they only ever given them an hour for the challenge so unless they want to get pancakes each and every time the icecream/parfait is the only other option (or a nice fruit salad). I think you need more time for pastry and cakes.
So when they gave them 3 hours for last night’s challenge, I thought they should have come up with something other than icecream.
Also re the immunity pin: notice Gary’s statement: are you going to use it or back yourself?
Nice spin on that Gary. But she can also back herself by USING the pin.
She will use it – it’s too close to the end of the comp. They really twisted the knife, though, by pointing out Eliza would take her place.
What faux drama! Just saw the promo. Gary said tonight elimination is the last time she can use the pin. That what the pin is for. To avoid elimination. No point fighting so hard to earn it and then dont use it..
Yeah I was worried for Karlie for a while there. I thought if Sarah used her pin it would be between her & Tamara & Tamara would ‘win’ unless she fucked up so bad they couldn’t save her.
I missed the show last night, so tried to watch it this morning. First there was the buildup to the challenge, with all the lip-sucking, lip-pursing, widened eyes, and breath blowing of the contestants making me think I was looking into a fish tank. Then there’s frigging Tamara writing her simple plan on that stupid giant piece of paper with her fat pen, then demonstrating several times that she can count to five, but doesn’t know not to double handle everything, exasperating the hell out of me. When it got to Eliza wiping all the dirt from the mushrooms onto her cutting board, I gave up.
Some of them must have behaved like adults who knew what they were doing, but I couldn’t get past the irksome, panic-ridden bumblers to see.
This challenge is really a difficult one for some. Firstly you get weird combination and you have to plan a dish in the 3 hrs time frame. Also prep and cooking for 50 is not an easy task.
Also this year, the contestants did not get to do service challenges in the earlier episodes.
When MPW was around they did a few service challenges in the first few weeks of comp.
Actually to make this show more interesting, the judges should tell them (or us) at the end of any challenges and after the verdict, what they cook in the rime frame.
These contestants were too inadequate to do a service challenge and definitely could not be exposed to a public vote!
In the earlier team challenge, some girls also dont know how to cook couscous. I think Tamara was one of them.
Did Tamara cook the marrons in more than 1 pot?
The last few years of MKR someone has stuffed up couscous. I don’t know how it’s possible to not cook it enough. I do mine in the microwave – easy!
I liked the souffle challenge yesterday – a classic dish that evens the playing field and people can try a different spin on it it to stand out or even, just doing it properly.
I felt sorry for Karlie and Tamara having the more labour intensive ingredients, but there was no sense of urgency – they were SLOW. Ben was like an energiser bunny from the first few minutes. So he did have time to make the pineapple again. Eliza was also slow and told off by Clare for her mushroom cleaning at a snail’s pace.
I know the show is not called Master Waiter, but what is with all the waiters having their thumbs in the plates? It is not hard to carry a plate without sticking your thumb all the way in. I only saw one waiter carry the plates properly.
So far, I got it right that Sarah will be cooking desserts. One step towards elimination
Promo showed Tamara in tears. But I dont think it will move the Iron Lady
She is certainly taking no prisoners.
Spruce! Hmmm, Pine O Clean ice cream?
Judges are not in the kitchen to help Tamara. She is in big trouble
Corriander ice cream is baaaacccck. Thanks Ben.
Oh no! And Ben of all people! May need to revise my final two prediction .., I’m only just starting to watch now as we were getting up to date on Doctor Who instead. Wiping away my tears now to fast forward through Mchef
Need to stop ice cream. More ice cream and ice cream
Sheep milk yoghurt ice cream. Gross.
I know it sounds revolting. All of her dessert sounded revolting. She said she didn’t want it to be sweet. It’s a fucking dessert, it’s supposed to be sweet. If I was in a restaurant & saw that concoction listed as a dessert no way would I order it. Or coriander ice cream. At least the rest of Ben’s dessert sounded nice.
In the end I think it will be dessert that get Sarah eliminated. Even if she gets to the finale, the ridiculous dish to recreate will be a dessert. If you do not have the gereral knowledge about pastry and baking, she will struggle.
Bugger me! I was just churning my icecream for dinner, as you do, and Ben and Sarah do the same!
George is comforting Tamara, “You are an amazing human being.” Geez….
I bet he tells all his underpaid staff that. Beware of Greeks bearing hollow compliments.
Tears are great if not desperate strategy.
Poor thing. Weird combination.
I think Diana and Ben will be safe. Easier combination to work with
Wish the iron lady would tell Sarah to get her damn hair out of the way
Tamara is like Eloise in Japan. Going to pieces under pressure. No help from the judges today.
No “next level” dumplings can help her now.
With such bad performance in the kitchen, Tamara should be in elimination
Karlie is also in big trouble
Fascinating to me that Ben, Diana and Sarah who aren’t teacher’s pets and get little help are working away pretty efficiently.
To be fair, Diana has an easier combination to work with.
Oh Ben…. not the pineapple.
He said the first batch. Hopefully the other batches are o.k.
Actually I think he will be safe
Yeah!!! So happy.
My pick for the elimination are Sarah, Karlie and Tamara. Sarah uses her pin will be replaced by Eliza.
Ben is safe.Conspiracy theory that he is the designated survivor?
Guess the patron who stated she never thought of corriander ice cream is not a MC viewer.
Poor Eliza. First elemination challenge could be her last cook
Sarah will be stupid not to play the pin.
Hmmmm. Sarah a bit hard done by with those choices. Ben had the easiest choices by far, IMO. A LOT of work preparing all those ducks and marin.
Sarah said her goal was to get a pin to make it to finals week. She earned it so she should use it. I thought she couldn’t use it next week? Is that not the case any more?
Diana and Ben have the easiest combination to work with.
Spot on prediction at 17 Littlepetal. But even if it’s not bloody ready, you’ve gotta get it out! Prediction PLUS tomorrow. YES ROX!
If Arum was in this service challenge, I think he will perform badly.
Arum just scraped into Top 24. He took the ladt spot. Now he is Top 6!!!!
Sarah: “How do you ask a friend to take a bullet for you?”
a) it’s not a friend
b) it’s not a bullet
You’re not in Mosul, amata~ merely the Ma$terchef Kitchin.
Its a competition, Sarah. The purpose of the immunity pin is to safe yourself.
Did they hand Clare an old MPW script?
Loved Ben’s fist pump when he won, and he immediately tried to rein it in yet as bursting out of his skin with joy
I just saw this on Facebook. Imagine this as an immunity challenge!!
Wow – so much inspiration for next years best eva amatas audition dish
More bloody ice cream. But not nice yummy ice cream. Weird yukky ice cream.
So glad Ben was safe.
I’m worried for Karlie now. Sarah will use her pin, she’d be stupid not to. Tamara will be safe so it will be between her & Eliza.
Still happier Reading what happened here with excellent commentary – rather than actually watching it!
So disappointed that Ben is embracing the weirdo ice cream cult. But in his defence, he HAS seen weirdo ice cream flavours receive unwarranted and extreme praise. He might not have grasped that the praise was more related to the maker’s favoured status with judges.
Might actually watch tonight in case karma delivers a crushing blow to Tamara. I feel mean sniping at her, but the way in which she is presented to the viewers is hard to cop without sniping.
I wish Claire would have told Ben and Sarah that ice cream would not be served during this service. Let’s see what else these best eva amatas can come up with besides ice cream. I thought that Diana’s dish should have been praised more than Ben’s since Ben did another @$@#$@# ice cream. I like him but he’s jumped onto the ice cream bandwagon and that’s very sad. Diana’s dish looked beautiful. Ben’s dish…yawn.
If Sarah doesn’t use the pin then she is foolish.
Once again, too much onscreen time for Tamara. Maybe the next cook will be her last. Karlie very much lacking confidence in the kitchen.
The unfair thing about this service challenge is that some of the ingredients had longer preparation time and were easier to work with than others such as the desserts.
the icecream fad is like the parfait fad a couple of years ago – I always thought it’s because they only ever given them an hour for the challenge so unless they want to get pancakes each and every time the icecream/parfait is the only other option (or a nice fruit salad). I think you need more time for pastry and cakes.
So when they gave them 3 hours for last night’s challenge, I thought they should have come up with something other than icecream.
Also re the immunity pin: notice Gary’s statement: are you going to use it or back yourself?
Nice spin on that Gary. But she can also back herself by USING the pin.
She will use it – it’s too close to the end of the comp. They really twisted the knife, though, by pointing out Eliza would take her place.
What faux drama! Just saw the promo. Gary said tonight elimination is the last time she can use the pin. That what the pin is for. To avoid elimination. No point fighting so hard to earn it and then dont use it..
Yeah I was worried for Karlie for a while there. I thought if Sarah used her pin it would be between her & Tamara & Tamara would ‘win’ unless she fucked up so bad they couldn’t save her.
I missed the show last night, so tried to watch it this morning. First there was the buildup to the challenge, with all the lip-sucking, lip-pursing, widened eyes, and breath blowing of the contestants making me think I was looking into a fish tank. Then there’s frigging Tamara writing her simple plan on that stupid giant piece of paper with her fat pen, then demonstrating several times that she can count to five, but doesn’t know not to double handle everything, exasperating the hell out of me. When it got to Eliza wiping all the dirt from the mushrooms onto her cutting board, I gave up.
Some of them must have behaved like adults who knew what they were doing, but I couldn’t get past the irksome, panic-ridden bumblers to see.
This challenge is really a difficult one for some. Firstly you get weird combination and you have to plan a dish in the 3 hrs time frame. Also prep and cooking for 50 is not an easy task.
Also this year, the contestants did not get to do service challenges in the earlier episodes.
When MPW was around they did a few service challenges in the first few weeks of comp.
Actually to make this show more interesting, the judges should tell them (or us) at the end of any challenges and after the verdict, what they cook in the rime frame.
These contestants were too inadequate to do a service challenge and definitely could not be exposed to a public vote!
In the earlier team challenge, some girls also dont know how to cook couscous. I think Tamara was one of them.
Did Tamara cook the marrons in more than 1 pot?
The last few years of MKR someone has stuffed up couscous. I don’t know how it’s possible to not cook it enough. I do mine in the microwave – easy!
I liked the souffle challenge yesterday – a classic dish that evens the playing field and people can try a different spin on it it to stand out or even, just doing it properly.
I felt sorry for Karlie and Tamara having the more labour intensive ingredients, but there was no sense of urgency – they were SLOW. Ben was like an energiser bunny from the first few minutes. So he did have time to make the pineapple again. Eliza was also slow and told off by Clare for her mushroom cleaning at a snail’s pace.
I know the show is not called Master Waiter, but what is with all the waiters having their thumbs in the plates? It is not hard to carry a plate without sticking your thumb all the way in. I only saw one waiter carry the plates properly.