Australian Ninja Warrior has been a huge success for Nine – so much do that other channels are rethinking their programming.
Seven has decided to hold on to the family show Little Big Shots, which was about to air, fearing the Shane Jacobsen-hosted show would be slaughtered in the ratings by the agile ninjas.
And still no start date for Marco Pierre White’s Hell’s Kitchen. I want Debra Lawrence (Pippa from Home and Away) to win, partly because of her stellar work on Please Like Me.

Ninja Warrior’s alright but one wonders how many triumph over adversity sob stories before it becomes tiring?
I agree with BDD – it is enjoyable but not remarkable.’
However for me, after too much shonky judging and personality driven rigging of other shows (looking specifically at you Masterchef, MKR and House Rules) I LOVE the fact that it’s a non negotiable ‘pass’ or ‘fail’.
The back stories are great to fast forward through.
Yes. Now I worked out how the show is popular. There is no bias judging. No favouritism. No fake result. Just on your own. Easy watching when you skip the backstories.
Also I think viewers love to laugh at those who talked themselves up and come crushing down.
It can be funny to hear the competitors giving long monologues about how awesome and brilliant they are, and they crash out on the first or second challenge.
Agree, I am enjoying it – thou I did tune out a bit towards the end of Tuesdays ep – i think the episodes are going 1/2 hour too long (1 hour each over the 3 nights a week would be enough). Sob / back stories are given these days but annoying when they are wasted on people who bomb out in the first obstacle.
It is only going for 3 weeks which i think is just enough before viewers really start tuning out.
I can’t bear the commentators. Just. Can’t.
I find the show oddly compelling, absolutely. I do agree that the sob stories are pretty tedious after a while, but the show never lingers too long on them.
And some of these people are absurdly attractive. Like, in terms of eye candy, these ninjas tick everybody’s boxes.
My friend was on Tuesday night’s episode. He didn’t even get a segment, though (we all suspect that he didn’t have a tragic back-story, so channel 9 didn’t spend too much time on him), and he was one of the, “While you were watching the ads” guys who crashed out on that stupid swing-and-catch challenge.
Absolutely agree on the attractiveness. I’ve never been able to work out whether extremely attractive people focus on being really fit, or whether extremely fit people are really attractive.
Good genes in that family. Very good genes. Man, it’s a good thing all the Hemsworth boys went into acting, because those guys could take over the world through sheer, physical beauty, if they really wanted to.
Semi-finals tonight. The course looks even more terrifying.
And so many contestants just reaching the halfway point of the course and ripping off their shirts. My gosh, this is like porn.