The Block begins tonight and – yay – we’re back to character houses.
Nine, 7-8.30pm.
#9TheBlock's doors open TONIGHT 7o’BLOCK! 🚪
— The Block (@TheBlock) 30 July 2017
And on Monday, the five teams race to finish the 48-hour challenge and do their best to impress the judges; Neale Whitaker, Darren Palmer and Shaynna Blaze. The winning team gets first pick of the houses. Next room is the bathroom.

Character houses is great. Just that the host lacks character.
$cotty needs to lift.
Not sure how they work out that a couple who have done 10 previous renovations are equal with a couple who have done none? Is the TV show handicap that much?
Given their struggle sanding floors, we don’t think their renovation experience has been beneficial.
Ronnie’s a tool at using tools, it seems.
Ten years badly spent.
Wombat thinks he’s got a chance with foxy Elyse.( The “model”)
Tell him he’s dreamin’.
Sarah and Jason look older than mid forties. Fail.
I do love those old weather boards – but they do seem to be placed very close together, so that’s very modern. Haven’t seen a bloke wear purple shorts since the 70s.
Good to have some people over 40. And they don’t seem tonne tools like the older contestants on House Rules. I’m curious as to why the Townsvillers would want to be on The Block when they have not built more than a sandpit.
We now know how someone can’t finish a reno in ten years due to a lack of funds…$3500 for a painting. Week five and they would have burnt through the $250k.
The casting director must have wet themselves when Wombat and his mate applied. Fascinating back story.
Should have some interesting styling.
Maybe “Wombat” will want to dig a burrow for a dwelling…….
Hmmm – ten renovations but can’t sand a floor? Perhaps paid builder to do those ten renovations….
Hard to believe the $3600 painting wasn’t stolen from a kindergarten.
Sticks’s wife is up the stick.
Five generic couples with the usual sob stories that even the scriptwriter acknowledged we had seen it all before. Older couple appear to be crap with money and no style sense. Instagram couple won’t be able to function without several million likes. The tooly couple…nuff said; The footballer and finally the couple the producers hope will carry the show.
The couples have $250k to spend + vouchers. The bind this week is how much they should spent on a bedroom in a house they may not keep. From the previews, it looks like not everyone keeps their house.
New sponsor gets a slow mo introduction (too many slow mo packages).
Told it is an affluent area so I guess the neighbours are going to be thrilled with the AirBnb addition in the backyard.
Hooray! I am finally excited about this series. Finally this show is doing detached dwellings with some character to boot! I can’t believe how close these home stand together. Not much, if any, natural sunlight, (or views), will enter homes, 2, 3, 4 down the sides.
I think the couple from W.A , who have renovated 10 homes already, (and don’t know what’s involved in sanding a floor) may have drawn the short straw, and will be the producer’s and editor’s pick of being the villains / bitches. 😉
… Let the games begin.
I like that they have houses out in the ‘burbs rather than inner city… should mean better results .
I keep thinking how close the houses are, but i guess council wouldn’t have approved it until it was in keeping with other houses in the street. They are lovely houses, i hope the couples do them justice.
Yep, Liberty looks like Ronnie and Georgia are good at telling tradies what to do in their 10 renos but not so good on the tools themselves. I’m no longer convinced they will have much of an advantage!
If you don’t know how to sand a floor, pay someone to do it! Or get carpet in the first place. It’s a bedroom in Melbourne. Floorboards look pretty but Melb is cold!
haha! trying to save money i guess. I would still think after 10 renos they might have learnt a thing or two.
A good rug, heating and a well insulated house, and you’ll be right!
Not the first time I have heard them not want to return to Sydney, but i thought it was more about the traffic and getting around, than issues with Councils.
I thought it was because most of the production team lives in Melb. Shelley is from Melb, right?
I’m not sure where Shelley is actually from but I thought she lived in Byron bay.