Time for a new general chat thread.
Sad news that Siegfried from All Creatures Great and Small died. Loved that show (and read all the books) as a child.
Story here.
It’s cold and rainy here in SA, so perfect weather for some catch-up TV. Mr Juz and I are going to tackle the ABC medical drama Pulse next.
What’s everyone watching?

Bloody freezing here today too. Too cold to go to pottery.
What is freezing by WA standards? 6C here overnight but my visitors think it’s mild as Canberra has had minus 8!
Some AFL, then Survivor encores, 48 hrs. Storms and rain here.
It’s going to be a weekend for hiding indoors, BDD. And flash flooding warnings in the Hills! Anyone going to watch MPW on Sunday? I will fast forward it after Survivor. Or maybe fast forward The Block just to see the bathrooms
The scowling “Open the doors to Hell’s Kitchen” is enough to rope me in.
Siegfried? Oh, no.
I lasted five minutes through Pulse. I thought it was pretentious. Like she’s the only person in existence with ethic and morales. But that was just five minutes of my life.
We are watching Prime Suspect. I find the sexism hard to take ( how times have changed) but it is really well written and put together. I love British.
And Yes, Marco, I wouldn’t miss him for quids.
Sounds like when I watch Mad Men and my brain explodes at all the smoking and drinking at work, and the men calling the secretaries “sweetheart”.
We are watching Preacher. It’s not for those who love Little House on the Prairie and Anne of Green Gables. It’s a bit dark but has been holding our interest. It’s kind of weird. We have watched 3 eps so far.
I loved Siegfried too. He was an okay age though so I’m not too distressed.
Swans have won so I’m very happy.
I don’t think I can face Hells Kitchen. 7 hasn’t exactly proven to me that they can roll out a good cooking show.
Good luck with pulse – we were with Bobi- only lasted five minutes here too!
Oh no. I ended up watching House Hunters instead, so maybe will skip Pulse
Wow, it was a perfectly beautiful and fine day up here in Queensland. I went to lunch with the extended family, and played darts with my cousins (and I actually won! I never win anything), but that was my day.
Sounds glorious. We’ve had wild winds and storms for a few days now. But our ceiling has not flooded and the trampoline and tall avocado tree for not blow away, so all good.
Finished watching season 1 of the new “Doctor Who” with Christopher Eccleston. Too bad he was only the Doctor for one season. He was one of the better Doctors, IMO. Best episodes were “The Empty Child” and “The Doctor Dances”. Going to catch up on “Dark Matter” and “Killjoys”.
I wasn’t a fan of him and Billie was wooden to start but improved a lot. Her mum was the best character of that series. But I do appreciate any episode that has Captain Jack in it
Gorgeous weather here all weekend, sitting out watching soccer both days. Guiltily happy that my least favourite AFL player will not be visible on my screens for the rest of the season.
I just watched the first 2 seasons of “The Fall”. It’s a couple of years old now. Season 3 is on at the moment. Totally loved it. Darker version of Dexter crossed with Prime Suspect. UK show. Set in Northern Ireland with Gillian Anderson playing an English woman. The guy is the Fifty Shades dude.
So long to Glen Campbell, one of the finest guitar players around.
Have a look on YouTube at his rendition of
The William Tell Overture with some symphony orchestra. It makes me smile every time.
Still watching Preacher. It is really good. It has an unexpected storyline.
I know the graphic novel it’s based on is hugely popular. It’s on my list – have to do American Gods first. If anyone is looking for a fun series that’s a quick watch I recommend People of Earth. A light-hearted look at alien abductees.
I will keep it I mind, Juz.
Yay, I just worked out how to get my pic back, after changing email address! It has been driving me crazy.
Has anyone been watching You Can’t Ask That on ABC? It’s a short interview show featuring people from decent parts of society. Past episodes have included S&M practitioners, little people and ice addicts. Tonight’s repeat on those who once attempted to commit suicide was especially good http://iview.abc.net.au/programs/you-cant-ask-that/LE1617H003S00
Back on tab. Let’s see if pics work now.
They are my favourite. I would pay money for them – perhaps I would haggle a little, but still definitely money.
😂LOL, thanks Bobi.
Yay. Still some changes I need to gallery, but yay.
That’s my latest jugs. Next I am wanting to make a bride, groom and bridesmaid.
PS, I know my Jugheads are ugly btw.
Bloody hell! What happened to our lap dogs?
Testing 2
Here is my lap dog. Will he do?
Goodness gracious … dog mittens? …
Your photo flicked in and then out. Did you delete?
I wanted another photo. My pics are hit and miss. It worked this morning, no probs. Then tonight not. We tried reducing the size and that helped first time, now not. Nope. I sent a pic and this one didn’t work.
Try 3.
Last try then I give up.
Photo reduced. At last.
The doggies are so so cute!
Bloody hell. I am going to start building an ark. The deluge continues. We have had rain for days; barely a break. Not even going to bother getting out of my pjs today.
My loyal companions think the same.
Friends have just come home early from hols because of the rain in SA. We are getting to the point here where there are mutterings about the lack of rain and the portents for bushfire season. So can you send some over east, please? Just during the night, because we are loving the mild pre-spring days.
Just read that Alex is in a relationship with another woman. What will Ritchie think of that!
It makes Ritchie look like a dead root.
Does! Didnt another of his girls turn and disappear to bali?
No way! I’m with BDD he must be completely HOPELESS in the sack. That’s hilarious.
What is it about the Bachelor Mansion that makes them turn girl on girl?
I remember there was a rumour that Richie was a bit whiffy … and most girls smell nice.
Daisy, how is your grandson that broke both his arms, going? On the mend I hope?
Thanks for asking, Erin. Like any resilient 13 year old, he’s well mended and up to tricks. BTW, he and his sister love watching Murdoch Mysteries and Judge Judy with me, and sometimes Dr Phil when it is about the dangers of not obeying your grandma 😂😂😂😂😂😍
Glad to hear it Daisy! I am impressed you have got the grandchildren into your fave tv shows. I used to get stuck watch the news at my grand parents!
Oh no. They love Murdoch Mysteries, Dr Phil and Judge Judy.. They think they are funny…and Dr Phil can be a solemn warning to little girls who want to grow up naughty. 😁
Current jug head.
Photo issues. Sorry.
Sorry, Daisy. Mr Juz has been working all hours and I have not asked him yet
I think it was a combo of size and ttv traffic.
Some shocking news http://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/star-of-the-voice-allegedly-kidnapped-choked-bound-and-raped-in-terrifying-assaults-by-exboyfriend/news-story/7827b0feb344ef805c450a3e6cdafb58
I just watched Tiny Houses on 9Life and a couple built a sheep herder’s wagon (looked like a canvas Wild West wagon). It was teeny but the worst but was the toilet was in the living area – they lifted up a flap in the wooden bench and there was a porta pottie in it! I don’t even agree with normal houses having doorless ensuites! Don’t think we’ll be seeing this on The Block
Just taking the doglets for their first trip to the beach. It will be fun see their reaction. It’s a calm shallow beach so it’s good for doglets.
10 days until the new GBBO version starts. Can’t say I am looking forward to it. Will try the first episode and see from there. It’s mean, but I hope it turns into a huge flop and the production company sees what a dick move it was to take it away from the BBC and how much it hurt losing Sue and Mel and especially Mary Berry.
Yes, that one.
Well, at least the last 2 seasons of the Australian version were rather enjoyable. Not keen on the hosts and I do not like Maggie Beer, but Matt Moran is great. 🙂 And the contestants are really good as well and it has the same spirit as GBBO.
Zhee or anyone else who may have watched it, what did you think of the new GBBO? I don’t really like the new hosts. Prue Leith is not Mary Berry but she isn’t bad. It seems that they are spending less time talking about each contestants’ dishes when they stop at the benches as well as when they are doing the judging.
I hope the next episode is better.
We just watched the first two eps of OA. Not bad so far.
Did anyone watch the documentary on Scientology on SBS tonight. It was excellent.
Ahhh, rats. I made a conscious decision not to watch it thinking it would be same old, same old. I find Scientology fascinating and train-wreck watching.
Recorded and watching now, Lola. Yikes. But imo ALL religions should be open transparent and open to honest criticism. It’s scary watching what brainwashed people will surrender to.
Yes. It was great.
Jerry Lewis died.
I know I should feel sad about this but I never found him particularly funny. Incredibly over-rated, and famous for being famous.
And I have the feeling that he was not a very nice man: homophobic, misogynist, and every other -ist going.
Just about every time I watched him , he died.
But raising more than a billion for charity makes him smell good.
When we were kids we loved his movies and thought he was funny. He inspired Steve Urkel. I loved the Nutty Professor. And the Disorderly Orderly. Humour was simple back then.
I’m watching the Sugar Crash tonight. Essential viewing. It’s good to remind myself to keep away from my favourite chocolates and cakes.
For those who need cheering up.
Current pots. The hat is the lid on one. The head is the lid on the bridesmaid. Her name is Joan.
Photos worked – yay! I still find it glitchy. These would be great sugar bowls
The doglets in the back yard.
Has anyone been brushing “those hard to get in crevices” using a miracle scrubber? My mum wants her crevices done and wants to know if they work.
Also she will appreciate any jokes about crevices.
Say what?
Ordinary people….extraordinary outbursts.
George proves what a Ma$terc*** he is.
Thanks, Maz.
Another one in the news.
Former My Kitchen Rules contestant David Vu has pleaded guilty to cocaine possession in a Sydney court this morning.
George trying to look intelligent in those silly glasses😕
I thought he was trying to be like Heston. Just a copycat