It’s bedroom reveal time but a few teams have thrown an ensuite into the mix also. Which kind of sucks for those who did a plain ol’ bedroom.
I just want to know if Hannah and Clint’s builder can produce a room that meets code this time round.
Will #9TheBlock's biggest ever Ensuite give one Couple the winning edge? 😇
— The Block (@TheBlock) 11 August 2017

Word of the day: superfluous. FFS.
Bad ideas never die. The chump jacket has been replaced by the pink tutu. Sigh.
House one delivers the first wow of the night. Shaynna announces that it feels beautiful. With the dark banksia wallpaper, Darren remarks that it has a dramatic boutique hotel look. You shouldn’t be afraid of dark colours as long as there is contrast which they have done well with the robe.
The skylight in the ensuite looks dramatic.
Painting is shite but it is a winning room. Don’t think so.
Score 9.5, 8.5,9=27
House Two
At least they finished. It is very pretty but not bland. Scraping for positives, the judges think the bedside styling is superb and the robe is the star.
Neale hates the artwork. It is visually cluttered.
Score 9.5,8.5,9=27.
House Three WINNERS
When the judges make the point that doing an ensuite does not equate to extra points the fix is in.
Shaynna loves the dark timber flaws. Taking the colour palette from the light fixture discarded by S&W, Darren enthuses they have a level of sophistication which is timeless. The word glamourous is thrown around a couple of times despite the el cheapo curtain rail. Score 9.5, 9, 9.5=28
dark timber ‘flaws’… I love it! haha
House Four
Oh wow utters Darren as he spies the blackbutt floors. Shannya hates the bed. Neale hates the sidetables.
The judges are not impressed by the relationship between the contemporary ensuite and heritage bedroom. They need to mindful of this as they continue the comp. Score 9, 8.5,9=26.5
Team Insta’s room has ‘bags of personality’ with the panelling, shutters and ceiling fan. Darren loves the amazing bedhead. The ensuite is exquisite with the handpressed subway tiles. For Shaynna it is utterly perfect bar the shower shelf. Score 9,9,9.5=27.5
I thought Insta would win again. I do like that their rooms don’t have that gloomy plush hotel feeling and the panelling was lovely – hope they repeat it in other rooms. I liked House One’s initial
Beetle wallpaper but the banksias will appeal to more people.
Team WA’s winning room was nice but I have seen that blush pink colour enough. Maz, do you think the judges were trying to make a point by giving the win to a team who only did the room set out in the brief?
It is slightly conflicted message this year as Ben and Andy scored a perfect 30 last year with their surprise ensuite. Think several of the teams were hoping to replicate that.
Insta was not going to win this week. a) The budget for this project seems to be very tight and if one teams dominates in the early weeks it is very hard for teams to catch up in later weeks. b) See first point about tight budget. They are not going to reward a couple that spends $50k for a space that was budgeted for $10k c)Josh comes across a nasty prat. They need the teams to appear likable. Too many wins for Insta and that mask will slip.
Was there some explanation during the week why the ensuite (a lot of extra work) was optional? What will the extra floor space be used for in House 3? And I wonder what space is losing out on whoever had the biggest ensuite? I guess at least the houses will have some more points of difference between them…
This week was guest bedroom (not bedroom AND ensuite). Three teams opted to do an ensuite in the belief it would give them the edge in winning. Three ensuites cancelled each other out for wow factor.
Stick and Wombat in building a large ensuite have pretty much gambled away ‘media room week’ as that space is now a pokey closet with no windows.
I don’t know if it was deliberate that the win went to a team that only did the bedroom but I wonder if it was more along lines of do one room well, rather than two ok – but not great and not reward a team just coz they added the bathroom (i refuse to call a walk-in-robe a room – and I think they are unnecessary in a guest bedroom). And based on what we saw, they weren’t that impressed by the bathrooms. I think Jason and Sarah had the best idea, making the bathroom “jack and jill”.
Shell – I think they only have to do the rooms as per the plans they are given, if they choose to do extra bathrooms (or other rooms) that is their choice. Sticks and Wombat, have effectively taken out an extra bedroom (the plans show it as a media room but if i were on The Block, i would be making sure it could easily become a bedroom too if necessary). with their ensuite and walk in robe, I think that will hurt them down the track.
Agree about the budget too Maz, i notice Scotty tells them every week how they are going, i think they are trying to keep them on track as much as they possibly can. Those bathrooms will have eaten in to the budget big time.
Once again, I find the judge’s opinions so contrary to mine. What they love, I hate and vice versa. Makes the show quite unpleasant to watch.
All that back-patting about the light shade “inspiring” the room. What rot, black and white rooms with pink accents are everywhere now – even the House Rules contestants were doing them better.
What I did love, surprisingly, was all the slightly varied shades of blue on the boys bed. It could have looked hotch-potch, but they blended beautifully, IMO, and it was a very brave idea that could have gone wrong.
The room that won was the one that I would have put last – bland and dull.
I thought the winning bedroom was just the same old and not at all creative or interesting. Wombat’s and Stick’s ensuite was way too large but I liked their bedroom. In fact I would also have put that winning bedroom last. The other ones were much nicer.
I think people at home look at the rooms from a “how would i live in this space” point of view, whereas the judges, purely on a design perspective. This is why I have always had an issue with the judges all being designers. I am please this year they have the extra weekly prize from Alice (buyers advocate / real estate person). Notice the room that won the judges loved but Alice hated it!
I agree Erin…. I was looking at those bedside lamps/lights and thinking “how could I read a book in bed by that dim light” (they might look pretty but not very functional!)
Speaking of dim light, Josh just spelled “ceiling” as “cieling”
How can he pull a hot chick like that?
Turkey and Stupid is right. These pranks are infantile.
The other night Dan was th only one who knew what superfluous meant. Sigh
…but he still couldn’t pronounce it correctly!
Filler episode exposing Josh and the others brawling about their kids.Zzzzzzz.
They love their awesome kids but they love being on TV and in No Idea more. They want to hang with $cotty.
I didn’t watch. Did the contestants come to blows over their children? Or has an extra “r” strayed into your comment? Lol.
Oops, my bad.
Although I do agree Josh is pushing the boundaries – he needs to learn just to follow ‘The Block’ rules, I think Heckle and Jeckle, need to go back to acting school!
Wallpaper on the ceiling is not a secret to be proud of I don’t think Georgia!
Yes, it was featured as a before on Homes Under the Hammer.
Sarah’s demeanor reminds me of Eeyore.
Josh was on the radio this morning saying that because the first two weeks of their reno had been mostly smooth sailing, production stepped in to ensure, week 3 wouldn’t be so smooth.
If that is true, then surely it is Ronnie and Georgia they need to be after, finishing nearly 24 hours ahead surely production isn’t a fan of that.
Didn’t pay too much attention tonight but the drama continues with Josh and the RL.
The facade colours need to be chosen. Ronnie a bigger conspiracy nut than the LGM decides to hire a tarp to conceal his colour scheme.
Challenge tonight is to build a cubby which is so not going to end up in the backyard. Sticks and Wombat win the $5k and Insta continue to reveal the paucity of their education.
Bafflement apparently is enough for Mrs Tortoise to win the spelling bee. It must have been dismal if only briefly mentioned.
Can we say that for a couple with a trade, the Tortoises are the most useless couple to ever grace the Block. Two rooms down and they have blown $90k in cash with another 8 rooms to go.
Does Mr. Tortoise actually do any plumbing work in “real” life? Does he do any work at all? Based on what I’ve seen him do on “The Block” I wouldn’t think so.
Weekly walk around with Alice. Insta win with their mezzanine.
The Footys are caned for having a sliding door in their children’ s bedroom.
The Tools room is deemed too feminine.
Ta Maz. I have to fast forward through the last few eps