The Block chat. Apparently “a favourite” does not finish tonight.
Well, we know they can’t be talking about Jason and Sarah because they said the F word. And I guess it’s a “not finish” in the sense that they tried but something went wrong, rather than they just gave up.
Promo for tonight:
TONIGHT 7o'BLOCK: Which of your favourite BLOCKheads don't finish? #9TheBlock
— The Block (@TheBlock) 23 September 2017

I would interpret that to being R&G or J&S. If J&S fail to finish they should be ejected immediately.
Let’s get the despicable couple out the way.
” Oh God, I’m in love” says Darren . Of course the judges fall over themselves while name checking Velux. No mention about the period integrity.
Shaynna hates the pendants. They love the native prints on the wall.
They admit the execution leaves a LOT to be desired. (Hahahaha…no gifting the room win to the Tortoises).
Moving on to the laundry. Neale describes it as sexy. It looks like they have money and are now back in the game. π‘
9 8.5 9 26.5
Where did they get all that money from? Or was the laundry mostly vouchers and prepaid for stuff? The native prints were lovely and the hallway is gloriously wide, but there was a lot unfinished. There needs to be an additional mark out of five for quality of finishes.
Laundry was covered by Freedom. We would not be surprised that they are getting “help” for as Ronnie mocked, they seem to throw a tantrum and get stuff.
Tonight we learnt that JS live close by and they go home regularly. That is so unfair on the interstate teams.
I can’t believe that they received 2 nines for their unfinished work and that Darren scored them higher than Stix and Wombat who met the brief and finished.
If they get to go home then that is VERY unfair.
How do they score 9s when they haven’t finished!!! Grrrrr π
Read a theory on Whirlpool that the judges are scoring more generously as not to impact negatively on the eventual sale. They only seem to give adverse comments on cosmetic finishes such as unpainted walls which can be easily fixed not what Dan and Dani pick up in their review.
Good theory. I also wondered if they automatically give praise to sponsored products… particularly the sky lights, not matter how impractical in bedrooms seem to always get praised.
Yeah,I disagree with unfinished rooms only scoring 1/2 or 1 point lower than finished rooms.
House Two’s hallway is more modest than House One. They have the same pendant as House One but Shaynna feels it works better in this space.
For Neale, the hallway does not offer a sense of drama. The double hallway backfires as it makes the house look like a dormitory. (Stupid idiots should have put in a linen cupboard instead).
Moving onto the laundry. It has a lot of storage but the toilet with a view may not be appropriate in suburbia.
7 7 8 22
I’m over these two. Especially Hannah. No clue. The glass door/toilet combo, really? And agree completely the hall was a fail.
The space they wasted with the “extra hallway” should have been used to make the actual rooms bigger.
Of course the judges take a swipe at RG for having a Victorian hallway in a 1920s Art Deco house (umm, is it Art Deco? We thought it was an interwar house…California Bungalow). It will turn off the purists. Even Napolean is sad, quips Shaynna.
The judges love the native flower artwork. They also like the seperate WC and linen cupboard.
The judges note the lack of storage for the ironing board and the tightness of the clothes line.
8 8 8.5 24.5
For once I agree with Shayna. Nooooo way a Victorian arch in that house.
No mention of the blantant copying of light fittings.
Shayna can can R & Gs mixed period hallway, yet the Tortoises can do a Shopping Mall ceiling and be praised for it?
The judges believe putting the panelling on the ceiling and wall is a masterstroke. Scotty tells them they have finally found their inner girl.
The judges like the automatic attic ceiling ladder.
They were due for a win and using their bonus point they collect the $10000.
8.5 9 10 27.5 +1 = 28.5
They definitely should have the washer & dryer hidden further in, even if they had a door. No door on the laundry in the middle of the house, who comes up with this stuff?!!
Not sure that panelling suits the home. Would suit perfectly my nana & poppa’s Victorian.
The panelling doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the house.
Agree should have hidden the washer / dryer or better yet, put a door on the laundry.
As always the judges demonstrate their wonderfully extensive vocabulary. “Whoa! This is blowing my mind.” And, “This is beyond amazing.”
The judges are impressed by the five foot ceilings. They also comment upon the impact of the panelling that they have carried from the guest bedroom.
Where J&E have excelled is the inclusion of the steel door which differentiates the house from the extension.
Drawbacks the judges note is the lack of a “half bath” and the lack of additional storage. Shaynna advises that they add more storage in the main bath.
9 8.5 9.5 27
I think Elyse had a point about the toilet, they already have two downstairs.
The laundry does seem small.
I liked the door dividing the new and old.
My friend has seen a preview Ep and says it’s great. Love Andrew Winter
Will Neal be leaving The Block? (I’m assuming not.) I think it’s time to replace the judges.
Filler episode. Keith picks a fight with Jason. Jason takes the bait and Sarah complains yet again how hard done by they are. Guess they will be gifted this week’s challenge then.
Karma is a bitch. No pool for Ronnie and the producers are rubbing their hands in glee with all the Mr Nice Guy’s masks (Sticks, Josh, Wombat etc) slipping fast.
It would have been nice to see one of the houses with a pool, might have to settle for a jacuzzi?
The backyard seems to be only a few paces from the garage to the back door of the house. Is a pool/plunge pool really that necessary? As there’s not much room in the actual lounge room / kitchen, people will need the room in their yard to allow for the flow on from the inside.
I have come to the conclusion I can’t tolerate Sarah and Jason any longer. Sarah’s non reaction (as usual) when Keith is making it very clear with wanting answers, as to why they aren’t working. It simply infuriates me.
I think I heard Jason say that Keith has helped them out before. Yeah, sure, and the rest.
I’ve seen current aerial images of the site… there is a pool in at least one backyard…
We don’t mind spoilers π
Pools in Melbourne are just ridiculous. You could only use it a few weeks a year
I’m in Melb and HATE the heat so would probably use it more than most but also the back yards look tiny, why waste space with a pool AND with the garage and studio towering over them, they probably don’t get much sun either.
The contestants travel to Mt Buller for the final challenge for the season. It is a three part challenge, the first two (tobagganing & build a snowman) are designed to equip the contestants with Shelly dollars to refurnish a room at the ski lodge.
Dee judges and Scotty can’t hide his disdain.
3rd place ($4k) : JE (Sympathy win for the hand injury )
2nd place ($6k): CH (The dumb kid has to get a participation award)
1st place ($10k): GR Not that Sarah is bitter about their win or anything.
Sticks and Wombat’s redone bedroom:
Just tuned in to see Ronnie farting in his sleep. Urgh. I’d rather watch Dan popping in to McCafe for 10 minutes than hear Ronnie letting it rip
Just watch the last five minutes….
Basically, the deal “brokered” by Keith and Dan is that two cranes will position the pool into position. Only drawback, the second crane needs access to JS & CH’s yard. Sarah, is allowed to shine and quips they will allow access for $10k. Jason seizes upon this idea and takes it further. $10k plus $5k on any further room wins.
CH then realise that there is money in this and together scheme with JS. The price for access is $10k each plus $1000 for each hour past 12pm.
Hate to see next season as the contestants will know they can spent without consequences and savagely sabotage other teams. Block meet Survivor. Survivor meet Block.
PS. RG win Alice Walkabout. Thought JE were robbed.
JE were robbed.
JS are douches, howevvvva RG did set themselves up at the beginning. G was sooking in previews ‘you think you have friends, they’re greedy, only out for themselves’ Hellllooooo. She has been a sore loser all series. How they expect others to put their work on hold, make a sacrifice to assist RG to win is beyond me.
R&G are reaping what they’ve sown but that Jason is an angry, angry man. And how was that neighbour on the phone saying no to the crane. Sure, say no (living next to The Block would annoy me, too) but no need to be so rude
I know, how rude were the neighbours. However I was thinking setup by producers.
The “spoiler” pic that shows who has a pool in the completed Block and who doesn’t.
Ooh, that’s interesting. Ta, Liberty
Very interesting.
Interesting. I would be buying 4 or 5. Four wins because it doesn’t have the drive way. Lots of noise insulation required for 5 but it has the biggest least shaded yard. I hope JE win anyway. π
Yeah, but you have arsehole neighbours (at least corporate body head demanding to know if you known the difference master and serf).
π π true
According to this post from @myneighbours_theblock2017 on instagram:
The “body corp guy” that rudely spoke to Sticks and Ronnie re the crane, doesn’t even live at his property, and didn’t consult the rest of the committee!
The person running the account also got a VIP viewing of all the houses last night and commented on how small the kitchen / living / dining spaces are compared to the sleeping areas.
There are a few “spoilers” in the comments re backyards and studios, so read with caution if you don’t want to know.
Very interesting now that it is confirmed that the auction is a toss up between SJ & JE. It will come down to auction order and reserve. Strong possibility now that SJ will win this as JE’s house is adjacent to apartments. My guess, RG will come third, SW fourth and CH last.
Interesting, that during BA walk through, Granville said the houses were worth up to $2m. Bit of a discrepancy between that and the floated $3.5m. Would not pay that for effectively what is a town house (oh and had the money π ).
The kitchens were small and apart from the island benches had the same profile as a kitchenette. So unless this suburb is the equivalent of Darling Point/Cremorne Point/Vaucluse why, if you had the cash buy there.
Would love to know what the final spend was on each house.
RG did an instagram live the other day R mentioned (despite G telling him to shutup!) they have been told their biggest competition will be SJ.
I think SW will struggle to sell, too many fixtures and fittings that would be expensive to change (i.e the bunks in the kids room, the ‘anything but room’, the cupboards / shelving around the TV in the living area, wasted space for ensuite and WIR in the guest bedroom, ugly textures in the kitchen… i could go on!)
JE house in my opinion is the easiest one to be able put your own personal touch on…
They have redone the living room
There goes my posting “Imagine if S&J would win…”. I guess it might indeed happen.
I guess it will depend on the auction sales but I’m hoping this series will convince them to do another one with character homes. We know that horrible drug den block of flats is next so fingers crossed for real homes after that.
I really wanted them to do freestanding houses, but they have taken all the character from these houses and built monstrosity extensions behind them. Failed IMO.
I just won VIP tickets to tour The Block this Friday night – its a tour with one of the buyers advocates – Greville (forgot his surname) and a cocktail party afterwards.
So excited! I will be sure to report back my findings afterwards. π
Woo hoo – thatβs exciting!!
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