Will Lauren use her advantage tonight? Those were some pretty stealthy paper switching moves at tribal council last week – a bit of a surprise coming from Lauren. I hope it all works out for her.
I’m still sad that Desi went. Hopefully Cole will join her on the jury shortly.
Here is the latest Ponderosa video:

Lauren was a machine in that challenge! Ryan made a mistake telling Ben without telling Devon his plan
You’d think they would have learned not to answer Jeff back after that guy last week who immediately lost concentration & was out of the challenge. That looked excruciating. It must have really hurt their backs as every one when they dropped out was rubbing their backs.
Did Lauren have to use her advantage tonight? I didn’t see her use it. She looked like she only voted once.
Baaah. I wanted Joe gone first. He is more cunning and shifty than Cole. Cole wouldn’t win all of the challenges and they could knock him off then, but with Joe they would never know if he has an idol, or a plot. Cole couldn’t plot. He wrote Ben’s name, and he was the only one, so it looked like he wasn’t even part of a group.
i’m surprised none of them picked up on Lauren using the first part of her advantage last week, not so good at the maths then?!
Jeff does not always read all the votes – they place too much trust in the almighty Probst!
I thought Jeff gave a tally tally, then said “one vote left”? i’ll have to go back and rewatch!
Daisy, I wanted Joe gone too. I think they are seriously underestimating his ability to make people think in a certain way. He said last night that he wanted to get the under the girls’ skins, so that they all would think that he was an easy vote later because everyone hated him. Then, half an hour later, that is exactly what one of the boys (Devon?) said – “let’s get Cole first, because Joe will be easy as everyone hates him”. Joe’s ability to manipulate people’s thoughts is quite disturbing.
However, I find it surprising that most of them think that Ben is running the show, when it is quite evident to me that Chrissy is running the seven. Hard to believe that they can’t see that. Unless they are happy with that until all the healers are gone, and then they plan to blindside her.
I thought JP had done something serious to his back after the challenge – he didn’t seem to recover like the others.
If JP had not done that spectacular leap into the water I would have forgotten he was still in the game
A good read for long-time fans