Time for a new general chat thread.
I’ve been watching random stuff on TV – a bit of Mary Portas: Secret Shopper from Netflix and I caught part of the Prime Suspect flashback series which follows the start of Jane Tennison’s police career in the 1970s. Looked ok.
Sadly I finished Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency (after I slow start I really enjoyed it) and am devastated to learn they are not making a third season. I need a new show to get hooked on. I’m still watching The Walking Dead but more so out of habit.
What’s everyone else watching?

Nice to be reminded MasterChef is not too far off thanks to the ads during Bachiedise. Last year it started May 1, although Ten has not yet set a date.
I got totally hooked on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. It’s from the Gilmore Girls creators and you can find it on Amazon Prime. Only 8 episodes though. 🙁 I had a good laugh and the actress is fantastic (knew her from House of Cards and she was pretty good in it too).
I also just finished The Great Australian Bake Off. Still not a fan of Maggie Beer, but the show is lovely. <3 Maggie always reminds me of Mom from Futurama. She pretends to be nice and lovely and then when she is not in public, she's an evil villain wearing a fat suit.^^
Oh, and last week end I was at Livre Paris. It's the Paris Book Fair and it was great. Got my book signed by the wonderful Diana Gabaldon. 😀
I also finished watching the Bake Off. Such a different feeling from MC and MKR. It’s wonderful to see the competitors getting along and helping each other out. No faux drama. Most of the creations were amazing. Such yummy goodies.
I’ve also been watching MC UK. As with the Bake Off no faux drama and friendly competition.
I loved this year’s winner. But maybe because a lot of her bakes were “German”. Somehow, we get underestimated a lot. We have fantastic breads and cakes.
It was an amazing season. I liked all three finalists as well as most of the contestants. Did not remember the ones who were eliminated early on.
My family doesn’t underestimate German cakes. From a child I remember some sort of small chocolate thing with this really smooth thin chocolate icing (with torte in the name?) Absolutely delicious. German cakes are the best.
PS I am being transported here … And Berliner Buns – which my kids call jam donuts.
I loved Berliner as a child. My grandma made them herself with home made jam, usually during Fasching (carnival time) in February. SO delicious. Marmorkuchen (marble cake), and all the yummy breads and bread rolls. Bretzeln! Actually my home town has a big fair once a year called Bretzelfest and it was always fun. Also in the town on the mainstreet there are little vendor stalls which sell you Bretzeln. We are actually quite famous for them in Germany.^^
Nailed it! There is something totally fake a bout Maggie Beer that sets my teeth on edge. I think she’s a hard cow who would be totally unable to be trusted, but that’s just me. I am never buying her “sweet” stance.
I have just rewatched season 1 of Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix and I amost finished binge watching Season 2. I love this show, gross-out and all. Something about the way the main characters argue is so familiar to me.
Interestingly, the daughter is Australian (from Canberra) and identifies with the pronoun they/them. I dont understood the logic of this so I won’t sit and judge.
Ooh, I did not know the daughter was from Canberra. That’s my home town. I have a soft spot for Timothy Olyphant – love him in Go and Justified and I like seeing him do comedy for a change.
My home town too.
I have just returned (family stuff) and I am having a little trouble readjusting. I miss Sydney so much, and weather 😑🌪…
I will try it Bobi.
A beautiful friend passed away yesterday. I wouldn’t have wished her stay and prolong her suffering. She was fun, crazy, generous, kind and laughed at all my jokes. Au revoir Noreice.
Sorry for the loss of your friend.
Sorry to hear of the passing of your friend, Daisy.
Thanks Erin. The funeral is Tuesday. It’s hard seeing close family grieving.
Thanks, Smythe. She’s no longer suffering.
Have a happy and safe Easter to you all.
Hello Daisy, sorry for your loss…
On a happier note, yes, I’m totes watching Bachelor in Paradise!!
As you knew I would be!
I’m not sure if we will have a second series as it looks like they’re putting all of the memorable ones into this season..
My husband isn’t impressed with Flo. Looks yes, personality no.
Sorry, I know it’s supposed to be general chat.
Thanks, Bella. Tell hubby, I always felt Flo had a sort of hardness about her. There was something about her I didn’t like, and I wasn’t a fan of her looks. I will give her the eyes.
I am thinking, not the memorable ones. More like the leftovers. And where to from here? I think we’ll have to wait a couple of years.
But you can see why all these people are still single.
Maybe we need an rtv show to teach them how to behave in a relationship (with experts). I will patent it.
As you can see, I am sitting here with nothing to do over breakfast. I don’t want to watch anything about the cricket-I got mess (and there is nothing else).
I think it’s sad but there’s also something nastily voyeuristic about constantly needing to dwell on the personal humiliation.
It’s just a game ffs, and yet it’s dominated the news for three weeks now. There are wars going on that have got less attention than this.
* cricket-ing.
I seem to have lost the edit button on one of my iPads.
Try rubbing it with some sandpaper. ( Sorry)
Happy Easter everyone and also sympathies to you for your loss, daisy.
I woke up today looking forward to the postal service delivering me some parcels, and I wanted to read the paper to follow the cricket scandal …
… and then it’s like, wait, public holiday. Not only that, but 4 day weekend. Damn it.
WW3 could break out and it wouldn’t get as much media coverage as the ball tampering debacle. Am I going to offend if I say it was rather poignant to have that man-woman transgender reporting on ABC on the ball tampering? Good choice ABC.
That took me a moment 😂
Not really any sort of significance – he is the regular cricket commentator, not brought in just for this issue.
When I first came to Australia I was shocked that rugby league was being played on Good Friday. Now it’s anything goes – no quiet, peaceful day – even some shops are trading. I’m not a religious nutter, just someone brought up with some traditions – like always fish on Good Friday! I suppose it’s the 24 hour world we live in now. Have a safe and happy Easter everyone.
I don’t think that you have to be religious to respect the fact that it’s a religious holiday. I don’t like sport on religious holidays either. 🐇
And everyone should eat more (sustainable) fish. 🍤
I hate sport on mother’s day. I think it’s a sacrilege to all mother’s who might like their oaf of a hubby to get off the lounge and take her out for lunch.
And the poor mothers who have to shlepp their kids to the footy and soccer (both in my case!) on mother’s day. just WRONG.
If I was a sports administrator (and frankly you could do worse) I would have a bye on the Mother’s Day weekend!
It’s greed Sara.
I used to agree with you re the footy, but I suppose I have got used to it now. Our denomination is not that big on the “traditions” eg fish etc, after all it is weird that Friday was allocated to commemorate Jesus’ death, when the scriptures seem to prove that he probably died on a Wednesday. The important thing is to have a day that is set apart to let the truth of the events sink in. And I am a big believer in “sacred” days that commercialism is not allowed to touch, to let people have mandated days that they can rest.
The Crown just got a whole lot more interesting:
Be still my beating heart ….
Kind of makes Dr Who look like a mistake.
Tim Dormer (winner big brother 2013) has started a podcast with popsugar called Popcast: Life after reality tv. His first guest was Tully Smyth, was interesting chat with her re the days following her departure from the house. Curious to hear the future eps and who he interviews.
The weather was fabulous in WA. My mother and lovely sister are visiting and we spent Good Friday laying by the pool and swimming. Now we are watching Tabla Rasa…again.
Pic; one of our frquent visitorsl
I just saw the end of Studio 10. Boy Jessica Rowe’s daughters are really beautiful. They are going to be stunning young ladies.
That was good tv.
They had to cut Jessica’s mic. 😂😂😂😂
Happy Easter, all.
Mark the leather jacket wearer and pocket rocket Sam from Australian Survivor just had a baby, named Harry. Better stats than MAFS
Here’s a pic
Very considerate of them to ask the baby whether it wanted it’s image plastered all over social media.
It may not share it’s parents’ cravings for fame and publicity.
They’ve already signed him on for MKR.
Couldn’t be worse than the current crop of contestants.
I remember MKR~ that show that used to be on in the evenings. It’s harder to find than truffles. Say, what’s a colander?
“If I can’t boil this water, I could be going home !”
Dr. Phil just told his guest to “pull your head out of your ass1”
He’s on his high horse of verbal abuse today, then.
Snap. I just heard him say that. I guess he learned it in medical school. At least he still beats the 3 stooges on MAFS. Their recommendations should have them struck off the dummy psych register.
Anyhow, Dr Phil is the least judgemental person he knows. Pffft.
Watched that today for the first time in years. Sad to see what alcohol can do to a once good looking woman.
And out of control eating.
If anyone wants to watch The Voice Australia (Daisy?) it’s back April 16
Yes. I will be watching.
Hey Juz, I just noticed ads. Is that a good thing?
I clicked on one (I’m in the market for a dress). I am happy to be baited if you would like the encouragement.
My ads are not as interesting – Medical Indemnity Insurance, Master Tax Guide and Vaneck ETFs. Mmm, we are not a doctor looking to minimise our tax exposure. LOL.
I have two iPads (well, technically three but the oldest one is for the girls).
Ads only come through on the newest one. Isn’t that odd? I used to understand technology. I am now turning into my mother.
Hi Bobi, yes just giving ads a go to help pay a little towards web hosting. Hopefully we have managed to avoid the racier ones
Does it help you if we click on them, Juz? I hope you don’t want me to order a crate of cat food cans. 😂
I think so, Daisy, but you don’t have to. Otherwise you will get ads for whatever it is wherever you go online
I gon’t mind. The ads happen anyway.
Sigh. If I have to go shopping for the good of the group, fine. I’ll do it. No need to twist my arm …
Maybe I should start a thread for the weirdest ads everyone gets. I’m wondering if Friday night will see a proliferation of takeaway food ads?
Stamford Plaza.
The Commonwealth Games opening ceremony was a bit underwhelming. I’m usually a sucker for an opening ceremony, but I got bored after a while. They started with three surfers on the beach talking about aliens, and it just got more abstract from there.
I noticed some more previews about the MKR event where one team gets kicked out. Channel 7 seem to pinning all their promotional efforts to just how vile the teams are this year, which seems weird to me, but whatever. All the evidence seems to point towards the Man-Eaters getting thrown out … but I just don’t trust Channel 7’s editing department at all. It couldn’t possibly be Henry/Anna, and the Italian boys haven’t seem to get angry at all. The waitresses are quirky but not violent, and Emily would be too busy crying. It’d have to be either the Plastics or the Man-Eaters. Given the footage is almost entirely focussed on the Man-Eaters threatening and insulting the other teams (during The Vietnamese mothers’ restaurant. Although it must happen over multiple nights, because there’s footage of everyone wearing different clothes) … I mean, I can’t imagine how any of the other teams would cross the line in an even worse way.
But I reckon it’s all editing anyway. The team who gets thrown out (whoever they are) does so because of an altercation between filming episodes, right? Which wouldn’t pop up in an actual episode. So my prediction … they’ll film footage of Manu telling a team, “You’re excused” or whatever. The team will still be there, but there’ll be editing tricks to hide them, because it’s only the next night that the team gets told to GTFO. And then the next instant restaurant, everything will continue on.
Viewers on FB also noticed that the ambulance looks like it has a QLD number plate, which indicates that something bad happens at Hipster and Emily’s restaurant. Maybe Emily really does cry so much she suffers dehydration and needs medical intervention?
If you love opening ceremonies, maybe this one is perfect for you:
Euro 2016.
Okay, here’s the real version, but the parody basically hits the nail on its head, David Guetta is filthy rich for pressing buttons…
I have not read anything positive about it in the news back then when it took place.^^ Everyone seemed to dislike it… Look at the audience when it is filmed… They are NOT enjoying it.^^
One of my friends mentioned it is only nice for guys or boys hitting puberty watching the girls jump…
You’re good, Windsong. Your predictions for the next couple of MKR eps could be accurate. People checking out the ambo number plate, geez, I thought I needed to get a life. I’m sort of, kind of, maybe, trying to give a stuff about who is kicked off and who wins. MKR has lost me this season. But I probably said that last year, too, and here I am. Shamed.
MKR has lost a lot of of this season but many of us continue to watch. Best to record and fast forward through most of it. 🙂
Great attention to detail! I’m not watching the show, but I have noticed that the ads re the chuck-out have been gradually becoming more revealing. We see the same scene at the table, but hear maybe one or two more lines (insults) every few days.
The Opening Ceremony was utter shite. I spent a lot of it laughing. Camilla was bored out of her brains, too. You’d want a gold medal for getting through it.
I watched Hard Quiz, Dr.Death and a show about Blues on NITV.
“Your beerhaver eez unaseptabowl….you are skewsed from ze tabhole”
Channel 7 really should get some new material.
I haven’t watched the Blues or Dr D yet, but they have been recorded. The weather is so good here atm that I am vegging out outside today. I will watch when W gets home from work. He will enjoy the Blues, but probably not Dr Death. He grumbles at 48 Hours and Time to Kill etc.
There’s always that line where opening ceremonies get too pretentious and silly for their own good.
Last night crossed that line about two minutes. I channel-surfed until the athletes showed up, which I watched, then I went to bed.
Ha ha Dave, now this comment of your contas ladies dresses. Right in the comment.
For me it’s a pergola ad
Yeah, I often sit under the pergola in a dress.
I just started watching a British show on Netflix called something like the Big Family Cooking Show. I am guessing this is what our Family Food Fight is based on. It’s very much in the style of GBBO – no fuss, everyone polite and chuffed when their opponent wins. Two families go head to head each week and one round is in their own homes. GBBO’s Nadya is a delightful host and one judge is Rosemary from Ladette to Lady (anyone else watch that appalling/fascinating show?).
I watched some episodes. I enjoyed it but moved on because I found others shows I enjoyed more.
I am watching Great British Menu. It’s proper professional chefs competing for something or other. A bit tense and a bit fun at the same time.
There are only so many cooking shows you can sit through and I have limited patience for manufactured drama. Rules a lot of shows out.
Terrible opening ceremony for the games
I hated being subjected to the Jack Farnham anthem and then aurally pulverized into submission with Delta. Rock solid fail.
I mean it was WOEFUL to have pretend John Farnhams, not even a real one.
I must admit I nodded off – I find the commentary of the style “and now the dappled light representing moonbeams gently touching and cherishing the wonders of our deserted beaches” style makes me HEAVE.
If the representation is good it doesn’t need interpretation and if it is unrecognisable do NOT TRY to dress it up as Art.
Oops. that may have turned into a rant about Big Stadium Spectacle Commentary (and I’m definitely glaring at you Johanna Griggs, as you are repeat offender in the utter dross stakes).
Yeah, Johanna Griggs always gets lumped with absurdly-silly commentary by channel 7, and I think her agent needs to work on his/her negotiating skills.
I watched a funny show last night. (I love pommy humour) It was called something like Insert Name, and it was hosted by that lovely lady Sue Perkins. It was no Would I Lie, but I am guessing they change guests like they do on QI and WIL. I recommend it for lovers of these shows. BTW, Sue Perkins was the female host of The Supersizers.
I loved that show, but for some reason it wasn’t rating well enough so they bumped it back to late night. I must remember to set the PVR for it. Sue Perkins is great, and even better is Richard Osman, from Pointless (another favourite show of mine). His dry humour is crazy.
Oh yeah, Fijane. He was so good last night. A very relaxed, easy style of humour which I love. Real wit.
Sue also did GBBO and that show where people pretend it’s a different era and live in a period house and eat the food of the time. There was one era where she said the upper class never drank water, so She was sozzled from drinking only wine
I’ve had a hilarious ad for a baldness cure called “Nut Job”.
(PS I have all my hair and haven’t been surfing for miracle cures)
Own my own home. I do. It’s a bit like your obsolete baldness ad. Next I might get a singles ad.
It must be forty years since I bought some brown shoes. Yet still the ads come at me.
“Brown Shoes Don’t Make It” ~ Frank Zappa.
These gice have me pegged for a baldy who’d wear brown shoes. No cigar.
I’m feeling left out. I see no ads! oh, oops. might be running an ad blocker. oops.
I thought the modern trend for guys was to NOT have hairy nuts. But then I haven’t “dated” since the 70s.
WHAAATTT??? Ijust got an ad….Why men leave good women. What has Woolif been searching? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
These guys have me pegged for a good woman.
There is something wrong with some of the algorithms.
I was in the market for a couch. Found it. Bought it. How do I tell someone that I won’t be buying another one for another 10 years.
Stop. Now.
I’m only getting ads for things I’ve already looked at on eBay and Amazon and HobbyLinkJapan.
How much of a judgement is it if even a computer algorithm thinks that you’re boring?
Wait, now there’s an ad for magnetic eye-lashes.
That was unexpected.
They only work if your eyeballs are metal.
MKR house fuss https://www.realestate.com.au/news/mansion-locked-in-a-food-fight/?utm_source=outbrain&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Outbrain_cpc_Newsandadvicemobile&utm_content=Neighbours+want+filming+to+stop+at+MKR+house+-+realestate.com.au&utm_term=news.com.au
In other MKR news, Aly and Matt had their baby recently. All healthy.
We played board games after family dinner last night? Dixit was one and Codenames the other. I highly recommend them. They are very differenet from the usual board game.
Oh and we made bahn mi for dinner. Iron chef made barbeque pork with a coleslaw filling and I made prawns with cocktail sauce and lettuce for filling. We used the long Vietnamese rolls with the crisp outer ‘shell’.
Lemon meringue pie for sweets.
PS. All ages can join in on Dixit, although Mister 5 had help.
I’ve played Dixit, and I agree, it’s a fabulous game. It is tricky, though, particularly when you’re the active player and you’re trying to pick a card that isn’t bleedingly obvious. I always struggle with that, but I do like the game.
I’ve also played Codenames, and I agree, that’s a great one as well. There’s actually 3 versions of Codenames, and one of them is an adults-only version (which is just an avalanche of Benny Hill-esque sexual one-liners), but it was very funny.
I’m a huge board games fan. I have a group of nerdy friends, and we often sit around and have board game days. One of my best friends started dating a new boyfriend, recently, and we decided to invite them both around for a night of board games, just to get to know him a bit better. He showed up expecting Scrabble and Monopoly, and we giggled a bit.
My favourites include Exploding Kittens (a card game, it’s hilarious), 7 Wonders (a lovely historical-themed game) and Ticket to Ride (a bit like Monopoly but with train journeys instead of houses). I also quite like Forbidden Island and Forbidden Desert … they’re adventure games, but you have to work together with the other players because the game is the fifth player and it’s trying to kill you. Those are good ones.
I like the sound of Forbidden Desert, Windsong.
My kids LOVE board games and I usually pass but I love these new style games.
I haven’t played Forbidden Island, but I’ve played Forbidden Desert (which was the sequel game) and I really enjoyed it. It was quite a tense game, and we almost lost (towards the end, we had to think quickly and creatively about how to avoid getting buried by a sandstorm), but we did manage to eek out a win and escape the desert. It’s easy to play (within one or two turns, you figure out what to do). Your Mister 5 might have a bit of trouble, 7 or 8 up should be fine.
The technical name is “co-operative” games, because you have to work together, you’re not competing. It’s a neat twist on the genre, if you’re looking for something interesting.
Gamewright is the company who makes the two Forbidden games. They also make Dragonwood and Sushi Go, and those are good as well (I really like Dragonwood).
We are huge board game players here. Sorry, make that we are huge fans of board game playing… or should that be board games are a huge favourite in this house?
Ticket to Ride is one of my personal favourites, but a friend just introduced us to Codenames and I love it. Word-based games are my best, but others like speed ones (eg Dutch Blitz) or numbers/general cards ones. One DS is particularly into the big “scenario” games where you have to create a world with a million little pieces representing resources etc. I find these games very long and complicated, but there is one called Stone Age, which is like a lighter, quicker version that we all enjoy.
Of course, all the old favourites come out regularly: Cluedo, Life, Risk, but almost never Monopoly. We did play Polyeconomy the other day, which is very dated because it is based around all the big companies of the eighties.
I will have to get hold of Dixit – I haven’t heard of that before.
The longer, complicated strategy games, I tend to take them on a case-by-case basis. Some of them are great, but too rules-heavy.
You probably wouldn’t like “7 Wonders” because an ancient world with lots of resources to collect, but I like it because it’s quick and there’s zero turn-taking (everyone plays all at the same time).
I played “Tokaido” recently (which is a board game version of a lovely holiday around the islands of Japan, where you’re shopping and sampling food and visiting temples and painting pictures), which I really like because there’s no dice, and the player order is a really interesting mechanic.
There’s another one I like, “Betrayal at the House on the Hill” which is a classic horror game. All these characters (archetypes from the genre) are exploring this house. But you build the house (picking up cards randomly) as you explore it. But eventually, one of the players gets cursed and starts trying to kill the others, so it becomes about survival. That’s rules-heavy, but I love the concept of it.
Interesting that you compare TTR to Monopoly – I haven’t ever seen it that way (not a big fan of Monopoly, or any game where you play till one player has eliminated everyone else and is left with all the money!).
When i was a kid, a friend had a game called the Pan Am World Jet Flight game. This is the one that TTR seems most like to me. The common feature is receiving “mission” cards, where you have to build a path (a train line, or a flight route) to achieve your mission. The key to TTR is that your train line will often conflict with someone else’s, and you are fighting to claim the route first.
Monopoly always ends in tears and takes soo long. Perhaps I would enjoy it more if it had a speed version. I used to love Trivial Pursuit but Mr Juz eventually refused to play me and my friends – journos are too good at knowing heaps of useless info. Ditto on Scattergories. We don’t use the proper game, just come up with our own categories.
There’s a card game. “Monopoly Deal”. It’s much cheaper than Monopoly, and although I haven’t played it, I’ve had many people recommend it to me. It’s Monopoly but faster and tenser.
Me, personally? I’m not even allowed to play Monopoly after the train station incident of 2004, but I miss it.
A lot of people’s board game experience is limited to Monopoly, and when I think about TTR, it’s about claiming spaces on the board before your opponents do. People are usually familiar with that gimmick.
Sounds like our place, Juz. I have trouble finding anyone to play TP anymore, and there are two people in the family that nobody will play monopoly with. I agree about Monopoly – can be fun, but usually too long and when one person dominates it is depressing. The kids like the version with the electronic money thing. Risk used to be like Monopoly, because the idea was to eliminate everyone, so all the eliminated players would go off and do something else – too boring to just watch. Then they invented the Missions version which is much more fun.
Just recently discovered 221B Baker Street, which is like Cluedo (in that you move around a board, visiting places to get clues) but it takes more brainwork to solve a mystery, with a Sherlock Holmes theme. Again, a game that is easier for the “humanities” type of player.
Prince Charles on MC? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5594457/Prince-Charles-appear-upcoming-MasterChef-season.html
“I grab back”!
What a wonderful way to celebrate the return of Ma$terchef to observe that Julie Goodwin has tried to dodge a booze bus and failed. DUI.
Can’t help if you’re driving around blind in a car with “Julie Goodwin” plastered all over it and then try and do a runner.
Will we see her on RBT soon? Extraordinary people.
Too much Grand Marnier in the crepe suzettes?
When I got pulled over in a booze bus blitz and was given my drug and alcohol test; passed the booz test (I don’t drink), then the lovely copper went to get the drug test, commenting, (of course you’ll be fine), I replied in shock, “Haven’t you seen Valley of the Dolls????” I’m a housewife so I don’t do drugs. Rookie mistake.
But he was right. No illegal ones.
This is something I never understood. If you drink too much, don’t drive… Is it so hard to call a fucking Uber and get home safe, I am sure she has enough money for that.
Maybe I am too strict with stuff like that but I grew up with a stepfather who was a drunk and caused accidents on the road. Thankfully he got arrested but before that, even when he lost his driver’s license, he still was driving around.
I also was with my dad once when he examined a car that was in an accident for the insurance (I visited my grandparents and on my way home we had a thunderstorm, so I biked to my dad’s workplace and wanted to wait). He always said it was the worst work day in his life. The car belonged to a girl, just about a year older than me who recently did her driver’s license. She drove home in the night after a party, no alcohol involved on her side, when a drunk dtiver lost control and smashed into her car, hers turned over and well, my dad gave me details and said it was better that she died 2 days later. That drunk bastard would have ruined her life. 🙁
My dad always told us, that if we are drunk, we should call him so he picks us up. And he always did, even though it was 3 am. But he said he is dropping us off at the police personally if he ever sees us arriving home with a car and being drunk…
I get mad at seeing ppl on their phone while driving. I think the only thing that will stop many ppl would be cars that blocked phone use.
Yuck, that as well. France is a perfect example for that. Bus drivers in Versailles often use their cell phones while driving their bus. One hand usually is busy holding the phone to their ear or writing a nessage on WhatsApp!
A lady was recently busted driving while eating a bowl of cereal. I do recall people boasting of having sex while driving but I have never seen it myself. Not allowed if you are still on P plates.
Julie should have offered the arresting officer her muffins.
“Would youse loik to try these tender , shhuicy breasts, offisher?”
It was probably after she offered some free cooking lessons to be let go that the cops decided how dangerous she is and to arrest her.
Juz, some of the “likes” I have pressed are restored when I return. I have to press all my likes again. Also I voted Keira on B in P and later she had no votes, but my vote option was used. That’s where the Ghost from Ghost Island has gone.
Are you sure you are not in The Matrix, Daisy? Or perhaps you’ve been Inceptioned? I will ask Mr Juz 😉
Oooo. I like stepping into The Twighlight Zone. Doo doo doo doo, doo doo doo dooo.
We are currently watching Mad Men. I must be the last cab off the rank.
It’s soo good! If you find it slow to start, do stick with it. I envy you being able to watch it all in one go, as I used to be on tenterhooks watching each season and then waiting a year, sometimes two for the next one
I think we have watched the first 6 series in 2 weeks. One more series to go.
Juz, we are up to the final season of Mad Men, and yes, I love marathons. I hate waiting on cliffhangers and we have been so soaked in Mad Men that we have Scotch on the rocks in our veins.
As for who I like and dislike, it changes as the characters are complex, but least favourite are now Paul and Betty. But Don’s a bastard too. I like Joanie, Megan and the blond guy in the office.
I never worked in an office and never wanted a promotion (teachers get pay rises on years experience), so I have never known the desperation for recognition that the characters suffer in this show.
I haven’t watched this either but will give it a go, based on recommendations.
I have a short attention span and I prefer a laugh these days. Unfortunately there’s a lack of good shows out there that fulfill this brief and I am bouncing around with 10 minutes here and there. Why does everyone want to wallow in misery at the moment. I haven’t watched The Handmaiden’s Tale but the little I’ve heard just makes me shudder.
Bobi, I watched one episide of HMT, maybe one and a bit and closed the book on it. Shudder is a good word for it. Subtle horror.
I read the book in college. I don’t remember much else. I don’t still have it, so I must’ve given it away at some point (I kept the ones I enjoyed).
Definitely a story that lines up with some current heavy socio-political issues, but it’s not my cup of tea as a viewing experience.
It does line up, doesn’t it. That’s what creeps me out. It is just unpleasant to watch.
I just finished watching Luther. Not realising the fourth season had only two episodes I was sad to realise that was it! I hear filming started two months ago on a new episode so hopefully that comes to Netflix soon. Bobi, shows I recommend for a laugh that are quick watches are The Good Place, Peep Show, The IT Crowd … umm … will think of more
I am a big, big, hoooge fan of The Good Place and The It Crowd.
I haven’t tried The Peep Show so will put this next on my list. The British are good at this sort of thing.
Had so many belly laughs from Peep Show and IT Crowd. Loved The Good Place.
Bobi, get ready to blush. Peep is really rude, but hilarious.
If you can find it, Saxonville is also very funny. And so is Help, set in a psych office.
Saxonville and Help are send ups with Steve Coogan. Some of his best work imo.
Nathan forYou is also very funny, if you like oddball, tongue in cheek, non pc humour. But it’s hard to get all of the seasons.
I might have also mention the Belgian tv series Tabular Rasa. I binged it from about 8.00pm to 3.00 am. I would rate it a 8.5 out of 10. Or even a 9/10.
Pig on Dr Phil today. 4 years is 25 years too short. DP would suit these mongrels, imo.
The audience should have booed him.
It’s that time of year again. The Dardanup art trail is on this week.
Jake broke his penis during some hectic, drunken sex with megan. At least that’s what the paper says😅
I just posted that on the last Bachidise thread. But only read it if you have a strong stomach
First celebrity crush. Davy Jones. I was 13 and in love.
He was adorable when he was young. ❤️
I don’t remember having celebrity crushes. I spent my formative years without television (or no television in a language I could understand) and by the time I got back to Australia i was beyond it.
In a similar vane, I didn’t understand the hysteria over the Beatles, although I did like music (without the attachment to the personalities).
I always felt like I missed out on something important and fun.
(Hanging head in shame) I never got in to the Beatles, then or now. I don’t mind Honey Pie. In my formative years, 13 to 14, I loved songs by Small Faces eg Lazy Sunday Afternoon, Kinks, Canned Heat, Merrily Rush’s Angel of the Morning, Canned Heat, George Baker’s Little Green Bag, TRex Ride a Wild Swan, Easy Beats, Diana Ross and the Supremes, to name a few.
What a wonderful vibrant era in music was that psychedelic period. I call it drug music.
Before that I was enjoying The Monkees and Herman’s Hermits or my parents albums; How do you solve a problem like Maria?
After that it was Joe Cocker, Leon Russell, Rodriguez, Jethro Tull and Aretha.
My first ever big concert was hubby taking me to see Fleetwood Mac in about 1977, or thereabouts. It was surreal.
Funny you should say Angel of the Morning – it’s the opening sequence to Deadpool. Takes me back.
My first concert was John English (he had a lot of stage presence) followed by Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs (not so much).
But my ‘thing’ was folk music. I really liked the crowd and I was a bit hippie.
Now I go to musicals: how we age.
I included folk/ country later in the late 60s early 70s. Then it wasthings like Cosby Stills Nash & Young, Seals and Crofts, Ozark Mountain Daredevils and Loggins and Messina. But you never lose your roots; your coming of age music.And I love lots of older music from the early days of black music.
I don’t like modern pop music, like Perry or Beyonce, or raw country like Dolly Parton.
This lady will be interviewed on ABC24 Breakfast this week. Don’t miss it. Sang for Pink Floyd, Small Faces et al. Tin Soldier. Immortal.
Happy Mother’s Day.
Now there’s a rabbit hole.
Thanks Dave, I will look out for it. And thanks. I had a great morning at Hello Summer at Koombana Bay.
Hey Daisy, I don’t mind some of the modern music but I don’t get the worship that goes along side.
I get that Beyoncé is a good entertainer and I wouldn’t mind going to one of her shows but this Queen Bee business is beyond me.
Her songs are repetitious (designed for dancing) and she’s a bit of a screamer.
And don’t get me started on Kanye. Can someone explain that to me? I keep hearing that he’s a genius but I am not sure why.
I feel so old.
I don’t get the genre R&B. I can hear the rhythm but where are the blues? It just sounds like boring bop to me. The day singers had to dance and be good looking was a sad day for music.
Video did kill the radio star. Mama Cass would have to sing back up for Michelle Philips.
Kanye’s a genius because he can cut and paste with a computer.
They say he can play an instrument, I’m not sold, howeva.
I’m greedy. I want people to think WA is crap so we can have it to ourselves.
I love it being underpopulated and backward but sadly the boom started in the late 80s. Still, it’s quiet where I live. Here is Woolif, enjoying the bay.
The waitress forgot his order so they gavd it to him for free. The cheese will kill him.
But it’s a delicious way to go.
Nom, nom, nom.
Even at 3.40, it’s still warm outside in our front yard today. It’s Woolif who does all of the gardening.