Dan and Gemma tonight face off against RnR at the My Kitchen Rules mansion. And with the judges and all the other teams as dinner guests, there is going to be 50% focus on RnR, 40% on the Plastics, Hadil and the Russians, 5% focus on Henry’s being badgered for a date and 5% on poor, nice, drama-free Gemma and Dan.
Gemma and Dan are the better cooks and most of Australia will be willing them to triumph – except the MKR execs, who will be planning to cast Roula in any other reality project they can.

Yeah, I’d be quite willing to put $20 on Roula and Rachel making it through, regardless of their cooking ability. Because awful people = ratings, or something.
Apparently someone has a go at one of the Vietnamese mothers. Gosh, is *everyone* in this season an asshole? Damn it, channel 7.
It seems that’s not until tomorrow, or the next day etc
I heard the promo for tonight episode. Rachael’s voice is really grating.
Hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel. Will see them gone soon
Roula looks like one of the ugly stepsisters from the Disney Cinderella cartoon.
Poor Kim has to go home because her sis is dying.
That’s sad.
Rachael/ Rachel isn’t folding the mousse, she is stirring it vigorously.
Were there 12 creme brulees on each tray? Is this the show where the team of chefs are copying the contestants to get all the dishes out?
Jesus. If Dan is making samosa like a dumpling, just roll them out and use a round cutter to cut to size.
Both are very simple menus.
Actually, there might have been 12 upon visual recollection.
I thought it should be 13. 11 for the teams and one each for Pete and Many. Again why no tester???
There were 14 – I rewound to check if there was water in the pan. First shot shows Gemma putting a tray in the bottom of the oven, there’s already a tray at the top – trays have no water. Then cut to the off camera “Colin flustered me” – then back in the kitchen and a shot of her putting in the second tray(again) with water this time.
May I say something about MKR in general? I hate the new format. This useless pitting of two groups – who are so different re cooking skills – is stupid. First of all because it makes you have to work or root for teams you may or may not like, but also because it makes the new elimination process super stupid. Instead of a group of chefs, now the teams get to judge each other. With both teams on the table, it’s clear that the scoring will be all fucked up to keep the own group safe. Biggest problem – and that goes for the IR-Round, too – is the imbalance between judges and contestants. With previous seasons you had 5 pairs at the table = 50 possible points, 60 from the judges. That means the judges could “overrule” unfair scoring with their points. Now you’ve got 70 against 60 in the IR rounds and 100(?) (how many pairs are at the table? I don’t even know!) in elimination house, which makes scoring totally random.
Plus it has become so obviously predictable. At the high tea challenge I told my husband: “Wait for it, R&R will be in the bottom, pitted against the boring in-laws and probably will stay.”
Uff, sorry for the confused rant. đ
Don’t apologize, Rhubarbara. This is why we are on this blog. To let steam out
Spot on, Rhubarbara
Itâs kind of refreshing to hear Rachael pronounce gnocchi correctly
“There’s an Italian-off at the table right now.” Teehee
Why are Dan and Gemma doing an Indian entree and main and a French dessert? Unless they are putting cardamom or an Indian-type twist on it?
Rachel is making chocolate mousse, obvs because their one from the Blue Mountains challenge worked sooo well. Hopefully they will add another disgusting liqueur to it. Is Henry wearing one of Manu’s cast off jackets? He’s got the blue Madras tablecloth thing going on.
Dan and Gemma can’t cook. Even if they manage to win tonight, they will go soon.
Why is Roula dressed like she is going to a square dance? Why is Dan putting fresh coriander in with his dried spice mix and toasting it off?
And again I ask “Why do we care?”
RnR are making bacon and mushroom arancini balls. They are making gnocchi via the controversial boiling potato method but defend it to Irishman Colin, who of course knows nothing about spuds.
Arancini with chilli mayonnaise (mayo? Why oh why?)
Gnocchi with tomato and basil sauce
After dinner mint
Dan n Gemma
Samosa with raita
Chicken tikka masala
Creme brulee
What’s the purpose of the little dollop of green cream
Made about as much sense as the chilli aioli.
Oh god, RnR are rapping. Kill me now. Visually, their arancini balls look good but they are massive. Poor Gemma looks awful as she presents the samosas. This is when people need to think smart and serve a cold entree that’s not so laborious, but it could be a case of submitting the menus months ago and having to stick with them. The Group 1 Italians say the girls have good balls, but then Group 1 sticks by RnR and Group 2 Dan and Gemma.
I had to hit ‘mute’. There’s only so much a person can take.
Dan and Gemma are just so much more likeable as people, so it’s a shame this is gonna turn out the way we can all predict.
Gemma: “My chest is collapsing.” Maybe she needs to see Jess and Emma’s plastic surgeon?
Meanwhile, one half of the Vietnamese mothers isn’t even here today.
DnG have not had time to marinate their chicken thighs for the curry. This does not bode well.
There is a God!!
Again Dan is not frying off his dry spices first before adding wet ingredients. I think they are going home. Gemma is having trouble with the wood oven and the naan so she switches to the oven. Rachel at least looks like she is following Nonna’s recipe with her gnocchi mixing technique. Pete tells the teams he has only eaten one good gnocchi in the comp in nine years.
I’ve only ever eaten risotto once, in my life, and I remember really not liking it at all. So I’m always baffled why that seems to be the go-to meal for any MKR team. Maybe I just had a bad one.
I wish Gemma would stop using cricket metaphors while she cooks. I literally can’t understand anything she’s saying.
Dan and Gemma try and cook a giant pot of rice with only 15 mins to go. Eventually they are forced to serve their curry with some small pieces of naan and no rice. After telling Roula they had plenty of time, Rachel runs out of time to blitz her soz. Group 1 says the gnocchi is good but the Russians says the soz was bad, and they are good judges of flavour.
RnR put green food dye in their cream for the dessert. It looks like a pot plant. The mousse looks super thick. DnGs brûlée gives the right toffee crack.
… was I having a hallucination, or did anyone else catch the ad for “Gordon Ramsay on Cocaine!”? Was that just a really weird moment for anyone else?
I’ve seen it. ****ing hell, as Gordon might say.
Because Hipster Hat and Italians Mk 2 won peioleâs Choice at the last challenges they get extra votes tonight
Italians No 2 give 5 to RnR and DnG 8 – both give same scores.
Hipster Hat RnR 6 DnG 7. Wife RnR 7 DnG 8. We see the other teams Talking scored but not who they are voting for.
DnG samosas Pete says pastry undercooked, texture not contrasting. Raita good. Manu – not enough filling 4 Pete 4
Tikka masala: Manu liked it. Bread not perfect but nice for dunking. Pete says their best dish thus far 8. Manu 8
Creme brûlée: Manu says not perfect but pretty close. Pete 8 Manu 8
Guest teams: 95/130. Total 135
Did anyone else find most of this episode kind of … pointless?
It seems like we spent an hour and a half discovering the obvious flaw of the Group One Versus Group Two premise, a flaw that should’ve been apparent weeks ago. Group One says nice things about the Group One team who cooked. Group Two says nice things about the Group Two team who cooked. Shock, gasp, horror.
What a pleasant surprise to see Roula and her attack dog punted when I switched over at the end of MAFS. Perhaps it’s safe to watch MKR again?
Perhaps. It was very satisfying to watch them leave.
Although it knocks out one of the major suspects for, “team who gets thrown out of the competition”, doesn’t it?
Perhaps Emma and friend are chucked out for giving too much lip….
That’d just be paying them lip service.
Arancini: Pete âbloody goodâ but chilli mayo no good. Should have done classic tomato soz. Manu 6 Pete 6
Gnocchi: Pete gnocchi âreally good, lightâ. Some uneven sizing. Soz not good. Manu says garlic and onion was raw 3. Pete 4.
After dinner mint: Manu âDense, bitter and sweetâ 2. Pete 2
Guests 71/130 Total 94.
DnG win. Thank god for that. What a shame MKR felt the need to edit the episode to cast such doubt on DnGâs food
Spartan tossed, MKR back on Sunday.
Really? Where’d you hear that?
There is a god! Did the premise of actually having the better cooks triumph actually eventuate???
So a few questions…
1. I’m going to whip up 2 huge bowls of green cream to only use 3 or 4 miniscule globs on each cup?
2. Did they waste all the budget on elimination house so can’t afford any proper judges anymore??? We did see MKR headquarters start of episode 1… is it officially gone?
3. Rachaels comment at the end about her being a nice person… perhaps she might’ve woken up and realised the Roula influence on her is not a good thing?
4. What did Roula actually do? Rachael made the dessert, Rachael made the gnocchi, Rachel mixed the rissotto balls… Roula made some raw sauce and an out of place mayonaisse (seriously for someone who claims to not eat fatty foods combining a rich fatty mayonaisse with deep fried food?)… me thinks we have a closet binge eater.
Wonder if we’re going to say an early goodbye to our vietnamese ladies due to the personal reason? could this pave way for a comeback kitchen where R & R return???
Tonightâs challenge looks interesting and will expose the weaker cooks
Yes. Gp 2 cooking. Weaker cooks will be Dan and Gemma and Military couple.
What a nice surprise that R&R were eliminated. I hope that there is no comeback kitchen.
Roula stated multiple times that she didn’t eat fried food but she fried the mushrooms and bacon and then deep fried the arancini.
Dan and Gemma should have cooked the rice in a pressure cooker.
Group 1 Italians mentioned their food truck a few times. Still don’t understand why they were cast on a supposedly amateur cooking competition but then that also goes for the Russians and Georgie & Alicia.
Didn’t get why Rachel stuck the dead greenery in the mousse. Sure didn’t help with the presentation. Along with the tiny green dollops of cream it looked stupid/silly.
Don’t like this Group 1 vs Group 2 season. Just go back to the regular judges and the faux blind tasting.
Well, that was unexpected, although I’m glad those two nasty pieces of work are gone.
I wasn’t watching when the other teams were scoring, but the final scores didn’t seem to jibe with comments made at the table.
During the scoring of Dan and Gemma’s entree I just wanted to slap the smug looks off RR’s faces ….. but their own scores for their main and dessert did it in a much better (and non violent)way. From the scores their food must have been pretty awful.
I don’t think Rachael’s Nonna would have been proud – not because of the food she prepared but rather her behaviour.
As for Roula’s future in television, you have to be at the very least an interesting villain to build a career from reality TV. Roula was not talented, interesting or likeable so I’m hoping she’s done her dash on our screens and her fifteen minutes have passed.
Was it only fifteen minutes? It seemed like years.
Given how long the season lasts, these days, it may well have been.