Blurb says: The weakest teams from each Group Challenge meet at Elimination House. Sudden Death pressure can’t kill the love in the kitchen, but the real pressure cooker is around the table.
So it’s Matt and Aly versus the Italians Mk1. Vote in the poll – I reckon the Italians have it as they are better at three-course dinners.

Now its really getting b##chy with Gp 1 vs Gp 2.
They have been told to just say nice things about their group mates.
The Russians are quite rude, speaking a different language at the table that nobody else understands.
So Suong was upset with the game play. Didnt Gp 1 also poo poo Gp 2 food?
In fact the scoring from Gp 1 is very strategic in their Instant Restaurant
I am watching Survivor instead so I can fast forward through the MKR drama
Matt and Aly’s main of lamb rack with parsnip purée sounded good until they said “with blueberry sauce”.
Why does Matt keep saying razz- berry?
Make sure you turn over to Googlebox when the ep is finished – they’re slagging off the MKR Medieval challenge
Ooops. Gogglebox!
For some reason I always forget that Gogglebox is on Thursdays. Then, when I’m planning my night’s tv , I get a pleasant surprise.
Gogglebox is an excellent palate cleanser after MKR.
There is not one team that I want to win MKR. Maybe only Henry and Anna or Kim and Suong. All the others can go bugger all.
Tonight Suong is taking it too personally. This show is scripted, sweetheart. Why didnt she get upset with Jess and Emma or R and R. They were very critical at the tables too.
Gp 2 did give bad critiques but score fairly.
Agree, I only “like” a couple of the teams. Too many teams can’t cook.
There is not one team that I want to win MKR. Maybe only Henry and Anna or Kim and Suong. All the others can go bugger all.
Tonight Suong is taking it too personally. This show is scripted, sweetheart. Why didnt she get upset with Jess and Emma or R and R. They were very critical at the tables too.
Gp 2 did give bad critiques but score fairly.
Oops!!! Sorry….. I don’t mean to put my views so strongly that I have to repeat myself.
That razz-berry dessert looks messy. The Italians lucked out when their badly piped chocolate is a fail. I am warming to Hipster Hat. His cooking has been consistent and his commentary is fair
Matt and Aly: parfait overcooked. P 3 M 3
Lamb good, soz weird. P 5 M 5
Choc fig cake: bad presentation. Too rich. Weird cream. M 4 P 3
Guests: 60/120
Total 84
Tripe: good texture says P 8. M says soz not so good 6
Tagliatelle: P loved it. 10. Soz a delight. M wanted more salt 9
Tiramisu: M good flavour but texture not the best 7. P says flavour muted. 7
Guests 94
Total 141 – more than double Matt and Aly
What’s the big lie they are talking about? Another lemon squeeze incident?
Yeah, it is probably going to be something as dumb as that. They’re scraping the bottom of the barrel for drama at this point. Suong getting really upset at not much at all, then a stare-down contest. This is high school all over again, faux drama that is basically just boring to those looking on.
Suong overreacted and Russians vs Plastics in a stare-off was too silly. Just cook, eat and score and forget the faux drama.
It was all very high-school, wasn’t it?
Did the brothers even cook/bake anything for dessert? I think they should have at least made the biscuits but they were store bought. At least they made their own pasta but the pasta dish wasn’t amazing and that was all they served, a bowl of pasta. Some bread on the side to soak up the sauce (although there wasn’t much of that) would have been nice.
So far the Italian boys are basically cooking very simple dishes. Not impressed.
At least Military couple try to do something more complicated but didnt get it right
Off topic, sorry. Can I have some positive thoughts sent this way for my dog, please.
He has a mystery lump that came up quite quickly. It was tested today, but we won’t get results before Monday. Thanks, gice.
Sure. Hoping for the best, Von.
Hope doggy will be fine.
Thanks for your good wishes, BDD and LP.
My good boy has cancer, the vet rang a while ago. We’re off to the specialists on Monday.
Apologies for bringing my personal bad news on to this fun blog. But it is helping me to stay calm by sharing the news, so that’s what I’m doing.
Oh Von, that’s terrible news.
Share away
I am sorry to hear that your dog has cancer. Hopefully the specialist can have some treatment for him.
So sorry about your dog. Hope that the cancer is treatable and sending positive thoughts your way.
My goodness juz…Only my ex says razz-berry. And now Matt. Could it be the remnants of a speech impediment untreated. My ex has always said a lot of words funny, then now our son has autism and speech delays.
But razz-berry was my number 1 wtf. Yes he has greek parents but he was born here in 1966. The other funny word is theatre. He says thee ay tar , like in some western.
The Russians are not successful villains because it is hard to understand what they are saying, all you get are some lopsided grimaces and pointed eye movements but the actual barbs are lost I think in the show contestants at the very least
Surprised the boys got such high scores, 5’s would have beaten the others. Though I felt Matt and Aly were generously given 4s rather than 2s as we have seen other teams get.
Contestants lift the kids on MKR
Nothing new. We already knew producers control the show
Here the text to the above.
FROM buying their own groceries to being encouraged to play characters, a string of current and former contestants have lifted the lid on some of My Kitchen Rules biggest secrets.
Across nine seasons, Channel 7’s reality cooking juggernaut has become known for its explosive recipe of a mix of drama, disaster, tears, tantrums, with good food and promising home cooks.
The Courier-Mail can reveal that one former contestant believes judges Pete Evans and Manu Feildel were instructed by producers to reshoot feedback on dishes, using harsher critiques.
The source said producers would sometimes call five-minute time outs after judges delivered their verdicts with contestants told to wait outside the room.
“Producers could be heard telling Pete and Manu to do it again but say the dishes were dry or unsatisfactory when the first judging had said it was fine,” they said.
The insider said one couple during their season had been instructed by producers to use curry powder but were then marked down for using it.
Another source revealed that contestants were each paid $1000 a week but that it was “a stretch” to get by as they needed to foot the bill for their groceries during practice out of that amount.
“It’s hard. We were spending up to $600 a week on food because you’re encouraged to cook as much as possible,” they said.
While others have claimed they were given scripts or storylines, The Courier-Mail’s sources said this wasn’t the case during their season, but they were “heavily, heavily prompted” by producers.
“We were pegged as nice guys so, if we said anything even a little bit bitchy, producers would say ‘that’s great, but can you try saying it this way’ and make it nicer,” the insider said.
“At the time you don’t realise it but there’s a character you’re going to be.”
Sources on this season’s production said that villains Roula and Rachael were actually “very nice girls” and well-liked among the group despite how they were portrayed on screen.
Former contestants also claim that they did not set up their own instant restaurants but were given the budget to design a theme, with Channel 7’s crew doing most of the heavy lifting to get it ready and style it before judges and guests arrived.
Others revealed that instant restaurants could take “up to 22 hours” to film.
“It depends how good you are (at cooking and filming) but shooting starts at 6 in the morning and some finished at midnight or 1am and others not until 4am,” they said.
They said some teams had courses ready “ahead of schedule” and those teams were told to take a break and relax before bringing them out, bringing into question the rush depicted on television.
Our insiders also said contestants were professionally styled by Seven’s wardrobe department, but one said that an issue in their season was that fittings were carried out ahead of filming and by the end of the instant restaurants, many of their clothes were too tight.
“It’s a lot of eating and a lot of drinking so you do get fatter,” they said.
Channel 7 did not return The Courier-Mail’s request for comment before this story went to print.
“It’s hard. We were spending up to $600 a week on food because you’re encouraged to cook as much as possible”
Well, you wanted to be a star.
The money would be better spent on cooking lessons or psychiatrists , surely.