MKR – Wed – Russians cook

Olga and Valeria hope to blow away their rivals at their Super Dinner Party, but some find their delicacies hard to swallow.
Don’t forget there is also MKR tomorrow night (Thurs) and – finally – they are in Kitchen HQ.



  1. I’m trying to work out how the Russians can live all the way out in Baulkham Hills and not drive – getting around would be a nightmare

  2. I just wish the Russians had been on a better TV show, because I find them quite charming in their own frosty way.

  3. Emily: “The ultimates have just been insane!”

    Yeah, there was the night everybody got food poisoning, the night somebody got hospitalised, the night Manu shoved liver down someone’s throat, and that’s not even going near the night when the Jordanians threatened to kill everybody.

    • Hey Windsong, hope you are feeling a little better. I can’t watch live tonight – can you or someone else please post a few lines about judges’ scoring? Ta

      • I’m in this until the end, tonight. Once they wheeled out the ox tongue, there was no going back.

  4. I hate the way the sisters are turning into whingeing game players at this late stage … ladies you are gawn

    • With 2 quite good entrees, the judges will score them well. Hopefully the judges scores will be more than 49

      • Yeah, I’ve suspected that they do this for a couple of seasons now.

        Purely for budget reasons. Imagine how much channel 7 was forking out for these ultimate instant restaurants if the teams just didn’t order one of the meals. That’s a lot of expensive ingredients gone to waste.

  5. We could have predicted that the bitchy comments would come from the top and bottom of the table simply because of the teams there.
    Emily reminding the viewers on the way in that they were on top made me want to puke and of course she would call the filling dry – she will score strategically to stay in top spot.
    The plastics are so rude about food they don’t like, I’m not a fan of offal but would choke it down rather than be rude to the cooks.

  6. “This dries the whole dish out.”

    It’s a tiny little cracker, Manu, roughly the size of your thumb. Shut the hell up.

  7. I’ll be glad to see the back of Jess and Emma and their histrionics.Faux vomiting over someone else’s meal is so rude and then the carry on about the soup that Pete thought was fabulous. Surely even with a bad rap for the tongue they have to beat a pitiful 49.

  8. The way Jess behave is so funny. If the soup is so shitty and then the judge said is so good, it does make you look shitty.

    I do eat pig’s tongue but I dont eat beef so I wouldn’t have ordered the ox tongue. Then I wouldn’t order the soup either-it have other meat I don’t eat!!! 😁😁

    • I think I would’ve passed on the tongue dinner. I’m adventurous, food-wise, but I’ve got limits.

      Although I did appreciate the comedy as all the other teams struggled to deal with it.

      The other meals mostly looked pretty amazing. I loved the entree that was the little pastry dish, and the dessert (that was the log house)? That looked divine.

      • Windsong my point is not that they had difficulty facing it, it was the rudeness of Jess and Emma about it and they weren’t even eating it. I thought even Jazzy was able to convey how confronting it was without fake vomiting.

  9. Because it’s the final round, of course, they’re doing this the wrong way around. If Manu mentions that darn cracker again, I’m gonna throw something at the TV.

    Entree, 8 and 10 (Pete loved the entree).
    Mains, 5 (wow, Manu really hated the cracker) and 10 (Pete’s on a roll).
    Dessert, 8 and 10 (this 10 came from Manu).

    Guest teams, 36 out of 60.

    Which is a total score of 87, which sees Jess and Emma heading home. The gut-wrenching emotion was so overwhelming that Emma almost had a facial expression from the sheer torment of it.

  10. 51 from the judges – they didn’t need the team score. Second on the leader board, I thought channel 7 were having us on because the judges comments were at odds with the negative comments from Jess and Emma and we really didn’t hear from anyone else.

  11. Yes, judges score – 51. Don’t need the teams scores to send Jess and Emma home

  12. I feel like Jess and Emma got a little bit of context, towards the end, that helped humanise them a little. Vain and maybe a bit catty, but harmless really (I mean, the real venom this year came from the Jordanian girls). I’m sure they’d throw a lovely dinner party if push came to shove.

    And I did love that their closing montage was played over, “Heaven Must Be Missin’ An Angel”.

    Finals start tomorrow. Gosh, it’s almost May. This has been the longest season ever. Maybe they’ll wrap things up by Christmas?

    • Some of those pastries look ridiculously appetising and I want two of everything. I could lie, but no, all for me.

    • Yum, yum, yum! I made a bird’s milk cake once, it is quite delicious, a bit like a cake filled with panna cotta. 😉
      And mhmmm, the cake has cherries in it. I love cherries, I am always looking forward to summer time and then buy tons of cherries. Still a couple of months here until we get the nice, rich cherries though. 🙁 Then we also get peaches and nectarines again. I CANNOT WAIT….

  13. I think I would eat the soup, not the tongue. I love how jazzy said “they didn’t bother cutting it up they just slapped it on the plate innit “. By the way, she said “ innit” twice tonight. Don’t know where to put the punctuation, in’nit.

  14. Mkr on a Thursday night is a bit of a chore really. I like having one night to organise things

  15. After sleeping and thinking about it if someone put the tongue dinner in front of me but didn’t tell me what it was I probably would have eaten it and enjoyed it. It’s just seeing the preparation and how big and thick it was🤮

  16. I am glad the Plastic Biotches are gone. They behaved horribly. The faux retching was just too much. What did each team score the Russians? That wasn’t shown or did I miss it somehow.
    It’s hard to believe that most of the teams remaining are from Group 1. Group 2 were the overall better cooks.
    I do hope that the final 2 teams will be Russians vs Henry and Anna but I have a feeling that the powers that be will make it a Group 1 team vs a Group 2 team. Sadly I think Mr. and Mrs. Hat will be in the finals. I hope it’s not them and also not the Italians. I find them whiny and I didn’t think their ultimate restaurant menu was ultimate worthy. It was boring. Jazzy and Stella are not good cooks, IMO, and shouldn’t have even moved on to this round. If they have to choose a Group 1 team to be in the finals would prefer that it be Kim and Suong.

    • Henry and Anna were specifically conscripted to be on this season, and I’ve had a weird feeling for months that, that fact will count against them towards the end. Like, it’ll look bad if they win (although I think we’d all be pretty happy with that outcome).

      But I’m with you, I’m looking at the waitresses and the Italian boys and just wondering, what are you doing here?

    • Same here. Rather have Kim and Suong from Gp 1 in the final. But the promo showed them losing the plot in one of the challenges to get into semi final.

      Ideal finally will be between Henry and Anna against O&V. Then I am happy if either team win.

      • Kim and Suong have faced health and family issues, plus they aren’t as much of a team in the kitchen as Henry and Anna and the Russians. Hipster could possibly win with a calmer partner

    • Tassie vs Russia for me too. I have no idea who is Grp 1 or Grp 2 at this stage… so loooong ago.

  17. Now we know where Jess and Emma got their bad attitude from. Their mother. She was busy on Facebook attacking the posters that made negative comments on J&E

  18. I used to take ox tongue sandwiches to primary school as a kid.
    German dad who worked as a butcher.
    Needless to say my friends thought I was a little odd!
    I liked it though. Glad O and V are still in the comp.

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